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What gas in the new van?

Tony Jones

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(when we eventually get it!!!)


The only "bottled" gas you can get in every European country I've visited so far is Camping Gaz. Don't they know it! - so they charge rip-off prices compared to others. A 907 actually costs MORE (not just "more per kg," more in total) to exchange than a much bigger 6kg Calor at the same shop!


So Calor is much better value, but only available in UK. We would need to buy another bottle for France, another for Germany, etc etc. Or are there some brands which cover a lot of countries? Does anyone know? Or do some of you have a few different bottles at home for different countries, and take the ones you need for each trip?


There's been a lot of talk about refillable systems (either tank or bottle). Some of you have said this is much cheaper than the "exchange-bottle" set-up (in spite of paying "petrol" duty on it), but how widely available is "draught" LPG? For instance, we'd like to take the new van to Eastern Europe, maybe North Africa sometime. Would we need to carry a "back-up" bottle in case we couldn't refill when we needed to?


If we're able to buy a brand-new van, I'll be able to specify which system I want, so I'm trying to work it out in advance now. ANY ADVICE?



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Good evening Rev,

A lot depends on how long you intend to spend abroad. Anything up to a month or perhaps more means you can take a couple of Calor or equivalent bottles which will last the duration.

If you want total flexibility then re-fillable bottles or a bulk tank (my preferance) are the way to go.

If you want to justify such a purchase you need to do a lot of continental camping - or have another good excuse. Like "I just fancied it" which is what most motorhomers use to justify their purchase in the first place.

A browse around this web page might be interesting to uou.

Good luck




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Hi Tony,

Glad that all is progressing well.

Fitting a refillable system was on of the best things that I ever did. With suitable adapters you are able to refill at your convenience just about anywhere in Europe/>. It's a little tricky in Spain/> and Norway/>/> but/>/>/>/> can still be done.

Some benefits:

No more wrestling with bottles, no changing bottles in the rain and cold, much cheaper refills, the ability to top-up just when you like - for example just before you set off on a trip where ordinarily you may have to change a half-full bottle for a fresh one, the ability to top-up abroad, no messing with different regulators or pig tails when abroad, etc. etc.

Downside? Initial cost and faff.

My own preference is for Stako equipment, a search of the forum should reveal the benefits.



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Guest JudgeMental

I have managed for years as you calor here, camping gaz there


Talking to Bill Ord last week, away now for a few months. and he brings one calor and uses a cube? which I believe are cheap & interchangeable in Europe.


so refillable OK if you are going to use it but hardly rate as a necessity. and I for one considering all the grief I had with my installation wish i hadn't bothered. *-)

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Are you talking about bottles that you take from the 'van and fill directly? We're talking installations that use a separate and permanent filler, just like in LPG powered vehicles.


I know your installation was grief but I think you were terribly unlucky, it's normally an easy process. I did my own in about three hours and it's super-neat and simply worked.


This thread might be useful.


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Guest JudgeMental

I just think people get carried along with the latest new toys.


i was away for a month in the summer and have used hardly any gas - so unlikely to need any next year as well! so for me a waste of money. BUT if winter camping or away for regular long trips,just maybe worth it....


I have been at this a fair while and have managed OK

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Must agree with Crinkly, I do believe your experience has soured your feelings on refillables Judge, understandably so, but for me it is one of the best mods I have made.

Bearing in mind a DIY install is so much cheaper, ours was under £160, then that to me is worth that outlay just to be sure I can always replenish my gas without having to faff about with extra cylinders and to do away with the humping of cylinders plus the added bonus that it works out less than half price to refill compared to our origional setup. I would go refillable every time, but I would do the install myself it is so simple I just can't understand how so called proffesionals can make such a lash up as they did with yours.



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Guest JudgeMental

Bas, & Crinkly lets not even go there! lol, but thanks guy’s for your understanding.


You are right I just do not trust the installation I have. But that’s not the point I am making.


You guys use Aires and are away from electricity more then we. I have kids who prefer sites. In a few years when we go back to a touring based itinerary I will use more gas. But as unlikely to retire any time soon I will not feel the benefit for some time.


You can manage in Europe with other cheap bottles as Bill Ord does, and he is retired and away long periods. I am thinking I might like an auto roof sat system, again an example of something convenient & nice to have – but hardly a necessity - and just another thing to worry about as you see the umpteen posts on the subject.


Newbie’s come on here and see refillable this, & refillable that and start to believe it’s an essential, well it isn’t – trying to add a little perspective that’s all.....


On the subject of newbie’s, on another forum one just asked will he be able to use his domestic 230v kettle in his new van while not connected to the mains, Ah..... bless him :-D Easy to forget how far we have traveled..... *-)


I will say this it’s nice having the barbeque point :-D

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