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Caravan Club And Motorhomes

Bill Ord

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Guest Bill Ord
To those of you who are members of The Caravan Club take a good hard look at the top of page 9 August issue of the Club magazine.Making A Stand "Chairman Defends Sustainable Tourism" The Chairman of the Club, Bob Black makes an attack on wild camping. I've written to the club to protest at the attitude of the Chairman and what I believe is his his misguided attempt to get everybody into camp-sites. The speech was made in Vicenza, Italy. He attacks "Free unregulated facilities" I presume Aire de Services would come under this heading. I believe he totally misunderstands the raison de etre of motorhomes. Not surprising in a Caravan Club but he does his motorhome members a diservice. I would ask any readres of MMM and this site in particular to write to the Caravan Club to protest. I've recently re-joined the Club with the incentive of a free site night voucher after cancelling my membership after what I saw as an anti motorhome attitude. I think it's unlikely I'll renew next year. Bill Ord
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Bill As Chairman of the Caravan Club it is not surprising that his sermons promote the use of "proper" sites. Also the great majority of "his" members couldn't exist for more than a few minutes without electric hook-up, water tap (for the kettle!), and full ablutions. Still, they think it's proper camping! Regards Neal
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We have been members of the Caravan Club for 20years but I would not dream of using one of the club sites although I admit to using two for one night during this time. Our motorhome provides all the facilities that we require including adequate electricity from the second battery. Its nice to get away from television for a few days. We want small sites e.g C Ls or the aires that are provided by local authorities or landowners in other parts of Europe who welcome tourists other than as cash cows. The Caravan Club sites have become sites with facilities that compete with the most expensive commercial sites, if this is what members want, why bother joining the club. The Chairman is just trying to generate business by forcing all caravaners and motor caravaners to use official semi commercial sites. We have seen enough of this in various area of this country where site owners put pressure on local officials to force people to pay their inflated rates to park their wheels overnight. It is with regret that we have turned our wheels on the other side of the channel where we feel welcome and enjoy peacefull surroundings Thelma and Ray
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Guest Tom McGowran
Yet another reason for not joining the CC. We have used many aires in France over the last few years - indeed many French caravan sites have closed in favour of opening new aires as they seem to be more popular - caravans seem to be a dying breed overseas!
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Guest David
I read the article about the Chairmans speech, and thought where is he coming from!! Neal I belong to a small Caravan Club, we have several rallies throughout the year, yes winter as well. Several of our venues have no Electrics so all have to rely on battery power, I think your remark about Caravanners not being able to exist without mains is a bit of generalisation. Talking of mains re later posting, I have seen several Motorhomes leave pitches with a live lead from the bollard, also when will people realize the danger of using their leads coiled on a drum. I know we do not pull a massive amount of wattage, but surley it is still not safe. Perhaps Clive can give us some figures on this. We have been members of CC for over thirty years and on several occasions thought its time to get out, we nearly did when they put electricity charges onto pitch fees, that was a good money spinner. If Commercial sites and others charge seperately for electricty why cant the CC. What about the other rule you have to be off the site by 12 noon, that a quarter of the weekend wasted especially in the Summer. I know its left to the discretion of the Warden, I think we have been allowed to stay twice, mind you we do not use CC sites that much normaly CLs. David
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Guest Clive
Forget the figures, just always uncoil the mains hookup lead fully and spread it about a bit. I normally kick any surplus under the van over a wide area making sure its not piled up anywhere. We only ever stayed on an "A1" site once and there were some many rules we left, even insited on which way round we had to park. I ask you!
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Guest David
Clive. Rules are made to be broken. All facing the same way, stones whitewashed. Ive heard that before somewhere. David
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Guest Teresa
I am glad I was not the only one to be disgusted by this article. It would appear to me that the Caravan Club are solely in existence to make money. An additional point, take Norfolk Lines. A brilliant offer. However, if you are daft enough to book via the Caravan Club is costs you an additional £10.00.
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We are new to motorhomes and in the short space of time that we have owned ours we have spent more weekends wild camping. we bought our motorhome for the freedom it would give, not to be dictated too to where we should have stay regards to all Mark
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Guest Norma
Sorry - been away and catching up. I think I did witter some months back that we spoke to the same gentleman at the Glasgow show. He said then that they (Caravan site authorities) are trying to put a stop to the wild camping in Europe!!! Thankfully the French have more guts than us and will no doubt tell them what to do with such an idea. We realised then that the club want the money to invest and not the campers. In the Frnech Camping Car magazine there is an article of one place charing CC's 9 Euros to park - anyone can sleep in their car for free.
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Guest martin
I spoke with the cheif executive of "The Club" at an exhibition earlier this year. He boasted that he was on a committee lobbying Brussels to try and legislate against wild camping on behalf of the european site operators using 'safety' as the pretext - ie you are only safe on a private site, and he would fight any relaxation here or anywhere. He implied that french communes had no right to undermine private site operators' profitability by offering 'les camping cars' a freebie. He wore an expensive suit, as becomes a chief exec, but his logic was as flawed as Calor's on refillable bottles in my humble opinion - the motivation: manipulation of the marketplace. I came away with the distinct impression that he considered the "Club" he ran to be a major financial services conglomerate and he specifically knocked the 'second biggest club' "only half the size of us!" "haven't the cash to to what we can" The second biggest club were far more friendly and welcoming on their stand opposite. I can give chapter and verse - should anyone be interested.
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Guest Geoff
Hi Just back from holiday in France and catching up. I have read the content of the Chairman's statement and have wasted no time in writing to the Club,making my views known and advising them that my 20yr. membership will not be renewed.I will not be dictated to by someone who has no idea what our hobby is about.
