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Do you have or rely on, a warranty?

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When we bought our current used m/h it didn't come with a manufacturers warranty owing to the fact that it "missed" a service when one year old. Instead the dealer we bought it from provided a one year third party warranty. This is now due for renewal at a cost of £480. The m/h has only done less than 5,000 miles

Is this worth it since all the exclusions seem to imply that they actually cover the square root of eff all.

So what say you all? Worth it or a waste of money

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I'm assuming the reference is for a base vehicle warranty as well as the habitation side. I've often considered a warranty once the manufacturer's one has run its course but, when faced with the costs, have always backed out. The main risk, I would have thought, is to the base vehicle and it might be worth covering this, but not for me.

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There's an example of a 'used motorhome' warranty product here.


20 years ago, when base-vehicle and converter warranties on new motorhomes were usually for 12 months, I had an 'insurance' type warranty on my first (used) Herald motorhome. I claimed twice on this - for a replacement heater (about £1000) and for a rear-axle bearing issue (about £3000), but I've never bothered since then when the base-vehicle and converter warranties have expired.

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