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parking on a slope


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hi all, as our house is split level where our mh was kept i could see the roof of it from my lounge. i noticed rain wasnt running of the roof in all areas and a puddle would form, this creating a dirty possable damp patch. i have now moved the mh to park it on a slope. can anyone see any problems arising leaving it on the slope long.



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'Slope-parking' is standard practice to avoid water pooling on a motorhome's roof. I was advised by the dealer who sold me my first 'van to check whether water collected and put something under the appropriate wheels if it did.


With my current vehicle I use 3 paving-slabs per front wheel. 2 slabs are positioned in line astern and the 3rd sits on the slab farthest away from the motorhome's front. I drive the motorhome on to the rearmost lower slabs (which raises the front wheels sufficiently for rain-water to run off the back of the 'van) and the higher front slab stops the vehicle from hitting what's in front of it (the wooden enclosure round a heating-oil tank).

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....... though derick U forgot to mention that if you parks it like that for too long then the coachbuilt body will adopt that shape eventually. if this appens you will then need to park it on the flat for your water to drain off. also looks a bt funny on the road. probably a bit difficult to sell as people will think your suspension as ad it.


fred (i is back)!


PS dont appliy to vans

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