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motorhome carpet


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Guest caraprof
ksb - 2007-09-22 11:48 AM Hi, i am new to this forum. Doe,s anyone know where i can get a good quality fully fitted carpet for my Rapido motorhome please. South Yorkshire, Midlands or East Anglia. Many thanks,Keith

I'm lucky in that near where I live there is a firm that makes car mats and they will duplicate any carpet. Mine are removable and held in place by press-studs on the floor so I took the original carpet to this firm and they duplicated it at a very reasonable cost. I had a darker one than the original and put the light-coloured original in my cellar and when I sell the 'van I'll replace the pristine carpet. Perhaps there's someone similar in your area? Check the web or Yellow Pages.

I would strongly recommend that you consider removable carpets. They're easier to clean and dry as you can take them out into the garage for instance.

If you really insist on having fitted carpets I would have thought that any carpet shop with a good fitter, will be able to do the job. I'm not sure why you'd need a caravan firm to do it.

Also, with the size of carpet needed I'm sure that you'll be able to buy an end of roll or an off-cut at a very reasonable price.

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Guest caraprof
b6x - 2007-09-22 1:09 PM Hi Frank.

As a matter of interest,  where is "near to where I live" ?  I'm thinking of duplicating the removable carpets in our van for the same reasons as you.


Sorry Steve but it's no use to you. I'm in the north-west and this firm is in Wigan. However, I'm sure that there must be other similar ones in your neck of the woods.

I do the same when I buy a car too. If it has expensive over-mats I get Ambassador to duplicate them and when I sell the car I put the pristine original ones back in place.

Just for your interest, this is the company that I use.


Edited to say that they have an online service but getting the shape right may be a problem. I take in the originals and the duplicate them and they bind the edges properly etc.

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A couple of points........

1 If you want loose, but the correct carpets for your Rapido, you could try contacting Rapido Uk at Wokingham, and enquire whether they are still available from the factory. When we had our Rapido, they came in three separate sections - the cab, kitchen area and raised dining area (Rapido 710F). We ended up with the main/largest one which covered from the rear of the cab to the dining area (at the rear of the van) living in our loft for the whole of the 5 years we had the motorhome. It was far easier to keep the vinyl floor clean, and also it looked better than carpet all through.


2 If you have the originals, then any carpets shop should be able to sell you suitable carpeting, and arrange for it to be cut to the correct shape and 'whipped' (bound) in matching wool.


3 In our new motorhome, we have opted only for the (FIAT)cab carpet, and had enough unused carpet left over from having a fair quantity laid in our house, so have had this cut to size (for our requirements - 2 reasonable size 'mats) and had it professionally whipped by one of the carpet outlets near where we live - total cost under £20. We shall only use this when in the Uk and certainly not take it abraod in the summer - we feel vinily more hygenic as well as easier to keep clean.


Best of luck in what you want to acheive- enjoy the Rapido.

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I've fitted carpet tiles in my Rapido 710f look good and are waterproof can also be lifted and washed individually or replaced if you get a bad stain. But get a good make and they will outlast the van.
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We used to use cheap carpet runners, you can get them from B&Q about £5-6 each for a good lengh, I then cut them to shape, they can be removed to be washed and swept, or just given a quick shake. At one of the shows we managed to pick up some rubber backed cotton twill topped long runners (like the muck holding ones) - they are 'grass green' in colour with rubber edging and backing, nice and soft underfoot but easy to clean up and can be washed. Again I just cut them to size/into sections to make them easy to move about. We've had them down since February and haven't yet had to wash them in the machine as they clean up very well and easily by hand.


Whilst away at York we had a couple of accidents ... no not the dogs widdling! Hubby moved the rat cage and hadn't secured the bottom properly, it dropped out scattering wood shavings, cat litter and rat food (and 1 rat!) onto the floor! Hell of a mess but not a major problem as we just brushed up the worst of it and then took the mat up and shook the remaining bits outside. Then just dried off the patch where the water bowl had spilt. Then, the following day, one of the dogs knocked a large bottle of lime syrup cordial off the table and the top came off ... ruddy mess everywhere, but easily cleaned again, we were able to lift the pieces of mat in the rear door footwell and rinse them off to get rid of the sticky stuff and then lift the others to wipe up underneath them where it had run.


