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York Show toilets, ugh


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This being our 1st M/H show, we have nothing to compare to but was the disgusting state of the gents toilets typical? Swimming in mud/water/goodness knows what else fairly early in the day, I dread to think what they were like later on. Did they get checked or cleaned later on in the day? I hope so because it was only 1pm when I was there. Cold water for hand washing? What's all that about, £5 + admission and cold water!! I'm no precious specimen but c'mon it's 2007 and should we have to tolerate that, I think not. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry at one chaps comment of "they (the toilets) have been like that for 50 years". Oh well that's alright then.



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Hi Martyn


Was that the permanent toilets near the entrance gate?


I ask because, although we didn't go to the show this year, the camping fields 'temporary' toilets are usually some of the best at any showground and are usually cleaned and replenished (blue flush, toilet paper, hand towels etc) several times during the course of the day.


However, I have used the ones near the stnds and they do leave a lot to be desired.



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Hello David, yes it was the permanent ones, but those located at the opposite end to the entrance. Those at the entrance were queued up outside. As I say I'm not precious but blimey they were poor. Just mentioned this to Andrea (better half) and she said the ladies weren't bad at all. Oh dear, one to the girls..



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LordThornber - 2007-09-24 4:44 PM


Hello David, yes it was the permanent ones, but those located at the opposite end to the entrance. Those at the entrance were queued up outside. As I say I'm not precious but blimey they were poor. Just mentioned this to Andrea (better half) and she said the ladies weren't bad at all. Oh dear, one to the girls..



Those at the entrance were worse than the opposite ones Martyn. Took me back 40 years to inadequate provision at football grounds. I was surprised because the toilets in the Knavesmire stand are a much higher standard.



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Sadly the permanent toilets are always disgraceful and in damp conditions you really do need to consider wearing wellies to use them 8-) 8-) .


The temporary ones are worlds apart though, brand new, clean and serviced at very frequent intervals. We were camped near to one set and the sludge gulper came round about five times every day to empty both the loos and the waste emptying tank nearby as well as refilling the two bowsers, one for drinking water and one for rinsing your toilet cassette. Slightly worrying to see so many people filling their aquarolls and similar from the toilet rinsing bowser and we did point this out to as many as we saw doing it.



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I must admit the permanent ladies loos were quite good, nice and clean, apart from the fact that the floor was a bit wet from what had been brought in on people's shoes, not much that could be done about that though. Loo rolls, hot water and paper hand towels in abundance!
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