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Door security.

martin r c

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We saw those at the show, but unfortunately they don't fit the type of door handle used on Autotrails in '02.


I did read a recent article from a medical guy (who was actually discussing gas attacks) in which he mentioned that he had a security lock that was lockable/unlockable from both inside and outside.


Does anybody know what type this may have been?




Tony Norton


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The actual lock is of a type that is not very secure, Fiamma Safedor uses the same type of lock that uses a cylindrical key with notches out of it. I looked at these when they launched them at Excel and commented on the insecurity of these locks suggesting that perhaps a better type might be used instead. Obviously they chose not to go for a better lock. Having said that these locks will deter the casual burglar.



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davenewell@home - 2007-09-13 9:59 PM


This type of lock can be overcome with a simple plastic tube and a cigarette lighter in five seconds by those who know how apparently.




Thats why they use them on fruit machines/condom machines. stop loks and sold secure wheel clamps I suppose.



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davenewell@home - 2007-09-14 7:01 AM


There was a video clip doing the rounds showing someone opening a motor cycle lock with this type of barrel and he did it in about 2 seconds with a biro.

I think I know the clip you mean Dave - though it's a computer cable lock rather than a motor cycle lock. It's on You Tube Here together with references to other, similar, clips.


I didn't realise that the Brighlock used the same type of barrel.



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Dave Newell - 2007-09-14 8:43 AM


That's the one Graham. Interestingly I've just spent half an hour trying that method out on the Fiamma Safedor lock and I can't do it. Whether that's because they use a better lock or just that I'm not a crim I don't know.



Hopefully it's both Dave :D


I suppose one of the problems with locks is that those of any given type look very much the same from the outside but there can be a great deal of internal quality variation between different makes.



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