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if i ordered


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That would depend on who you ordered it from and what it was. If you ordered a model from a dealer who had one in stock then you probably wouldn't wait long. If however you ordered a continental motorhome and specified extras you could have a long wait. You might as well have asked how long is a piece of string ;-) .



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We ordered ours last October from the show and picked it up beginning of March, and people thought we did well.


It was a continental van as Dave says and we did have extra's added, ie SOG fitted, BBQ point added to exterior of van, gas made into fixed refillable with external filling point and awning of course. We feel it is definitely best to get what you can afford fitted at the beginning as the hourly rate for fitting later is extortionate.


Well worth the wait, if you are going for second hand then the wait will of course be alot less.


Hope this helps


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A lot of potential disappointment and downright aggravation can be avoided by making sure you buy from a really good dealer - one who will not knowingly either make or subscribe to promises of unrealistic delivery dates.


We use Cotswold Motor Caravans (who are excellent) and when given the manufacturer's estimated delivery date (on the phone) Frank got up from his desk and looked up at the sky. "There goes another lot." he said "Gloucestershire Old Spots this time I think." :-S :-S


The he changed the E.T.A. from January to March, and would have been very close but for a component shortage at the Fiat factory which delayed production by another month. Dealers with years of experience know just what to expect - you need to find one who is professional enough to be open and honest with you. I expect most of them are, but it only needs a couple of less scrupulous ones to taint the whole industry and make us, the purchasers, begin to feel suspicious. :-D


Hope this helps



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handyman - 2007-09-12 8:45 AM


i think i'll stick with buying the previous years show model. Its new (ish), its been sitting around for a while, with people viewing it.It can be ready in 2 weeks (with new plate), you see the actual van your buying, and its cheaper.



Well that was exactly what I was thinking. And as for the piece of string answer? well no i shouldn't of asked that, because the answers that have been given are just what I was looking for, just an idea of what peoples experiences are which i thought that this forum is about.


And anyhow ervyone knows how long a piece of string is. Ecuse me whist I go and untangle my knickers.

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Well here we go again, someone (in this case me) makes a simple comment that is not meant to offend anyone (as indicated by thew smiley) and it gets taken the wrong way.


I'm not going to apologise for it, it was meant in a light hearted way but you asked a vague question.


If this forum carries on the way its going with people getting upset over minor things and threads running off into personal slanging matches I'm going to join the others who have left!


Good bye!



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Guest JudgeMental


With Dave on this one. The initial question was so vague, so wide in scope, and contain so many variables as to be more or less unanswerable in any meaningful way.


There is a recent tendency on here for lazy & flippant posting which is destroying this forum.....

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Guest caraprof
Dave Newell - 2007-09-12 11:57 AM Well here we go again, someone (in this case me) makes a simple comment that is not meant to offend anyone (as indicated by thew smiley) and it gets taken the wrong way. I'm not going to apologise for it, it was meant in a light hearted way but you asked a vague question. If this forum carries on the way its going with people getting upset over minor things and threads running off into personal slanging matches I'm going to join the others who have left! Good bye! D.

Just to say that I found nothing to take offence at in your post Dave. I suspect that newish users don't often quite understand what placing a smiley means.

To the poster I would say this: Models don't always change dramatically each year and if you find a model that you really like, which is already in production, try to find a dealer with a 2007 model already in stock. As the season comes to an end you might be able to get a very good deal with a dealer who wants to clear some of his inventory and boost his cash flow.

I did just this and saved about £6K.

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Your smiley did indeed save the day and it is perfectly clear to anyone with a reasonable grasp of the language that you meant no offence.

I can't honestly decide whether some folk are just looking for conflict, or if they are just unable to grasp the context in which posts are written.

Probably a combination.

Either way, try to rise above the clowns, the forum is still of huge mutual value and it's a shame it's being temporarily dragged down by a disruptive minority. Your contribution continues to be valuable.

In a general plea, if anyone is unsure whether they've been the target of unwarranted sarcasm, how about asking the other party directly what they meant? At least no-one is then left possibly incorrectly assuming they've been a 'victim' and starting an ill-informed crusade.

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As has already been said, it's difficult to be precise as to how long you'll have to wait, all you can do is get a date of the dealer and hope! We ordered a new model Rapido in April 2003, we were told it would probably be mid to end July before we got it, in the end the dealer had a van come in and then the chap who it was for decided he wanted a bigger engine, we then persuaded the dealer to let us have the original van so got it at the beginning of June instead, it did have a different uphostery option but we didn't care!!!


Other than that when we've bought new vans they've already been in stock as the dealer was looking to sell them on as quickly as possible to clear out for new stock, so we only had at most a 3 week wait and that was due to us going on holiday. At least we saw exactly the van we were getting and could make sure that any obvious faults were rectified before delivery.


As for the string - thanks Dave, it's nice to know just how long a piece is ... I'm sure that little snippet of info will come in useful one day ... probably in a pub quiz or summut! (lol) ;-)

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peterho - 2007-09-12 10:17 PM


Hi my last autosleeper symbol took 7 months in 2004,I got a new autosleeper nuevo this week that only took 5 months,things must be getting better :-D


Welcome Peter, and I hope you enjoy your new Nuevo. We've had ours long enough to find most of the snags and pitfalls, so if you would like any advice on how I've fixed things please send me a PM. (That sounds pompous, but is not meant to be. :-D :-D )


We are delighted with ours, now the inevitable irritating problems have been fixed, but I would bet a month's salary (if I wasn't retired) that the designer has never spent a single night in any motorhome - least of all a new Nuevo!! Among other things the touch control panel wouldn't be where it is if he had! >:-(







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JudgeMental - 2007-09-12 2:07 PM



With Dave on this one. The initial question was so vague, so wide in scope, and contain so many variables as to be more or less unanswerable in any meaningful way.


There is a recent tendency on here for lazy & flippant posting which is destroying this forum.....


Jesus what a load of tosh, I only asked a question.

Perhaps I should of put a smilie after my knickes quote, didn't expect to cause such an isue.

But as for lazy flippant posting? youre having a laugh surely? missing a smilie? I may be a new user to this forum but use many others, and enjoy reading the comments that many of you make. The question isnt lazy in any way. Its simple really, what are peoples experiences of waiting after ordering from a show.

It seems quite evident that this site is very un-welcoming and ran by a unique click of persons that believe only their posts should get the desired attention.

Think I will spend the time doing what I enjoy most, actually using my MH than spending time talking about it in future.


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I'm in total agreement with Dave, and how anyone could take offence at the "string" comment, well, frankly words fail me. Surely it's all about what you are ordering, extras, is it in stock etc etc. Our excellent, (for us), local dealer (Todds), turned our van round (apologies to those in the trade), in just over a week. But of course it was a "stock" van and we only had a cycle rack and extra elec point on.


Martyn (V short string if you are asking)....see above

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