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Guest Mel B
Good luck Geoff. You can only be dictated to if you take it seriously, I don't! There are more and more people buying motorhomes over caravans nowadays so they'll pretty soon have to realise that alienating a large and growing chunk of their membership is not a good thing and I want to be a member so that I can see the back-tracking that they'll have to do in the future! I complained when the electric charging came in and they weren't really interested, also when I made a complait about a CL owner who was running a 'private 25 pitch rally site' alongside and sticking CC members in it but not telling them until you got there (which was too late), apart from the fact that I was supposed to be spending my weekend on a nice little 5 pitch CL, not a 'commercial' 25 pitch family site which was taking business away from other CLs in the area, one of which had closed ... I wonder why??? They weren't interested, even after the owner was very abusive, climbed into our motorhome and refused to leave, the police were called in the end, and despite witnesses and other members being unhappy, the CL is still allowed to adversite his services in the Club. Yes, I know they have to be careful about taking sides, but it's a shame that sometimes they forget that their members actually PAY to be in the Club and should therefore have some protection, not only from unscrupulous CL owners but also from the adminstration personnel making their personal views knew without thinking of the consequences for their Club or it's members. I'm only in the club for the free night vouchers, and the vast majory of CLs that are wonderful places to stay and run by lovely people. My advice - be in the Club if it benefits YOU, don't cut off your nose to spite you face by not joining, even if you feel like it, as in the end you're the one who could be the looser - just take out of it what you want, at the end of the day you're the customer!
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Guest Will Redfearn, Wirral Motorhome Club
May I suggest that we also present our objections at the stands/stalls they have at the various Motorhomes & outdoor shows around the country. They probably do not like any adverse opinions being voiced within earshot of other/potential members.
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Guest martin
You can write as many letters as you like ... But as I tried to explain in language that will not get me sued in my previous note - you're dealing with a financial services and real estate conglomerate with serious lobby activity in Brussels. Hence the Chairman's utterances. More proof? Look at what you get if you type 'Caravan Club' into Google ... "The Caravan Club services are designed to provide competitive UK insurance policies and financial services for caravan owners plus information on caravan ..." And Caravan Club Director General, Trevor Watson confirmed this when he spoke to me earlier this year - he expressed pride in the Club's size and importance. They have gone down the road of the banks and insurance companies and, sorry to say enjoying life and recreation has bugger all to do with making profits ... their sole reason for existance which is concealed behind a mutual and seemingly philanthropic "CLUB" smoke screen! Their rationalisation is that strength lets them do more for their members - very laudible - but lobbying in Brussels is not germain to operating sites for members in the UK which historically has always done things differently. I suspect Mr Watson has long term territorial objectives... does he plan to use his UK holdings to leverage a massive move into Europe?
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Guest Teresa
As a great number of French Caravan Sites are only open for a couple of months - high season, where does he expect us to park. As a member of the Caravan Club (but do not read much of the literature due to it being caravan orientated) is this man elected? I am in the process of composing a letter and would like to know if he comes up for election!!!!!!!!!
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Teresa As far as I know he IS elected. However, I don't suppose the mass abstention of motorhome-owning members would have any effect on CC elections, do you? My guess is we already abstain due to disinterest and apathy! Regards Neal
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  • 1 year later...
Guest starspirit
Isn't it surprising what comes to light - just goes to show that some things never change and we do have a few more like minded motor homers after all?
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Yes sorry about that I was just having a read whilst in a quiet moment. I would suspect all those people were angry I wonder how far they got with their letter's and if they ever got any replies . personally I think they are wasting their time . I gave up with it along time ago. Was not worth it we had a few bad experiences and I would not care to repeat and it was defnitely not for the lack of giving them a chance. Would be interseting to know if any of the Old Timers had any feedback on it though.
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I am, and so far as I can see, will remain a member of the CC. I am only a member to gain acess to the vast range of, mainly excellent, CLs . The CLs I see as 'poor' will not get my custom again, others will benifit in their stead. I also pass comments on to other motorhomers/caravanners about the sites, libellous or not, they will have to catch me at it. In the last five years of membership I/we have only used two main sites. We get scant service/civility from the much vaunted 'wardens' (good name), who appear to see us as a nuisance, only wanting to use the sites 'facilities' and not stay there for weeks at a time, regardless that we may be staying two or three days usually while we 'do' the local area, walking or dancing or both. (one daytime one evening). Almost pointless writing to the chairman. He will only listen to what he wants to hear, and that will not be 'members' comments.
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Guest starspirit
Yes Dancer we too have experienced being the 'nuisance' factor. As for using the 'facilities', we have also experienced that one too. But isn't that what we pay our site fees for was my hard to fault argument? Surely just refilling and emptying uses no more 'facility' than living in a caravan and using the showers, washing machines and flush loos etc daily. We don't get a discount for not taking up so much space and only being there 18 out of 24 hours (not that I expect a discount of course). We missed the CC CL's at first but soon found that CCC CS's, although less numerous, were just as good and the owners just as friendly. However some of the site fees for these are now getting a bit steep and quite close to, or indeed exceding, the 'over55' discounted CCC club sites fees as the owners feel pressured into providing ever more expensive 'facilities' that are simply hard to be cost effective on a five unit site. We find generally, but not always, that CCC site 'managers' are more friendly, helpful and conducive to us one nighters when we arrive without booking - which is always. We tend these days to use a mixture of CCC and MCC weekend meets and THS's, CCC CS's, 'off-site' camping, and the odd club site night without any glitches in enjoyment. Let me add that this is not a critiscism of the CC - just a comment on the way we feel about our own particular needs for our brand of the nomadic lifestyle.
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