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York Show problems


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I take your point about the steward - I take it you mean the one on the gate where you exit to the car park and re-enter, showing your plastic bracelet. He was a big headed bumptious know-it-all git. He screamed at me to get out of the way as a van was exiting behind me. I gave him a Paddington marmalade stare and walked very slowly through the gate.


Don't think you can expect metalled roads because of the mud - would cost an absolute fortune. Come to think of it though, the Timberland stand had complete metal flooring - must be doing well..........


I thoroughly enjoyed the show ( apart from that self-important geezer on the gate ) and got a couple of real bargains- including a caravanstor for 90 quid.



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us thinks that warners should advertise how the going is before the show. good to firm on wed, firm to good on thurs, expected hard as rocks on frid. we could all bet on the queues and weather the rude steward will still be in imployment next yer! there should be a MMM tote - michele would make a good booky.


just a thought anyway


fred n alice

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  • 2 months later...
The problem we encountered was the water bowsers being empty, this was due to several visitors taking three or four buckets of water in order to wash their vans. The prices of some goodies wer a bit OTT, a solar panel available from Maplin at £50.00 beinf offered at £150.00 is a bit steep.
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