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europe at xmas


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hi all, the wife and i are new members on here and would firstly like to say hello to everyone,

we stumbled across the site whilst browsing for advice on the web and thought you lot sound like a pretty decent bunch!!!,

anyway... to cut a long story short, we have just purchased our first motorhome and love her to bits, we have given her the old short weekend breaks and tests etc and everything is perfect.. but we really could do some advice and tips that anyone can offer us.


basically we have had enough of the same old xmas and have decided to go to europe for a few weeks over xmas and new year. we have already booked the crossing to calais and from there we have no idea where to head. i have travelled through france and spain a few times but it has always been vertually non stop to get to cadiz, so never really experienced anywhere apart from the odd service area for a break and a flask of tea!!

we would really like to head south for the warmer weather but have no ideas really, we have looked at a few sites but they all look the same.

time is not an issue but we ideally would like to combine a nice drive and scenery with a basic heading and site to head for in mid / southern france and the same again into the south of spain followed by much the same on the way back. can anyone recommend anything in particular ?? also, any advice for the festive season in spain??


cheers everyone,

shaun and lesley.

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Hi Shaun & Lesley! Welcome to the wonderful world of motorhoming. Your lives will never be the same again, and if you are anything like Ann & I this will ruin your futures! All you will want to do is be away in your van and anything else will just not do. Relatives, friends and jobs will get in the way of touring and will just bring frustration and resentment!


But don't worry you are now amongst friends who understand your new habit. We can offer sympathy and empathy as we have been/seen and done it. And we are still wanting more.


The first thing to realise is that although you love your new van, you will soon want another one! Fixed bed, bigger garage, longer wheelbase/ shorter wheelbase, solar panels, extra battery. All these will be on your wish list.


As to your questions, Northern Spain can get quite cold in winter and even deep snow and hard frost can be common. France can get some really impressive rainstorms with flooding common.


Southrn Spain should be on your destination list. Mojacar is splendid for vans. We spent 12 days staying on the beach for free in June. Others have spent longer. Sites are very cheap and offer all the comforts of home. Just expect facilities to be less structured and regulated than here. But it all adds to the charm of the place.


Learn a bit of Spanish/ French because not everywhere speaks english and when you are there for a while you might need advice or help.


Remeber too that budgeting will be different than when you just go for 2 weeks holiday. Eating out every day can get expensive, so shop where the locals shop and use markets and local producers when possible.


There is loads more to find out but just get out there and have fun finding it for yourselves!


Keep looking here and you will get loads of advice and tips that will help.


Oh and don't foget to wave when you see other vans!!



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nice one tommo, we will take a look into Mojacar, southern spain definately sounds the best option. if anyone else knows of anywhere please let us know,

as for the old motorhomer's wave, we have it down to a tee now!

always a classic, and good for a giggle for the few seconds that follow.


we are actually thinking of advancing onto the old flash the headlamps and then wave manouvre... ... (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
J9withdogs - 2007-09-21 9:07 PM


caraprof - 2007-09-21 8:50 PM


Please don't wave at me. Like many others I find it pointless and meaningless.


Now, now Frank - don't start (lol)


newbies they maybe Janine, but they are adult and I am sure they will quickly identify the loonies at loose on here........ :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
puerto - 2007-09-21 9:03 PM


nice one tommo, we will take a look into Mojacar, southern spain definately sounds the best option. if anyone else knows of anywhere please let us know,

as for the old motorhomer's wave, we have it down to a tee now!

always a classic, and good for a giggle for the few seconds that follow.


we are actually thinking of advancing onto the old flash the headlamps and then wave manouvre... ... (lol)


dont forget to blow your horn as well and watch the stiff upper lips quiver.... :-D

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hi, we have never done Xmas, but have left UK on 27th the last three years, and only once got snow in France, arrived Barcelona and from there on weather lovely and great New Year dinners to bring the bells in, then travelled on to Costa Del Sol or Blanca where we find the weather is better, please keep waving, after all it shows "Friendship" those that dont want to wave dont need to, they can..............................
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Guest caraprof
JudgeMental - 2007-09-21 9:37 PM
J9withdogs - 2007-09-21 9:07 PM
caraprof - 2007-09-21 8:50 PM Please don't wave at me. Like many others I find it pointless and meaningless.
Now, now Frank - don't start (lol)
newbies they maybe Janine, but they are adult and I am sure they will quickly identify the loonies at loose on here........ :-D

In Northumberland a month or so ago we were travelling along a quiet country road when another motorhome came towards us. The driver started flashing his lights and at first my wife and I thought that there must be something wrong.

