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Blue toilet liquid source


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I have been looking for larger quantities too. Store in garage refill small bottle as needed.

Not been able to find any either.

My only thought is that Health and Safety or Manual Handling regulations don't allow large quantities anymore. A lot of places will only only 5 litres maximum for this reason.

I am sure someone with more knowledge could let us know.

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Scroll down almost to the bottom of the page and you will find the heading "Industrial Maintenance" and the second item in that section is;-


IN02 Porta Care Porta loo additive


Same stuff I expect - worth checking out to see if they will sell you a barrel?


Also found:-




J914 FORMALDEHYDE TOILET ADDITIVE - A specially blended product for portaloo use, blended with a strong perfume to combat odours. (Blue) Available in : 12 x 1ltr =£2.29 per ltr 4 x 5ltr =£9.07 per 5ltr 1 x 30ltr =£49.80 Carraige P.O.A.


EP95051 NON FORMALDEHYDE TOILET ADDITIVE - A specially blended product for portaloo use, blended with a strong perfume to combat odours. (Purple) Available in : 12 x 1ltr =£2.29 per ltr 4 x 5ltr =£9.07 per 5ltr 1 x 30ltr =£49.80 Carraige P.O.A.


from http://www.jjengineerssupplies.co.uk/chemical_solutions.php


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But it's all quite nasty. I would urge all to consider one of the many available 'bio-additives' or a SOG type system. These break down the waste by increasing aerobic bacterial efficiency and undoubtedly minimise environmental impact. They also give the added benefit of being able to responsibly dispose of the cassette contents just about anywhere.

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I have to go out now so can't do this proper justice. Basically though, all of the bio-solutions work on the same principle, i.e. they speed up the activity of the bugs that eat pooh aerobically. Aerobic breakdown = no overwhelming smells.

All of the additives that rely upon chemicals break down the waste too; and do a good job of masking the odour. However, even the later generation ones mean production, carriage, handling and disposal of chemicals. However benign they are becoming, they are indisputably more environmentally deleterious than a biological solution.

You only have to look at how the Water Companies treat solid waste to see where the smart money is. They simply allow natural breakdown in oxygenated filter beds. No chemicals whatsoever!

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we recently had a sog system fitted, and it was money well spent.

i was worried about all the reports warning about the smell when emptied, but have found it no worse than some of the well used cesspits on many a cl.

if emptied daily, there is very little smell at all.


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Guest JudgeMental

SOG on new van works well. best solution I think.


french super markets do cheaper 5 litre containers of the blue stuff, along with all other detergents washing up liquid etc.....

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Hi Bill

Here is a company that sells toilet fluid in any size to suit you at a very good price they also supply many other products in liquid form for c/vans and moterhomes, it may be worth a phone call to see if the price is wright for you. The campany is called STANKEM phone number 01695 727800


Hope this is of some help to you and any other campers.



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Rang Stankem today and talked to one of the owner/director (and he was very friendly)


I asked about pick up as we aren't too far away and was quoted £25 + VAT for 25 litres. Which makes it just over a pound a litre. That was for their formaldehyde type.


DOn't know whether this helps anyone. A share with a friend could be a good deal.


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But it would add another hole to the outside of the van. Yes I know it would be on the cassette door but a hole still.


To some people the asthetics of the outside of their van is not important but it is to us. We even paid to have all the fridge vents, water cover, truma parts etc all changed from white to grey to improve the look of the vehicle. And tinted the rear windows to improve the look.


We don't have an awning or a status aerial for the same reasons.


Sorry you haven't managed to convert me but I do undersatnd your reasoning.


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  • 8 years later...

Flushed with success after reviving an eight year old topic - is this a new record for taking the p - roverbial?


I had not realised that blue liquid had a source and the mind boggles at the thought of wading through bogs looking for it's source.

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crinklystarfish - 2007-09-01 10:36 AM

But it's all quite nasty. I would urge all to consider one of the many available 'bio-additives' or a SOG type system. These break down the waste by increasing aerobic bacterial efficiency and undoubtedly minimise environmental impact. They also give the added benefit of being able to dispose of the cassette contents just about anywhere.

NOT ' Just about anywhere' Please ! It's what gets us ALL a bad name. ( 'reponsibly' added since my post !) Personally don't care a fig What liquid is used, I stick to Elsan Blue, BUT would not dump it anywhere but in the proper CD point. Would not have a SOG, even if YOU paid for it's installation.Whats with all the Aussie's using this site for Spam adverts ? OR, do they deliver hired toilets to the UK ? can't be much profit in it ? I would have thought, or am I just talking Shxx ?
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