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Armrests on a AS Symbol (2006 Peugeot Boxer)


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My 2006 AS Symbol (Peugeot Boxer base) only has one armrest on each of the front seats (L on drivers seat, R on passenger). I really miss the 2nd armrest both when driving and also when the seats are swivelled. I can't see any reason why the 2nd armrest wasn't fitted apart from AS saving a few £££. Is there anything I should look out for before I go and buy some, any suggestions on a supplier?




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I have the same thing on my rollerteam except the lumbar support on the driver's seat seems to be in the hole where an arm rest can go.

Like gedger, I also miss both arm rests as a driver and passenger (not that that happens too often!). Am I still able to put an arm rest where the lumbar support knob is?


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Hi gedger, My old mate has just called up to see me with his AS Symbol. We had a look at the seats and he sez he is quite comfortable with his arms on the rests which are built onto the doors, plus if there was an arm rest on the right of the drivers seat you would not be able to operate the hand brake lever, without first folding up the arm, so it looks like it was never supposed to have any arm rests on the door side of the seats. If you swivel them around they would be missed for that extra bit of comfort.
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Ranger is quite correct. I have both armrests on the ISRI seats in our Nuevo, and the one at my right is a pain in the rear, for just the reason he cites. Never use it while on the road - but Mrs Git likes it when on site as she favours that "Captain's seat" for lounging.





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