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Motorhome sealant


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I have recently purchased a Compass-bodied 1996 VW coachbuilt. As far as I can see there are no leaks, and a habitation test before I bought it supports this. However as the vehicle will be stored outside all year round, I am keen to reduce the risk of leaks. I was hoping to clean the existing sealant around the panels and place new (silicone) sealant on top of this. Would this be wise, and if ok are there any recommendations for one to use? I have been looking at marine-standard sealant on ebay but obviously don't want to use this if it will fall off or damage the sealant already in place. Many thanks for any advice. Chris.
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Not too sure about how 'wise' it is to start doing sealing jobs at this stage ,(Dealer Warranty and all that). But the stuff i always use is 'Sikaflex 512' it's great stuff. I got 6 tubes of of E-Bay for about half of the Dealer price, the drawback was that it has a limited 'Shelf life'!! and it's all supposed to be used by Nov. this Year !! don't think i'll make it,the old girl isn't THAT leaky ! It's REAL ShXX to a blanket stuff ! not to be confused with the brand of that name, and it stays flexible/waterproof etc, just look for the 'sell by' date. Good luck Ray :D
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