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On site battery charging by two methods


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Having run a trial some weeks ago on charging by running the vehicle diesel engine for a set time.


I recently ran another trial with a new 0.9 Kw output generator and found the results over a set time were pretty well the same, ie about 3 points additional charge on the internal display.


I came to the conclusion that there's no point in carrying a generator even though it only weighs 14Kg when I can achieve the same results with the vehicle engine.


Any comments

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Guest caraprof

Your engine, which is much larger is presumably using a lot more fuel and spewing out more pollution.

Sounds a little anti-social to me as well. I wouldn't like to be parked next to someone who keeps his engine running for longish periods.

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Some reasonable comments the rest are rubbish.


There's no such thing as a carbon footprint! That all relates from the satelite down stream reflected pattern.


Polution interfering with carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is all nonsense. What's happened to all those trees pumping out millions of litres of it? Have they suddenly become redundant.


Lets have some positive comments PLEASE.


And I didn't say I was on site causing a distubance, this was on my own premises miles from anyone.

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Charlie&me - 2007-09-26 6:34 PM


Polution interfering with carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is all nonsense. What's happened to all those trees pumping out millions of litres of it? Have they suddenly become redundant.


Lets have some positive comments PLEASE.



Give the poster a peanut for being the day's biggest fool

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Guest starspirit

Ignore the pompous self righteous bunch Charlie - they lead sheltered lives!

For what it is worth I think you carried out a very valid experiment and I doubt much more of anything was emitted by the van engine that would not have come from the less efficient generator?

So much negativity on here is why I tend not to bother any more - and nobody mentioned the environmental cost of manufacturing the generator in the first place?

I have long advocated running the van engine on tick over as a cost effective way of charging a battery and I will continue so to do as long as it causes nobody else any grief. This is best avoided by doing it only in broad daylight plus communication with any near neighbours.

Cheaper and less space consuming than a generator or solar panels.

The other cost effective way is to use a hookup overnight.




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Ranger - 2007-09-26 6:00 PM


How about fitting an alternator to an exercise bike???????????Keep fit at the same time!!!!!!!!!!No exhaust, just exhaustion, unless you have a very fit wife. (Easy with the whip)


You been talking to the Judge again Ranger? :$


So long as you don't cause problems for anyone else then charge your battery as you wish, I seriously doubt that the cost of fuel for your van engine would be anywhere near the overall cost of the generator and fuel combined over the same time or that the 'pollution' would be significantly different either.


My only concern would be if I was doing anything detrimental to the engine etc as that could make it a very expensive way to charge the battery, but as I'm not that mechanically minded others can advise on that. At the end of the day, it's your choice.

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Thanks all round.


The CB radio days were spoiled by unknown persons making off target remarks which eventually killed it.


I trust those on here at least learn something worthwhile from the forum, of course there's no proof that they actually do own a M/home. At least they can read and some can spell.


Their comments can be challengeable but that's life, I enjoy it all. We should all remailn different.


I've just been writing an article about Tornado Smith the Wall of Death rider and his lion Briton. He was from Suffolk anyone know him?



I dont quite see the logic in being called a fool for making a comment about polution, you either believe what you're told by government or you don't. If you are a believer then the tables are turned and you are the fool.

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spartan3956 - 2007-09-26 5:54 PM


So with the engine running on the newer vans you cannot use any habitational power inside it until you switch the engine off.

Long live the generator.


Spartan why is that please explain we keep our stuff on if running the engine.

What have I missed :D

We use both The generator is there for a back up really regarding the children i cannot never be without power as a when . But I have been known to run the engine just for a top up . I am sick of being curtious although we are and always consider others . I notice others are not the same its look after number 1 so you do what suits you charlie and dont worry about carbon emmisions I dont see the govnerment cutting down on theirs :D

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Guest starspirit

It's supposedly to prevent damage by the increased voltage to 'delicate' electronics in the conversion - whatever they may be?

Also for fear of damage to the van's engine electronics - although only Clive would know how that could occur.

Personally I think it is to prevent you pumping water for a cup of tea when bored after 3 hours at 60 on the motorway and then to add insult you can't flush the loo either.

Well done Michele I admire your political incorrectness - pity a few more are not like minded.


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As I understand it, it is all to do with electro-magnetic interference, and the way various manufacturers get round legislation and/or perceived risks.


Essentially there is a risk that 'domestic' electric/electronic equipment not designed specifically for use in motor vehicles may, in use, interfere with the sensitive electronic equipment in the vehicle, of which there is an increasing amount. (ecu, abs sensors, etc). This could lead to liability landing with the motorhome converter in the event of an incident.


There are a number of ways around this:


i) ensure all such domestic kit is EMI certified (expensive!)

ii) ensure all such domestic kit cannot be used when the vehicle is in motion (use an alternator driven relay to switch out domestic 12v circuits when the engine is running). This seems to be the UK approach, and is probably dictated by industry bodies.

iii) treat the issue as theoretical, and ignore it (This seems to be the continental way 8-) - though of course, they might actually have taken the first option without it being apparent (lol) ) .


My current and last van (both continental conversions) have domestic 12v available all the time, my previous UK van had the relay to inhibit it, and I believe most UK converters have taken this approach for a good few years.

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Guest starspirit

Carry an old two litre lemonade bottle full of water when on the move and you have enough for a cuppa and a flush.


TOP TIP. Always carry a 2L Tesco Value bottle of bottled water just in case the pump fails and that way the pump will never fail - something else will spot the gap in protection and fail in it's place.

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Better still carry 2 x 2ltr bottles of water. Leave one on the dash in front of the windscreen on a hot day and you will have warm water to wash up with after your cuppa. It works even better if you paint it black on the side away from the widow.


Now if your gas heater fails you will have warm water. So what's the next thing to fail for want of a plastic bottle! 8-)

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Guest starspirit

If you paint the bottle on the inside the black paint won't wear off when it rolls around the dash.

Cut another bottle in half and you have a funnel to focus your aim when peeing on the move - but watch out for sharp edges.

Carry lots of spare bottles full of air in case you get a puncture.

Carry spare bottles full of hot air for direction at jobs worth site wardens

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