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Loo Bowl full

Fetch  Carry

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After a recent journey went to use the loo and noticed the bathroom floor was wet, lifted the toilet lid and the bowl was full of water, 12v wasn't turned on, so somehow the bowl has filled while travelling.


There was some steep hills, so not sure if the water could have got in because of that.


Any ideas?


Toilet is Thetford Bench type C3? with Electric Flush.

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There must be a value or vacume seal somethings wrong because it shouldn't of happened .

When its full the water level in the tank is higher than the value outlet sounds like the values sticking and it has allowed the water to empty until it reaches the same hight..

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Does the loo have a seperate header tank ? If it does read no further !


If water is fed from the main tank, could the bowl have filled (but you not notice it) when you used the taps. I,e the taps running = water pressure = water bypassing a check valve and then filling the loo ?



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Did you by any chance fill the flush tank before the start of your journey? I have noticed that, because the fluid level in the tank is higher than the bowl, it can syphon out. Sharp corners, taken at "speed", can exacerbate the problem. Once the syphonic action has started, it will continue until the fluid levels are equal. It is easy to overfill the flush tank if the 'van is sloping away from you when you fill the tank.



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Had same thing in earliest days of motohoming.

Vehicle had been little used for 18 months, then I bought it.

Went on shake down test, and found loo pump had stuck on switch, which enabled continuous water flow. Luckily it was only clean water. Toilet compartment cill kept the overflow from entering habitation area.

All that was needed was a few on/off switching actions to rejuvenate the switch memory.

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Fetch & Carry:


As I expect you are aware, a Thetford C3's flush-water comes from the motorhome's main fresh-water tank. So all that happens when you press the flush-control on the toilet's top surface is that the motorhome's main water-pump is triggered, sending water from the main tank to the toilet-bowl.


I think Michele may be on the right track - that the valve in the toilet that will normally be tight-shut until the flush-control 'knob' is pressed isn't closing completely. This might not matter normally, when the motorhome is roughly level, but it might be possible, with a full fresh-water tank and the vehicle being on a very steep hill, that water might be able to move naturally through your Hymer's submerged water-pump, through the water hoses and into the toilet-bowl. The problem doesn't sound in any way electrical, otherwise you'd have had a flood in bathroom, not just a wet floor.


Just a guess really - you may need to get the thing to repeat its antics while under supervision, though persuading someone to peer into a toilet-bowl while you drive up and down steep hills may prove difficult!

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Derek, Yeah think you and Michelle could be correct. There were some steep and quite long hills involved in the journey and the watertank was just over half full as the CL we were stopping on has a tap in the pub carpark so no always easy to get at.


To be honest looking at the length of the hoses to the bathroom from the tank it could just be the water within them that ended up in the bowl.


It only happened on the way there, and has not happened before but we usually only have a few litres in the tank when going that way.


Will have to have a fiddle and keep monitoring and see if it happens again.


Thanks for the reply's

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