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Which 'Euro' is your Engine ?


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I have just read the article by Andy Stotheart's daughter in this months MMM, its all about Ken Livingstone's new LEZ (london emission zone),and very good it is too ! It brings up some intresting questions about dates that Motorhomes are registered 'new', which brand of 'Euro' their engine is (something that didn't bother me,but probably will in the future) and how it's going to effect US. It's no good just saying 'doesn't affect me,why should I bother' because it WILL affect ALL of us one day.

It will affect anyone who lives in London (anywhere inside the M25) AND who owns a 4 year old Motohome in just 2 years. Effectively forcing them to sell it (probably at a 'Tainted' low price.

And if it works (makes money) then expect it to 'roll out' to a Town near you soon. SO which Euro is YOUR engine. Read the article ! >:-)

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Rayjsj - 2007-08-20 9:32 PM


I have just read the article by Andy Stotheart's daughter in this months MMM, its all about Ken Livingstone's new LEZ (london emission zone),and very good it is too ! It brings up some intresting questions about dates that Motorhomes are registered 'new', which brand of 'Euro' their engine is (something that didn't bother me,but probably will in the future) and how it's going to effect US. It's no good just saying 'doesn't affect me,why should I bother' because it WILL affect ALL of us one day.

It will affect anyone who lives in London (anywhere inside the M25) AND who owns a 4 year old Motohome in just 2 years. Effectively forcing them to sell it (probably at a 'Tainted' low price.

And if it works (makes money) then expect it to 'roll out' to a Town near you soon. SO which Euro is YOUR engine. Read the article ! >:-)

i agree if it works in london, will it become the euro standard
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It already is, it's an EU directive!! It's just that Red Ken has jumped in with both feet and a punitive rate whereas other European cities, such as the German ones, they call it the 'Umwelt' (? spelling) charge are more acceptable in terms of €10 per day!




P.S. There has already been lots of discussion on this forum see the threads London LEZ for instance.

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Rayjsj - 2007-08-20 9:32 PM


..... who owns a 4 year old Motohome in just 2 years. Effectively forcing them to sell it (probably at a 'Tainted' low price.


I've said it before, I'll say it again .....


This, in my book, is creating obsolence - and how is that going to help global warming (?)



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hi could not agree more as i said in another post i only saw a few m/homes in london in a week why include them at all ,does he expect a sudden influx to invade and want to park up in hyde park, now theres a thought..pagey ps did you have to start me off again
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Hi, Basil


I think you spoke sometime ago about the possibility of having a special exhaust fitted that would alter the Euro spec, if I am correct did you find any more about the possibility as my Ducato 2.8 JTD is Euro III and its OK until 2012 according to the LEZ web site, but I could be interested if it were possible to upgrade to Euro IV




Basil - 2007-08-21 1:04 PM


It already is, it's an EU directive!! It's just that Red Ken has jumped in with both feet and a punitive rate whereas other European cities, such as the German ones, they call it the 'Umwelt' (? spelling) charge are more acceptable in terms of €10 per day!




P.S. There has already been lots of discussion on this forum see the threads London LEZ for instance.

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Hi enodreven and all interested,


I have found there is a further (3rd) approved manufacturer called GAT Eurocat which is German and they list prices on their website. If I understand correctly (and they are not just standard replacements), as I don't converse in German for a 2.5 Boxer modified exhaust it appears to cost €790 (approx £500), still hefty but that is a much more acceptable price than the thousands that had been spoken of, equivelent to 5days Ken Tax.

All we have to do, for those that need it, is find out who installs them over here and how much 'Rip Off Britain' will up the cost!











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Hi All,


After reading the site further it also appears that the German Federal Government are allowing tax breaks for people to fit the modifying equipment (if I understand correctly).

Now that shows a realistic 'carrot' commitment as against Ken's 'stick'. Just goes to show the difference in various Government thinking!! >:-( >:-( >:-(


Anyone interested see






P.S. Someone now convince me we aren't getting 'Ripped Off' all round in this increasingly rotten country.

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Sorry just found this as well! Is anybody going to a coach and bus show at the NEC as they are exhibiting there and they have offered to speak to anyone attending about their products. It is listed on their site as


The Coach and Bus Live Show

NEC Birmingham

10. + 11. October 2007

Stand J80


Not sure if its a trade show or what, but anyone who might be going could find out better information perhaps!



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Hi, Basil


Thanks for the information, if I am around in October I may try and get to the show ?? I have also emailed the UK centre asking for information and a price for converting my Fiat 2.8 JTD from Euro III to a Euro IV I will let you know if get a reply


On another web based site I belong to a chap is talking about getting his diesel being converted to LPG I wonder if this would have any affect on the Euro emissions ratings and if it does would it be economical ??


Thanks again


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enodreven - 2007-08-23 9:05 AM


On another web based site I belong to a chap is talking about getting his diesel being converted to LPG I wonder if this would have any affect on the Euro emissions ratings and if it does would it be economical ??


Thanks again



Hi enodreven,


My understanding is that you cannot effectively totally convert a diesel engine to LPG, I stand to be corrected if this has moved on now, there always has to be a high diesel element to the fuel and the LPG is only a small proportion. So this would at best only improve the emmisions marginally.

Also if you read TfL site there are only the three approved convertors that will allow you to be excluded from the Tax.



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Hi, Basil


It would seem that that route would have perhaps more problems than the modified exhaust.


Do you think a email to Ken asking for him to help pay for the possible conversions would work ??






Basil - 2007-08-23 9:50 AM


enodreven - 2007-08-23 9:05 AM


On another web based site I belong to a chap is talking about getting his diesel being converted to LPG I wonder if this would have any affect on the Euro emissions ratings and if it does would it be economical ??


Thanks again



Hi enodreven,


My understanding is that you cannot effectively totally convert a diesel engine to LPG, I stand to be corrected if this has moved on now, there always has to be a high diesel element to the fuel and the LPG is only a small proportion. So this would at best only improve the emmisions marginally.

Also if you read TfL site there are only the three approved convertors that will allow you to be excluded from the Tax.



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enodreven - 2007-08-23 9:57 AM


Do you think a email to Ken asking for him to help pay for the possible conversions would work ??




That is in effect what the German government are in part doing, can't for the life of me understand why Ken wouldn't be so obligeing and help the same!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)

However we are so well treated over here, I suppose we shouldn't be to greedy, it may stop them paying to keep some phsyco teacher killing ar@@@@@@e in the manner to which he has become accustomed!! No wonder the emigration is at its highest since the 90's and most of us preffer to holiday abroad.





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