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Which Other Forums?


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There are loads of forums out there in the www world and most are good. Many have a slant or angle.........ukcampsite should change its name to francecampsite.......I saw a post on there awhile back when someone had the cheek to say they did not like the French......called a bigot, troll and worse, but and the majority of sites are friendly.


MHF?............18.000+ members and growing all got it wrong?



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detourer - 2007-08-25 9:36 PM


MHF?............18.000+ members and growing all got it wrong?




Unfortunately stats can be very misleading, anyone looking at that site that registers then decides not to take up still stay registered, I am still registered on there but I don't use it or class myself as a member as I asked for my account to be removed, it hasn't. This also includes any dodgy individuals that sign up just to post malicious posts.

Other sites such as http://www.motorhometoday.co.uk remove these from their statistics so although they have nearly 2000 sign ups the statistics show under 1000. Proportionally make of that what you will.



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Why all the bother? [other than by those who had and still have and axe to grind].


All motorhome forums and motorhome sites are just that. If you are on here you then have acess to others. It takes no time to see which sites, no matter the numbers of members or subscribers, are ative, dead or dying. Some sites [see the "break-away" ones] have the activity of victorian graveyard!


Just took a look.........At the moment.


Motorhomefacts.............Sat TV, Electric Bikes, Vehicle Tec, Tours Comments from suppliers and manufactures [the only site].


Out and about..........About the same as the above.


RVFulltiming.........All things RV and more


UK Camping..........All things French plus a bit


Pratical Caravan/Motorhome.......Don't hold your breath.


Like I say, unless you have an axe that need sharpening just look around



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detourer - 2007-08-26 4:44 PM


Why all the bother? [other than by those who had and still have and axe to grind].




Hi detourer,


I don't think there is any bother or that anyone 'has an axe to grind'. The comments made are totally valid i.e The origional poster asked for FREE forums and it was pointed out that the one mentioned wasn't and any further comment were correcting the misinformation that ANY forum stats are inaccurate to say the least if the forum manager doesn't carry out housekeeping properly for whatever reason.

You have also made comment that it is the only forum to have manufacturer involvement, that is also inaccurate.

It seems to me that some members of that forum have some reason to feel protective towards it, don't know why, but it certainly clouds things. IMO.



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Just toook a look at the activity on 5 sites


MHF 294 on line

MHF 15 on line

RVF 3 on line

MHT 5 on line


this forum, no idea as the are not revealed, or I haven't found them.


That is what I meant by ONLINE stats Bas, not member numbers. I suppose it is possible to adjust these as well but looking at the posting activity it appears to align with the above, MHF being the more active.




ps you can count them up on here and I make it 16?

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Hi Peedee,


Totally accept what you say re online stats, though my reference was to the quote at the start of my post. One thing though, quantity doesn't neccessarily give quality, that is the main reason for using this forum.



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Used to be a subscriber to MHF.


Got fed upwith the constant moans and groans and the trivia posting eg "Last person to post....." and the most recent "Early birds"


It actually called the pay for a moan forum.


Much prefer this forum as it is technically superior although its odd diversions can make it very different.


Its the posters that provide the quality to this forum and long may it continue.

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sshortcircuit - 2007-08-28 8:18 PM


Used to be a subscriber to MHF.


Got fed upwith the constant moans and groans and the trivia posting eg "Last person to post....." and the most recent "Early birds"


It actually called the pay for a moan forum.


Much prefer this forum as it is technically superior although its odd diversions can make it very different.


Its the posters that provide the quality to this forum and long may it continue.

very nicely put ;-)
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sshortcircuit - 2007-08-28 8:18 PM


Used to be a subscriber to MHF.


Got fed upwith the constant moans and groans and the trivia posting eg "Last person to post....." and the most recent "Early birds"




Meaning.................Not so different from MHF then............





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"Meaning.................Not so different from MHF then............ "


Please explain as Im not into codes.


I gave my opinion as to why I left based on how I found the forum. Others may like a couthy type forum, however I prefer the quality and more factual views given on this forum

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Derek Uzzell - 2007-08-29 9:06 AM


Who cares? I'm now thoroughly bored, so I've decided to take a 'no further motorhome forum participation' sabbatical until Xmas, by which time my enthusiasm might become rekindled. Au Revoir, ladies and gentlemen.


Oh well we were warned!

Its threads like this that really do belong in chatterbox people can protest all they like but it would be far easier after all isn't this exactly what chatterbox was designed for.

In that sense then detourer when you looked in there may be something of interest to you and not the usual drivel of the last & the first .

People who moan should try it sometime then we would get to keep our regular people who do know what they are talking about and are always of assistance to others instead of sitting on the sidelines reading with no imput ....I,m sure you all get my drift Sadly our loss

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So all it really needs on MHF is to take the "Off Topic" off the Home page.

I am like detourer and rarely read it, with over 200 messages a day you just have to stick to what interests you. Even on the less busy sites like this one I am pretty selective as to what I read and even more selective in my responses.


There just ain't enough hours in the day ;-)



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sorry forgive my ignorance I know not what you talk about I do not use the other Forums.


all I am trying to say is Chatterbox is there for chatter people shouldn't call it drivel its not drivel to everyone each to their own like.


I try to stay off the M/H section unless I have a serious question as I dont like to get in your lots way by that I mean I dont want to spoil it for all you guy's and girls who have a serious question to ask with my chatter I do try and help when I can .


If more people followed the rules then we wouldn't have serious old timers getting fed up .I mean all of the above could of been discussed in Chatterbox and then detourer may not of said what he said .

about it being *-) have you looked in chatterbox lately ?


I think chatterbox is now getting more serious questions and this not so ..

probably I have done a bad job a getting my point over as usual .

I hope not .



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Derek Uzzell - 2007-08-29 9:06 AM Who cares? I'm now thoroughly bored, so I've decided to take a 'no further motorhome forum participation' sabbatical until Xmas, by which time my enthusiasm might become rekindled. Au Revoir, ladies and gentlemen.

That's a great pity as you are one of the more helpful and knowledgeable ones on this site. I don't recollect you contributing any nonsense but just good advice that newbies like me find very useful.

I would urge you to reconsider.

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94deg here in Malaga [near]......must be effecting my brain cells......serious loss of plot.......but I am sure you [whoever] a right [whatever]..... :-S


If we had trains here I would go and count engine numbers and wheels for stimulation (lol).


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detourer - 2007-08-29 4:29 PM


94deg here in Malaga [near]......must be effecting my brain cells......serious loss of plot.......but I am sure you [whoever] a right [whatever]..... :-S


If we had trains here I would go and count engine numbers and wheels for stimulation (lol).



So what do you do in the real world Ray?


I've just landed back in the UK after a couple of months in Spain - was getting a bit hot out there in more than one respect ;-)

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BGD - 2007-08-25 1:29 PM


Jana - I think you may have meant to type:






Lol I did mean to type that exactly but I didn't edit it within 30 minutes so just had to leave myself looking silly.



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