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Battery life "on the move".


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I would be interested to hear views on my battery life experience. We have two 90a batteries, connected together, and I had to replace them both just before our recent holiday.


We set off on Sunday 22 July, via Buckingham Palace (for the Caravan Club garden party!), New Forest, St Austell to St Ives. We were on batteries throughout, with the lights being on for, I suppose, an average of one hour per day, and lots of water pumping - we got through 400-500 litres I think. I had to connect to an electric supply to recharge the batteries on Thursday 9 August - that's 18 days.


I think that this is reasonably good, but am I correct?


Colin Robinson. :-D

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I have just one, 85 AH, battery and I find that it will last us 5 days at the most, being very careful and only using it for lights (2 x 10W x 2hours per day) and the water and toilet pumps. This would probably be more or less the same as you experience, depending on what your lighting usage was.



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crob - 2007-08-26 1:27 PM

I had to connect to an electric supply to recharge the batteries on Thursday 9 August - that's 18 days.


I think that this is reasonably good, but am I correct?


Colin Robinson. :-D


Wouldn't you be charging the batteries from the engine alternator when you are on the move? So it would depend how many miles you drove in those eighteen days, and /or how many days you stayed in one spot without driving.

I wouldn't ever expect to need electric hook when touring, if I am averaging say 50 miles per day, and staying no more than 2 / 3 nights in one spot without any driving - that is with 2 * 110 amp hour batteries

By the way, we normally use around 30 litres of water per day, that includes washing / washing up and two showers - so 500 litres in 18 days sounds reasonable to me.


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WE used to have poor battery life but after a little research when we canged the m/h we decided to have a battery to battery charger fitted from new,to date we have had 4 nights at a air show, using tele etc as normal and still had 12.5 volts,whether this is the b to b charger or our new m/h I dont know, has anyone else got one?


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trooper - 2007-08-27 7:26 PM


WE used to have poor battery life but after a little research when we canged the m/h we decided to have a battery to battery charger fitted from new,to date we have had 4 nights at a air show, using tele etc as normal and still had 12.5 volts,whether this is the b to b charger or our new m/h I dont know, has anyone else got one?


being thick could you explain the difference between the on board battery charger and b to b one thanks
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HI Alan, When travelling your alternater only puts a low charge into the leasure battery, whith a b to b charger after making sure the vehicle bat is fully charged it puts a very high charge into leasure batts, it also increases the amount the battery holds because of this higher charge, ( road pro catalouge), I have simplified this as I am a bit thick,

Cheers (^)

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