If we didn't have the good runners though I'd probably go down the carpet tiles route, we use them at home in the kitchen and they are great if you spill anything messy, just take that one up, give it a quick rinse and it's sorted. You can also get a couple of spares so if you do have a major spill accident you can replace the damaged one rather than have to replace the lot. Just don't get the rough industrial nylon ones ... unless you like static! 8-)

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Depends what size of area you are covering. I removed my carpets because they were a beautiful cream colour (stay clean for about a week probably) and put down a number of barrier mats (butting up against each other)which look reasonable and can be taken out for a good clean.


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It must be me. I can understand people wanting to replace worn out carpet, but removing the original carpets and storing them for replacing when you come to sell???? Methinks you should remove the carpets and put down some sawdust! If I want to have nice carpets at sale time then that's the time to replace surely. Have you got throws on all the seating and nice lace anti-macassars too?
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grocer jack - 2007-09-27 8:57 AM


It must be me. I can understand people wanting to replace worn out carpet, but removing the original carpets and storing them for replacing when you come to sell???? Methinks you should remove the carpets and put down some sawdust! If I want to have nice carpets at sale time then that's the time to replace surely. Have you got throws on all the seating and nice lace anti-macassars too?


Carpest are very much a personal choice. For us, we prefer to continental idea, now copied by many UK manufactruers, of removable carpets. We find the vinyl easier to keep clean, and ofetn far more hygenic than carpets.

We're withitn the group GrocerJack obvisouly doesn't understand....we take the originals up (if privded) and store, ready to put back in for a subsequent purchaser, whose ideas may well be quite the opposit e of our, and who lkes carpest on the floor!

And yes, we've always covered the seating with 'fitted' cotton covers, and you'l perhaps be srurpsied (or not!) at the comments as to the excelleent condition of the van when it comes to selling. Indeed, the covers are washed regularly, and even though we try our hardest to keep everything as clean as possible, it's surprising how dirty they get, especially when holidaying in hot and dusty countries.

I think his comments are rather harsh, and different people have different ideas - thank goodness, that's what makes the world go round - metaphorically speaking anyway!

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If I've paid a large sum of money for a motorhome I want to ENJOY what I've paid for, not put it away somewhere so the next owner can enjoy what I didn't. It's like buying a new suit and then putting it in the wardrobe "for best. Might as well wear overalls!

I know, why not buy one new motorhome and put it in the garage, then bring it out 2 or 3 years later to sell in pristine, as new condition,whilst you live in an old, tatty one.

Have you thought of taking out the engine of a new van and storing it whilst you get a horse to tow the rest. " My, that's a lovely shiny engine in your 5 year old van!"

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We didn't get any carpets with ours! Even if we had we would have removed them and put them in the attic until the time came to sell. The colour of the supplied carpets is usually so light that just looking at them makes them dirty! The backing on manufacturer supplied carpets is generally a bit rough as well and in the process of removing/relaying it you are likely to damage the cabinets etc by scratching it. :-(


As we have 2 dogs obviously we have to be able to take them out to wash as and when necessary and the mats that we use are much easier to handle than the large pieces of carpet that, even though removable, are often like wrestling a massive irate octopus. *-)


Yes, we could just not use mats at all but they are the dirt grabber type so actually take the dirt/moisture off the dogs feet before they jump onto the seats etc so are better than no carpet at all - if we didn't have a carpet the floor would be filty in seconds and so would the seats etc.


We have also covered the seats, both front and rear, and have also got some padding on top of the table with a cloth over that so that the little horrors' claws don't scratch it and we just lay a clean vinyl table cover on that that can be easily washed. I'd prefer if they didn't go on there in the first place of course but you try keeping a staffie/greyhound off anything!



