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A-Frame and European Legislation


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I think back in April an article appeared in the MM which I was told indicated a ban on the Use of A-Frames was to be introduced European wide. Is this what the article said, and if so what is the current state of the legislation? Where can I find references to it in official documentation?



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The situation is as follows:


1. Much of the trailer legislation across Europe is already based on EU Directives so is the same in all countries.


2. But some is not pan-European, and that includes A-frame legislation. Basically, there is nothing, other than the requirement to be able to reverse the rig under control without manual intervention, that makes it illegal in the UK, so, if you can thus reverse, it's legal.


3. However, since there is nothing also to say it's actually legal, that makes it illegal in most other EU countries, since their legal system is based on Napoleonic rather then English Law, and that states that you can't do anything that the Law explicitly allows you to do it.


4. A new Directive is being worked upon by the EU which they plan will 'tidy up' the loose ends. It is very likely that this will make car towing - except for vehicle recovery - illegal everywhere by explicitly saying so. But it might not. We will not know until the draft Directive is published for consultation purposes - and then, based on previous experience, it will be too late to change it!


Given the EU's speed with such things, it may be 2 to 5 years before they promulgate the new Directive and that may then allow a further 2 to 4 years for incorporation into each state's law. Or it may be much faster. Who knows?


Mel E


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Many thanks for your response Mel. My guess is we as individuals cannot influence the outcome but can I make a plea to readers who are members of the clubs to lobby them to take up the case for legalising towing with an A-Frame European wide. There is no real case not to.


I would also think the manufacturers both of A-Frames and of motorhomes would also have a vested interested in seeing a similar outcome. If they ban it, it will mean the end of motorhoming for some of us.



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The problem with drawing attention to it is, of course, that you draw attention to it . . .


It may be better to let sleeping dogs lie.


As for causing you to give up motorhoming, I really cannot see why. We towed a car for almost 6 years and, for most of that time, it was nothing but trouble. Now we've downsized, can go (and park) almost anywhere, but still have loads of room for two and enough for 4 (inc 2 kids) for 2 week trips. Yes, it's white van man size, but he manages to deliver in every ancient Spanish and French town centre I've ever been to!


Mel E


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I have to agree with peedee, I cannot see why with all the interest in A Frames and the fact that we have have so many clubs, dealers, MAGAZINES and associations why this topic cant be put to bed one way or another.

I tow a car on a trailer and would'nt think about going on holiday without it.

Each to their own.


With respect to giving up M/Hs I think peedee as to think about a wheel chair, having a mother in one I know this brings into play another set of issues. I may be wrong on this point.


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  • 2 weeks later...
takeaflight - 2007-09-16 1:57 PM


With respect to giving up M/Hs I think peedee has to think about a wheel chair, having a mother in one I know this brings into play another set of issues. I may be wrong on this point.


You are indeed correct takeaflight, if public transport is available and accessible there is less of a problem otherwise the towed car is essential in the UK. Must admit though I have never taken it across the water where finding parking is so much easier.


I would certainly like to see the issue put to bed at least it would put a stop to the endless debate on its legality on the forums which I see is still endless :-S


I have been lobbying the CC who say they have not been able to locate any information indicating that the status is going to change but say when the do they will publish it in their mag?



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peedee - 2007-09-27 6:27 PM
takeaflight - 2007-09-16 1:57 PM With respect to giving up M/Hs I think peedee has to think about a wheel chair, having a mother in one I know this brings into play another set of issues. I may be wrong on this point.
You are indeed correct takeaflight, if public transport is available and accessible there is less of a problem otherwise the towed car is essential in the UK. Must admit though I have never taken it across the water where finding parking is so much easier. I would certainly like to see the issue put to bed at least it would put a stop to the endless debate on its legality on the forums which I see is still endless :-S I have been lobbying the CC who say they have not been able to locate any information indicating that the status is going to change but say when the do they will publish it in their mag? peedee

I agree Pedee we don't take our car across the water as a) it costs more on ferry and b) It is a damn nuisance. We only use it here because this is the most unfriendly MH country we have been to. Even Ireland is better!!!!!

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Surely not! Our trip to Ireland took in 2 or 3 really superb camp sites, but all the others seems to pack us in like sardines - one match and 30 or 40 caravans and motorhomes would have instantly conflagrated.


But a beautiful country.


Mel E


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Mel you must have gone to a different Ireland than the one we go to. Been 4 times and have NEVER been on a crowded campsite. Sometimes the only ones there.

Mind you we do go either in April/May or September! Try it out of season if you can. We love the place. 

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