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Fuel Prices in Turkey

Guest Don Madge

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Guest Don Madge
If you are travelling to Turkey this (or even next winter for the total eclipse in Antalya) year you might like to take note of the latest fuel prices. I received them today from a reliable contact in Ankara. Petrol between 2.50 & 2.80 YTL per litre. Diesel 1.95 YTL per litre. Super (Euro) Diesel 2.14 YTL per litre LPG 1.23 YTL per litre Current exchange rates Commercial rate £1 = 2.33 YTL Tourist rate £1 = 2.20 YTL A quick calculation and I make it Petrol between £1.07 and £1.20 per litre Diesel between £0.83p and £0.91p per litre LPG £0.52p per litre. I've used the commercial rate it makes better reading. We plan to winter in Turkey for the eclipse at Antalya on the 29 March. It ain't going to be as cheap as we thought it would. Safe travelling Don
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