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Radio 4 report on gas attacks

Mr. Grumpy

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Being transmitted now! Report on nitrogen gas attacks in France right now on PM. Very interesting as a Doctor has been robbed and the French Police believe nitrogen was used to partly suffocate the victims and put them into a light coma. They report 14 such attacks during the past few weeks.
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Just had a look on Google. The first 20-odd hits were for sales of gas detection gadgets. I lost interest in counting after two pages, but had a quick look on page 20, and guess what ..... still going strong!


Could I be cynical in wondering if this has any significance!!




P.S. The nitrogen scare is a shot in the foot for the detection gadget market. How do you "detect" a gas which makes up about 80% of the air we breathe?

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Nitrogen is non flammable and non toxic in normal concentrations. In excessive concentrations it could be an asphyxiate, in other words you suffocate because of lack of oxygen. But how do the burglars carry sufficient Nitrogen to render the occupants of a motorhome into a partial coma? Sorry, I still don't believe it.



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I think it's very irresponsible of the media to scarmonger like this without any concrete facts to confirm their allegations.



(Michele, J9 is after Dave so you'd better leave off and stick to Howie ... J9 knows an ex-gangster from down your way). 8-) :D

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Nitrogen occupies 78.1% by volume of the Earth's atmosphere, we breath it every day. We would all die without it.


The police probably meant Nitrous Oxide.


Being a Doctor he was probably filling the van with 'laughing gas' to give himself a happy time amongst wonderfull surroundings of France.


So happy in fact that he then decided to give away several of his possessions

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Nitrous Oxide. " Now thats a laugh!"


Usefull if you are very very pregnant and its hurting a bit I guess.


I am still waiting for the first report of a van exploding when the intended burgaller squirted the supposed gas into the fridge vent as has been suggested. Also the report from the local A&E of a man with Panda eyes and no hair!





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Guest JudgeMental
davenewell@home - 2007-08-17 10:24 PM


Remember that fridge running on gas?




Yes, but aren't the working bits of a fridge sealed to the interior and vented to the exterior?


That’s why I have never believed (as often quoted) that gas can be feed through fridge vents - in all likelihood it would explode in perpetrators face...


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JudgeMental - 2007-08-18 4:42 AM


davenewell@home - 2007-08-17 10:24 PM


Remember that fridge running on gas?




Yes, but aren't the working bits of a fridge sealed to the interior and vented to the exterior?


That’s why I have never believed (as often quoted) that gas can be feed through fridge vents - in all likelihood it would explode in perpetrators face...


Well yes Eddie they're supposed to be but many aren't very well sealed from the interior. The suggestion that they're now using nitrogen I find ridiculous, the thought of them using Nitrous Oxide is laughable :D



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On BBC Southern last night (Friday) a couple from Swindon claimed that they had been gassed and then robbed in their motorhome whilst in France.

This may be the same couple as in the radio report. It was suggested that the thieves entered via the rooflight, but they were not sure.


Well before the interview was aired I sent the BBC the address of this forum referring to the Gas attacks thread and specifically to the letter from the Royal College of Anestatists.

BBC replied but after the interview had been featured.


I am still not convinced - thefts yes, gas doubtful.


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davenewell@home - 2007-08-17 7:56 PM


Nitrogen is non flammable and non toxic in normal concentrations. In excessive concentrations it could be an asphyxiate, in other words you suffocate because of lack of oxygen. But how do the burglars carry sufficient Nitrogen to render the occupants of a motorhome into a partial coma? Sorry, I still don't believe it.


I agree with Dave. I will not accept that these 'things' happen! Not on the strenght of the current evidence, anyway


Regards, Mike.

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All they said was that they would pass the information on to their producers in case the subject came up again.


Perhaps the BBC should do some serious research into the subject, make a programme and publish the results.

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J9withdogs - 2007-08-18 10:56 AM


May be a daft question - but has anyone other than motorhomers been gassed?


Surely there are caravanners who stop-over in lay-bys and aires.


Not a daft question at all Janine. I've had a quick browse courtesy of Mr Google and can find no reference to a caravan having been the target of a gassing. (I don't know what's in the papers as I never read them - always too full of doom, gloom and negativity and mostly quite untrustworthy.)


Maybe a few others would also like to look and see if they can find anything. Like you, I simply don't believe that even a French or Spanish low-life would be as picky as that. If there are no references to caravans it further adds to the view that the whole thing is a load of spheroids!

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For Gods' sake people think about it.


Surely you would need a tanker load of the stuff to even begin to fill a motorhome! Doesn't anybody question where, and how do these people afford to buy enough gas to carry out these "attacks". With anti terror laws these days the manufacturers of the gas would have to inform the police of any large scale orders for cylinders of any noxious gases.


Any decent robber worth his sentence would work out the cost of gas versus the amount of valuables in a motorhome. Add in the possibility of detection and jail time and there would be no earthly reason to use gas when you could just unclip the PLASTIC window locks with a piece of wire and you're in.


Hang on though, perhaps it's Elvis doing this along with his side kick Lord Lucan, then they escape on Shergar!! You just never know!! (lol)

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Old Git - 2007-08-18 6:57 PM


J9withdogs - 2007-08-18 10:56 AM


May be a daft question - but has anyone other than motorhomers been gassed?


Surely there are caravanners who stop-over in lay-bys and aires.


Not a daft question at all Janine. I've had a quick browse courtesy of Mr Google and can find no reference to a caravan having been the target of a gassing. (I don't know what's in the papers as I never read them - always too full of doom, gloom and negativity and mostly quite untrustworthy.)


Maybe a few others would also like to look and see if they can find anything. Like you, I simply don't believe that even a French or Spanish low-life would be as picky as that. If there are no references to caravans it further adds to the view that the whole thing is a load of spheroids!


............and don't lorry drivers sleeping in their cabs have a much more valuable cargo??



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