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Cab Door Problem Any Ideas?

Vernon B

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Wonder if anyone has any direct experience with this? I've got a GRP cab door on my A class. Its hinged below the waist line so there's nothing securing it to the body above that level. In most circumstance there isn't a problem but when driving in very windy conditions the top half of the door is literally (and visibly) pulled away from the body resulting in excessive draughts and noise.


I should perhaps say that I've already got the manufacturer to re-set the door in the frame without improving the situation. This is basically a design fault that has now been overcome (I assume) by fitting doors with a multi-lock system.


Having considered, and rejected, a number of other DIY solutions I wondered if I could fit a handle/latching system from a domestic double glazing window. What I have in mind is to fit the handle and latching plate in the centre at the top of the door. These types of locks are designed to pull the window (door in my case) up against the seal when they are closed. To fit one would involve some cutting away of the GRP moulding but I think it might be feasable and I may also be able to fit that part of the closure mechanism that would push a bolt into each of the top corners of the door frame.


Before cannibalising the door has anyone else had this problem and found a solution - or do we have a double glazing person out there who can advise?









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I know it may sound rather silly but I am going to suggest it anyway you can always toss it aside.


I don't rightly know what them big shaped perspex things are called that fir on a window . The ones that people have when they want their window open and don't want to get blown out .

Could you not source one of them at the company that makes them it may be worth your while you never know you may get one for your size and it could be fitted stopping the wind getting hold of your door ?.


Just a thought as I said.


Apparently they make them in all shapes and size.


you never know it may help with all your probs not costing the earth ?.




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Hi Vernon


I dont know which A class make you have but, a GRP door that has only hinges in the lower half seems a poor design. If it flaps in the wind it wont offer much security when you are parked up. Thinking aloud, have you considered using one or two of the cam type window fasterners used on caravans and motorhomes?

These could be bonded to the GRP with any epoxy resin and you could also strengthen the door frame by bonding some profiled stainles steel strip along the edges.


Hope this helps


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Thanks michele that is a possibility and one I hadn't thought of - but I will now.


VoH makes a good point about the lack of security the door has and so another lock would give additional benefits. I have looked at various cams and latches but nothing off the shelve appears suitable for various reasons.


Here's a PS for you michele - do you have any more details of the devise shown in motorhome wind.jpg picture?

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Vernon ,

Sorry I just got them from Google the thing is if you look at the pictures on Google you will see that they can be made for anything Boats M/h Cars bikes as well as Lorries .

Maybe if you typed in wind deflector companies you will find some . What you need is MTV to pimp your ride :D


But thats not going to happen so anyway I will look and see what it is that I can come up with for you.. Good luck with security but as VOH said and you know you could probably do with a good lock It don't sound very safe *-)

Found this one its in England they deal with commercial If not perhaps they could point you in the direction of a company that makes to measure.


I was thinking that you could fit the full lenght of your door from top to bottom obviously mouled to that shape . It would take away all of the wind for you mind you I don't suppose not having some secure method locks etc is helping as the wind is getting in and making the problems worse for you ...



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RonB - 2007-09-17 5:01 PM


I'm sure that these were,or still are, advertised by a firm in Sidcup,Kent, Vernon. If Michele can't come up with the answer I suggest looking through a few older issues.


perhpas this is a better suggestion that Ron gave don't want to send you on a wild goose chase. Will keep looking

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Vernon ,

Sorry found one more they seem to do all there stuff online based in Bournemouth free Uk delivery GB Drive 01202 519675 .

again it states commercial maybe they can't help but you never know they could point you in the right direction I also looked a mouldings and perspex and machines there is loads out there it just depends what they would quote you and if this is the way you want to go.

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Hi Vernon, If you look at the front of a big truck you will often see metal air deflectors/scoops on the leading side corners of the cab. These I have been informed redirect the air off the front of the cab and direct it back along the door instead of it going outwards to the side like a bow wave which will cause a partial vacuum thus pulling the door out ward. Similarly the more square the body of a motor home is, the bigger will be the partial vacuum following the van. Likewise a square edged caravan will blow over in a storm easier than one with rounded off corners as there will be a partial vacuum on the lee side as well as the pressure of the wind on the weather side. Talk to some one who builds big commercial trucks, and you may find the answer you seek, best of luck.
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