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Solar panels retro fit


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With the higher charges being introduced for EHU I am considering whether it would be worthwhile to install/have installed, more solar panels to my 20 year old old Benimar. At present we have one panel of 20 yrs vintage, installed when the van was converted which I guess is about 80Watt? (it measures about 80 x 60 cm?) I have no documentation on this at all, and it is all controlled via the Benimar master panel on which I have no info other than the photo. It still works OK and keeps both leisure and motor batteries topped up during the year. (We don't plug in to EHU unless we are away in the van).

Can anyone give me an indication of what would be required in terms of equipment and cost, to update the van so that we could happily survive( and enjoy ourselves) off grid? 

I am looking for estimates of solar panels and installation. Controllers and installation, etc.

In any replies please bear in mind that I can wire a plug and resolder a connection, and am aware that v=ir, but that is about it! If you talk too technical it will go straight through my ears!
There will I am sure be many more questions!

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the Benimar panels of that vintage were (ISTR) 55W (maybe 50), and after 20 years the efficiency is probably down a bit.

Going completely off-grid means losing 230v capability. If you need that then things get a bit more complicated. If you simply need to be self-sufficient with 12v, then things are somewhat more simple, though any solution will depend on the nature of your consumption.

Managing the consumption (e.g. with LED lights) can make a big difference, (as can a second leisure battery). We're relatively light consumers, and I could survive most summers adequately with my 120W panel.

A bit more detail on your requirements/usage?

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My 2019 van came as standard with a 120w solar panel which became defective so I decided to replace with three panels giving me 290w.

I found:-

1. could not use the existing cable as it did not have the voltage/current capability (can't recall the detail!) so I had to run a new cable from roof to the controller.

2. panels need to be matched or efficiency will be lost - see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsOnDmPSwqA

3. MPPT controller needed to be upgraded

So I tore my (remaining?) hair out for a while but it was worth it.  Huge increase in solar power generated (x3) and I would do it again


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