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Van security - AutoSleeper Executive


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I'm a newbie so go easy on me!


I recently acquired an AutoSleeper Executive 2004 and am concerned about security from break-in/theft. To be honest I don't know what this van comes with in terms of security.....all I know is that it has central locking.....I have a few questions:


1. What is it likely to have in terms of alarm/immobiliser?

2. How can I establish what it has…..from the documentation nothing is mentioned hence I assume it has nothing.

3. Has anyone got any thoughts (recommendation to do or not to do) regarding security systems, immobilisers, alarms, deadlocks etc.


The above has been partly bought about by the recent stories about gas attacks…..I don’t buy into the gas attack theory but it does seem that many ‘vans get broken into and I want to secure myself as best as possible.


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Rayjsj - 2007-08-20 9:37 PM


Do a search on 'Security' there have been lots of threads about it,lots of great info and tips. good luck :D


Doh! :$


Oh yes, you can tell i'm a newbie!


Yup some good threads in that search, that should keep me busy for a while.


Thanks to you both.

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Your Peugeot base vehicle comes with a very effective factory fitted immobiliser, so all you need is an alarm activated by any door or the bonnet being opened, plus some means (infra red or ultra sonic) of activating the alarm with a movement detector in the 'van. Also, you need to be able to activate the alarm yourself, if you are in the 'van - a so called panic alarm. One other thing to think about with the Peugeot base vehicle is the problem that, if someone steals your fuel cap, they can get a key made to fit it, which will then also fit your ignition. A number of 'vans have been reported stolen in this way. Search this site using Peugeot key for more details and ways round the problem.



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Have you checked what your insurance company requires you to have first? They may need a tracker, or a Cat 1 immobiliser etc so best to find out what's needed first.


We have an alarm which we can set normally when we vacate the van taking the dogs with us, or when leaving the dogs in the van we can turn off the internal sensors and just leave the perimiter sensors on. It is also a Cat 1 alarm so the insurance company are happy - they wouldn't cover it for theft until it was fitted! We were going to see Dave N but couldn't co-ordinate to get it down to him so the dealer sorted it out with a local chap and they price matched Dave's price - saved us quite a few bob in the process!


We take precautions such as trying to make sure we don't leave anything of value or 'interesting' to theives on view when we're out of the van and pulling up the blinds if necessary. When we're in the van we don't worry unduly ... anyone even walking past our van would soon be heard by our dogs and one of them has a really good growly and threatening bark on her!



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I run a caravan but have now fitted a inferred, is that the correct spelling, system fitted to cover my Awning and something else. Very effective, it is I believe the same system as used in opentop cars.
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davenewell@home - 2007-08-23 5:31 AM


Syd, I think you mean infra red but microwave sensors are more suitable for open top cars.




Thanks Dave.

I realise now that my post may have been misleading because it reads as though I have fitted this security system myself but I didn't as I had it done for me by a professional company.

Checking now to see just what I have got fitted.

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