If you don't want carpets that's fine, some of us actually like it though. :->

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grocer jack - 2007-09-27 2:56 PM


If I've paid a large sum of money for a motorhome I want to ENJOY what I've paid for, not put it away somewhere so the next owner can enjoy what I didn't. It's like buying a new suit and then putting it in the wardrobe "for best. Might as well wear overalls!

I know, why not buy one new motorhome and put it in the garage, then bring it out 2 or 3 years later to sell in pristine, as new condition,whilst you live in an old, tatty one.

Have you thought of taking out the engine of a new van and storing it whilst you get a horse to tow the rest. " My, that's a lovely shiny engine in your 5 year old van!"


I really don't understand the logic of such sarcastic responses on this forum.

My comments were made on a personal choice basis, and what we feel is best for us.......perhaps some of us just take more pride in things than others, and I guess the same can be said of our (permanent) homes.

We -and I'm sure many others - like to keep out homes/motorhomes clean for our own comfort and enjoyment, and also some us of have an aversion to fitted carpets.....so what, that doesn't call for any sarcasm , it's merely a choice. Just because Grocer Jack doesn't agree, that's not to say its wrong!

If this is the standard and attitude of responses we can now expect from some contributors , I have to say I really wonder whether this forum's actually worthwhile now.

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Our m/home came with light beige removable carpets. With a dog these stand no chance of staying clean. I cut up part of a breathable ground sheet, the rubbery type, to the same shape as the carpets. these are easily cleaned and are soft underfoot as well. This works well for us and the originals will be kept in the garage for when we come to sell it.



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michele - 2007-09-27 5:56 PM


Hey keith I,m still here :D


Hi Michelle...good to know there are still some of us around who treat the other contributors with some decorum....! Anyway, off line now for 3-4 weeks, (again), so won't have to put up with anymore of his sarcasm!!!!


Hi Mel B...yes I know, but it does get to you sometimes. At elast I know you always treat matters sensibly, and don't resort to sarcasm. Wish all contributors followed this route, but regrettably there are just a few who make a mockery of the whole thing, it seems. Shall know not to bother responding to them in future!

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Guest caraprof
grocer jack - 2007-09-27 2:56 PM If I've paid a large sum of money for a motorhome I want to ENJOY what I've paid for, not put it away somewhere so the next owner can enjoy what I didn't. It's like buying a new suit and then putting it in the wardrobe "for best. Might as well wear overalls! I know, why not buy one new motorhome and put it in the garage, then bring it out 2 or 3 years later to sell in pristine, as new condition,whilst you live in an old, tatty one. Have you thought of taking out the engine of a new van and storing it whilst you get a horse to tow the rest. " My, that's a lovely shiny engine in your 5 year old van!"

What a load of old tripe! Do you never wash your motorhome as that would be a logical extension of your thinking?

For your information, you can't use your motorhome if you take out the engine but I suspect from the quality of your argument that you haven't realised that!

I cover my sofa seats with a protective cloth as well because if you spill something nasty on it or on your carpet you are just damaging a cheaply replaceable bit of material.

You sound like the sort of chap who wouldn't mind driving around in a motorhome that has nasty stains on the floor and on the upholstery but most of us aren't, we have standards!

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grocer jack - 2007-09-27 2:56 PM


If I've paid a large sum of money for a motorhome I want to ENJOY what I've paid for, not put it away somewhere so the next owner can enjoy what I didn't. It's like buying a new suit and then putting it in the wardrobe "for best. Might as well wear overalls!

I know, why not buy one new motorhome and put it in the garage, then bring it out 2 or 3 years later to sell in pristine, as new condition,whilst you live in an old, tatty one.

Have you thought of taking out the engine of a new van and storing it whilst you get a horse to tow the rest. " My, that's a lovely shiny engine in your 5 year old van!"

My sentiments entirely Jack. Use your van as it was sold to you and when it comes to sell and the covers are tatty, get them re-covered as tastes in fabrics change over the years and it will look up to date when you sell.
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