But no, it was just another dreaded extension of the stupid wave as they then both started gesticulating as though we were some long-lost friends whom they hadn't seen in years.

Talk about loonies! I wonder why it is that caravanners, who would never dream of waving at total strangers suddenly feel the urge to do so when they buy a motorhome.

Total nutters if you ask me!

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hi horse, the costas are looking pretty attractive, where abouts did you stay? can you recommend anywhere in particular to head? or even a site?


as for the wave debate, does anyone think it better to swap my traditional horn with the good old 80's style air horns that play "la cocaracha" for all those who prefer not to wave,

or do you think that the old flash and / or wave, followed by a blast of la cocaracha if you dont wave back is a little extravagant??

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Guest caraprof
puerto - 2007-09-22 5:56 AM hi horse, the costas are looking pretty attractive, where abouts did you stay? can you recommend anywhere in particular to head? or even a site? as for the wave debate, does anyone think it better to swap my traditional horn with the good old 80's style air horns that play "la cocaracha" for all those who prefer not to wave, or do you think that the old flash and / or wave, followed by a blast of la cocaracha if you dont wave back is a little extravagant??

I think that you should stop and hug each other. If you're going to go along with all of this false and insincere bonhomie with people you don't know and probably wouldn't even like if you met them, why not do the job properly?

Oh, and don't forget the kiss on both cheeks!

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all this hugging, kissing, waving and flashing is all well and good, but honestly, can anyone else recommend a good site to head for,so far it look like southern spain / costas, we dont really want to be too far away from everything, i.e town or beach etc, preferebly all within decent walking distance(1 mile or closer?) as we cant be bothered hiring a car to go looking around as i think this defeats the object.


p.s frank, if you do need a hug mate no problems, i will even give you continental style kiss on both cheeks too if you want pal !


steady on everyone, you know i mean his rosy red face cheeks!!

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Welcome aboard!!





We live inland on the Costa Blanca region of Spain, and I can highly recommend it at Christmas time.


To add to what others have already said:


Northern and central regions of Spain get bloody cold in the winter. Really cold. Don't bother. North west coastal regions are beautiful, but only visit in the June-September period


The Med coast regions are absolutely miles better if you you want warmth and sunshine at that time of year.... so it's Costa Blanca (East coast) or Costa del Sol (South coast) regions in the main.

That doesn't mean at all that you have to stick to the narrow, Brit infested, busy, and in many parts frankly culturally awful parts of these costas - you only have to venture perhaps 5 to 10 kms inland from the coastal strips to see the fantastic scenery and culture of real Spain.


Also, inland you can wild camp almost anywhere - it's a BIG country and there's loads of space between villages to park-up on little tracks etc in the countryside.




Spain actually has three sets of festivities over the Christmas period: Christmas, New Year's Eve, and then Three Kings Day (6th January).


Christmas Eve is a big party day/night here - many of the Spanish do their present-giving on that day rather than Christmas Day.

Christmas Day is normally a quiet day in most places, as it's a traditional family day for the Spanish. Of course there's still lots of action in the Brit areas (eg Benidorm etc) for the non-Spanish who want to drink/party in bars on that day.


New Year's Eve is the next BIG party night.....bands, masses of fireworks (fantastic!), and everyone has to eat twelve grapes (las doce ubas) at midnight - one at each stroke of the clock as midnight chimes. Thern you toast the New Year with the bottle of Cava (Spanish version of Champagne) that you've brought out with you.

New years Eve is a wonderful experience in any town/village in Spain.

You WILL get drunk on the local wine, as everyone you meet in the village seems to have gallons of the stuff and isnsists that you join then for a toast.


Then there's Three Kings Day a few days later, when Spanish kids get their presents. In the old days in Spain this was the only presnet-giving day......but Spanish kids (and Spanish retailers!) have wised-up to the fact

that Brit kids get theirs on Christmas Day, and German etc kids get their on Christnmas Eve, so often Spanish children now manage to get presents from various sources on each of these three days!

Three Kings Day is another public holiday here...lots of feasting and drinking and eating the traditional "tres Reys" circular cake, with a little toy hidden inside it.


