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Satellites versus internet


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After reading all the threads I though I would put my penny worth in.

I have an auto sat dish ( Guilty ) I also have a wireless lap top.


Now I know that sat tv is free to watch in southern europe but limited in content. the best being live news and the radio, plus loads of recorded dvd's does me fine.


BUT. As more site become wifi live, tv is becoming more and more possible via the internet.


Last year I had remote access to my tower pc at home complete with motion dection camera,s which allowed me to check that my daughter watered the plants ( Big brother Hey! )


Thing is with remote control of your dvd recorder you can set your hard drive to record ( Coronation street for example ) down load to your laptop and watch when you want.


The future is very promising and very exiting if you can keep up with the technology


Richard from Steeton.


I must change the photo its now a hymer tramp



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With a slingbox you can stream any incoming signal onto the internet, you can access this with any broadband connection that you can connect to, so if you have sky at home you can view from where ever you are on holiday if you can get a broadband connection, before anyone thinks great I can hijack a unprotected wifi and watch tv be aware it will use a lot of bandwidth and be obvious if home owner trys to use internet.
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Today I went potentialy shopping for a Tumble Drier. Arriving home I ranted my thoughts on the future of "us" as people.


Like it or not "people toys" are slowly taking over everyone's lives and they're getting bigger too !


In your latest M/home you trundle across the channel loaded with all the smartest gadgets to park in some remote spot just to prove your latest purchase actually does work. WHY ?


What happened to the "Lets get away from it all theme"


I carry a TV but its not been on for weeks, and I've gone back to map reading and making notes with a pad and pencil.


Its much more fun

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Delighted to see that Sites in UK are gradually waking up to the fact that Wi-Fi is becoming a necessity. Unfortunately, the prices they are charging beggar belief. Visited the Camping Club site in Windermere - £6.00 a day. Shortly after, went to the Caravan Club site in Edinburgh £6.00 PER HOUR!!! - and informed by the staff that it "doesn't work very well..." If you happen to have BT Broadband at home, you will be able to access 250 minutes of Openzone Hotspots per month for free and these work on Caravan Club site's Wi-Fi - I don't suppose they want you to know that.

An alternative if you just want the occasional surf and collect your e-mail is to get a T-Mobile pay as you go card for your phone - connect it to you laptop if you want and get up to 40Mb a day for a maximum payment of £1.00.


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I think its Wifey that cooks breakfast.


The 3 system looks like its just UK. Do you know if it'll go European? I posted a reply on Hymer 1942's "internet" thread this morning. If you read the following there already, please accept my apologies:




At Dusseldorf this year, 85 cm auto Alden and Oyster dishes were available with send & receive LNB's for internet connection. The Alden system was sold by the ISP who was using Hellasat because of its (wide?) coverage.


You buy the whole kit & caboodle from the ISP. With Oyster you just bought the kit and had to make your own arrangements with an independent ISP. The Alden system was about £2000 for the dish, finder and modem, poss tuner too I think.


Internet charges were to be about £3.50 per day but only on the days you actually connected and even if only for a minute or so. Don't know which time zone they'd be working with.


Both Alden and Oyster dishes had another LNB for TV but you couldn't watch TV while connected to the Net. (not that I think I'd want to).


connectivity claimed was 1meg download and 100k upload





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Thanks for that.


When I'm away from home I'm into another experience totaly and switch off from anything connected with 'home'


I'm not into newspapers or radio news. I accept the new enviornment and learn from my surroundings.


3 months away is ideal then you really find out "who you are"

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Your comment interesting (Charlie and Me) and is fine for you. However, some of us have a life which we don't want to leave behind - work - family - responsibilities - and while the old fashioned telephone may have sufficed in days gone by, modern technology is so much quicker, efficient and cheaper. It's possible to immerse oneself in new surroundings and wonder at its beauty and otherwise - while still retaining a link with ones own reality back home.

We're all different and I wouldn't dream of belittling others and their activities.


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whbs - 2007-09-08 10:23 AM Your comment interesting (Charlie and Me) and is fine for you. However, some of us have a life which we don't want to leave behind - work - family - responsibilities - and while the old fashioned telephone may have sufficed in days gone by, modern technology is so much quicker, efficient and cheaper. It's possible to immerse oneself in new surroundings and wonder at its beauty and otherwise - while still retaining a link with ones own reality back home. We're all different and I wouldn't dream of belittling others and their activities. Bill

I partly agree with Charlie but you don't have to turn your back on everything. Family commitments and interests that you enjoy at home can still be carried out while you are away when you can communicate. The ony thing we can really live without is the TV. I love my radio!

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Some people can only get away because of those modern gadgets. My Trips away in the MH are now much longer and more frequent because I can have the internet and the benefit it brings such as Skype, email and instant messaging.


I think that its only a matter of time before the internet does everything whilst we are on the move. TV, movies on demand, telephones, full office software suites and so on. Its there right now, just a little expensive if you want to take it on the road with you. That £1 a day mobile is difficult to download movies or software suites with, but I don't think it will be long before we can.

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Miami - 2007-09-08 5:34 PM

hi John

How interesting. The guy I spoke to at 3 said it would not work if it was not in a turbo area. If I look on our coverage it says video. Is yours the same?

B-) Yep. FAST when compared to our AOL that I am using at the moment. ;-) Anything that is Video fast, must be fast surely?
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