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Rear view cameras - legal or what?

Guest Sally Pepper

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Guest Sally Pepper

I'm pretty sure that reversing cameras are legal, but a Police friend of mine reckons that, technically speaking, using a TV screen in the front of a vehicle while in forward motion is actually illegal.


This obviously raises a question mark over the legality of 'full time' (as opposed to reversing) rear view cameras - yet these devices seem to becoming increasingly popular accessories and I understand are being offered as optional exttras by some manufacturers.


Can anybody else shed any light on what appears to be a bit of a grey area?



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I believe that every motor vehicle must have the appropriate number of mirrors. I believe it is an offence to have a TV set where it can be seen from the driver's seat. What can you mix and match from that?


Was it the 1958 Cadilac that had a TV screen INSTEAD of rear veiw mirrors?


To be pedantic.......how can "closed circuit" be Tele? If you see what I'm getting at?

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Hi Eagleyes

I posted the same question last october, if you search "reversing cameras" with my name it should come up.

I came to the conclusion that if everyone is using Sat nav screens then why not reverse view cameras. Relying on rear view mirrors alone, leaves a large area at the back of our vans out of sight. I take the view that it is a driving aid, especially when turning left and being able to see any motorbikes or cyclists.



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If you want to check road traffic legal niceties there's "The Encyclopaedia of Road Traffic Law and Practice", published by Sweet and Maxwell. This is continuously updated and a set of volumes is available in many city libraries.


In this case however, a simple GOOGLE-search of UK web-pages using keywords "vehicle tv legality" produced the following hit:




Happy with that?

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Thanks Derek,


That makes that perfectly clear then, as long as it is not for entertainment purposes it is perfectly legal. Mind you watching some of the displays of poor driving behind is quite entertaining sometimes, does that count? B-) B-) B-)


I did Google it myself when I changed ours from reversing only, to a full time setup but obviously not with your pinpoint accuracy, so have been in doubt as to the legality (the local police were not much help on this occasion but did suggest that so long as you were not recieving TV it should be ok).

Thanks again for clearing that one up.



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If the driver is distracted by the in car entertainment when it will be illegal.

A reversing camera or camera giving visual picture of the rear of the motorhome or any vehicle is an aid to driving and is there for safety reasons,

No CPS worth his salt would ever persue the fact through the courts as he stands the chance of loosing and they are measured on performance figures .

With a strong defence of road safety your prosecution would never reach the courts.



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When I had my rear view camera fitted the fitter who did the work wired it into the reversing light switch, so that it only works when I engage reverse gear, he said it had to be wired this way as it is illegal to have it switched on whilst driving.

Dont know if this helps, but it may be a solution

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I believe that, if you visit the link I provided earlier in this thread, you'll be persuaded that the advice your reversing-camera fitter gave you was incorrect.


I suspect most motorcaravanners specifying these systems are seeking a continuous 'rear view mirror' capability as much an 'only while reversing' aid. For those interested WAECO now market a dual-lens camera that offers the best of both worlds.

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The only time reversing camera systems become a legal issue is if the monitor obscures a part of the screen within a certain dimension of the centre line of the driving seat (or some such over articulated description of same) or if the monitor is actually a TV screen being used for reversing camera monitor duties but capable of displaying TV images while on the move. Technically if you use a TV screen then the tuner should be disabled while the vehicle is in motion. In operation only a fool would use the TV side of things while driving (although I have seen a few people watching TV and DVDs while driving but only in cars so far). In reality if you use a TV as a monitor, as long as you do not select TV or any entertainment features (DVD playback etc) then there is not a problem.



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  • 9 years later...

Get a reversing camera with reversing mirror that's switchable between rear view reversing and and driving mirror.


this can be done automatically within the setup. So, engage reverse and the rear view from the camera appears. Out of reverse and you're back to rear view mirror.

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We had a rear view mirror in our Swift MH. Must admit it never was much good. Ok for reversing but the night time view was terrible. You certainly could not dip it like an ordinary rear view mirror so the only option was OFF. Lights from cars behind would have it switching to colour and then back to black and white.
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