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Silencing Generators


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Ivys - 2007-09-15 10:08 PM


You are correct, he is however starting with a fairly loud generator. He would achieve much better results if he started with something quieter.




I've re-read the entire thread and nowhere can I find any reference to how loud the current generator is. I'm sorry Geoff I have no constructive points to make regarding making your genny quieter other than to experiment with foam lined enclosures.



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Clive - 2007-09-13 11:15 PM


OK OK, so Its not for camping but for a commercial operation. Different ball game.

I have a 3.5 KVA single cylinder Peter diesel "site" generator that get used regularly by fellow members of our Ham Radio Club for contesting. Thats operating radio in the middle of a field on top of a hill. Our secret is to use a couple of 100 metre thick extension leads between the operating caravans and the genny. It has a good 36 hour fuel tank as our contests are typically 24 hours continuous operation with operators doing shifts. The genny is then surrounded (by the farmer) with a load of straw bales straight from his store. These bales are the BIG ones that weigh about a tonne each. clive going off thread which is the norm, how do you judge a ham radio contest, this is not a p** take i,m interested alan


So for commercial use distance and insulation are the key.


Does that help?


Lastly on Fuel cells and batteries you can use a large inverter to generate the mains you require - providing its not lots of mains for lots of time.


Have a look at



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