It would be great for you to come to Spain at that time of year - but if I could ask one thing, it would be that you get out of the Brit quarter of wherever you are staying, venture into some of the proper Spanish villages a little further inland, and see for yourselves what a wonderful, friendly, family-oriented celebration season Christmas can still be without lager-louts, vandals, graffitti etc.

Unlike the Brits, the Spanish of all ages get hugely drunk and then dance around arm in arm, smile and hug everyone, sing raucously and terribly, and welcome total strangers to their parties and their homes. They do not get agressive, they don't fight, they are just a great let's enjoy-ourselves nation.


Remember however, that with the exception of the larger stores, most small shops and almost all offices in Spain shut down for the whole period 24th December to 6th January.


Come, and enjoy!






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Shaun - Bear in mind that not many campsites are open in the winter until you get to Spain and then they are still scarce, other than in the north east, until you get further South. Also the water supply to Aires (meaning proper aires I hope and not service station aires?) is often turned off in very cold weather.


Two campsites I can recommend on the west coast route through France (preferred by most old hands heading for the far south of Spain) which stay open are;

'Le Futuriste', St Georges-les-Baillargeaux (nr Futurescope), Poitiers.

'Larrouleta', Saint Jean de Luz, (near the border).


Thinking about it, if I were a first timer, I would contact Don Madge, the MMM travel consultant for the area . He will no doubt have loads of info and advice on the subject.


Have fun.



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thanks ron, i will definately check them out ,

so far so good, some sound advice thanks everyone, our minds are at ease a little more now, we will let you know where we decide to go just incase of any niggles you lot may know of, and also how we get on,


any more advice by the way is greatly appreciated!!



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Hi peurto, sorry I havent been on computor, we are off on lst October (having twice had to cancel ....earlier) and as its later than we would have liked only going for 6 weeks, we are just going the usual route thru france, mostly toll roads to get to sun, we will stop over at Roses or L.Escala, then Barcellona for 3/4 nights then head either for Costa del sol or Murcia, in the winter months we like Costa Blanca, we park up and use the car alot, in previous times we have hired car for £60 per week ( u dont need anything flash). in the quietier area of Benidorm you have Camp Rocca, we stayed there twice making some nice friends, who tend to stay on site for up to sixmonths, and tour, as I said before we have always been lucky with sites, very clean and good facilities, such as restuarants and indoor swimming pools, laundry etc. We are thinking of leaving the motorhome at my friends near Murcia, as we will be on the road again on the27th December, or can any-one suggest good safe storage in Costa Blanca....Happy holidays Margaret Millar (lol)
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Murcia tends to have more stable weather than further south and is almost as warm.


One site I can recommend in the area is 'International Marina', La Marina (about 15 miles south of Alicanti) It has large areas of pine clad walks adjacent leading to a long beach which is near deserted during the winter months. The site is well managed and has first class facilities without being rowdy. Its only problem is that it needs booking ahead.

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RonB - 2007-09-25 5:00 PM


Murcia tends to have more stable weather than further south and is almost as warm.


One site I can recommend in the area is 'International Marina', La Marina (about 15 miles south of Alicanti) It has large areas of pine clad walks adjacent leading to a long beach which is near deserted during the winter months. The site is well managed and has first class facilities without being rowdy. Its only problem is that it needs booking ahead.




Just in case anyone googles for it, it's about 20kms south of "Alicante", off the main N332 coast road.


Certainly the beaches down there are VERY quiet in the winter months - there are a lot of wild-camp spots around there in the pines and around the dunes just inland from the beach - we wild-camped there for a night about a month ago.

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:-D :-D :-D Hi take alook in camping and caravan club carrefree book thats if you are in that ,they have some nice sites for the winter.Last year we went down to portugal to one of ther sites it was very good and the price was ok as well.Aslo we went to Spain at a C-Club site and for more than a month only £35.00 aweek plus water/Elc not bad!,plus you can book stop of`s with them on the way down( cc-club) .Regards john
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Went we to Mojacar 2006 and found several campsites within the area, some had a very good long stay bargains. My friend wrote down all the names so I will get in touch with her and post them later.


We were very fortunate with the weather and had lots of warmish sun most of our 4weeks.


The local eating places are very good, we tried most of them throughout our stay, we hired a car for the 4 weeks at a very reasonable rate of 250 euros For the 4 weeks.


We went to Estapona for a week and from there we went to Gibralter for a day.


Have a really good time We did!

And don't stop waving Its a great feeling when you get a wave back from a Freindly like minded person.


Kate 1881 B-) B-)

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