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What Size Engine Battery?


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OK techies, here's your chance to shine:


I've got a 1992 Eura Mobil 4 berth overcab coachbuilt on the Peugeot J5 chassis-cab.


Engine is the 2.5 diesel, non-turbo.


No flashy electric extras are run from the vehicle battery.


At present it's fitted with a 70ah engine battery that it came with when I bought it (brand is a "Fiamma Diamond"). Battery appears to be reasonably new - perhaps 1 or two years old; but impossible to be certain as whoever fitted it never marked the Year/Month sticker on the top of it at the time.


I've noticed several times over the past couple of weeks that when starting the van early in the morning, that having allowed the glowplugs about 5 seconds to heat up, when I then turn the key to activate the starter motor, I hear the solenoid click, but the starter doesn't turn. Release key. Wait a few seconds, turn key, same thing. Wait a few seconds and turn key again, and starter then works fine and engine fires up immediately.

Frustratingly, on other days, this doesn't happen at all, and the starter activates first time.

The problem only ever manifests first thing in the morning - at all other times (when the engine is warm) it starts instantly without any need for glowplug use at all.

Previous owner had the glowplugs and starter solenoid replaced about 18 months ago.




I was thinking about possible casues, and thus solutions.


Now that it's getting a bit cooler here in Spain it can actually be quite chilly through the night - maybe it's simply that the 70ah battery hasn't got enough "oomph" to perform well once it's colder.

I'm happy to replace this tiddly battery anyway, and have been offered a 110ah new battery at a good price. It's obviously a lot bigger and heavier, but will fit on the battery tray.

But is 110ah over the top? Should it be bigger/smaller than 110??

What size batteries do other people have in their diesel chuggers, and what experience have they had with them??



Alernatively maybe the brushes on the starter motor are wearing out - does anyone know if the starter on the Peugeot J5 (the precurser to the Peugeot Boxer, and the same van as the Citroen C25 and Talbot Express) is DIY strippable and "re-brushable", or is it an exchange unit jobbie?



Any input/advice on battery sizes, or any other possible solutions will be welcomed!!!






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Guest starspirit
I would fit the biggest capacity that will fit in the holder as it costs very little more and is worth it for the peace of mind - unless you are Britain's strongest man and can push it off a grass field.
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Battery capacity is not the issue here. I suspect the real problem is simply the age of the engine. Old diesels are like old people on cold mornings, they don't want to get out of bed :-) . My first thought when I read your posting was dodgy solenoid but that's been changed so unlikely (although not impossible to be the cause. One thing that does spring to mind is the glow plug controller unit as this is a known problem area on the older Sevel based diesels.



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Many thanks for all your comments and advice.


I think I'll go for the BIG battery anyway, if only to achieve some degree of peace of mind.


Maybe also, as per Dave's idea, I'll simply not wake her (actually it's a him, as our arthritic snail has been dubbed "Martin") until after mid-day in future!!





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Thanks for the advice guys 'n gals -


I've decided to go for the big 110 ah engine battery as (alledgedly) the one that my local garage can supply will fit into the enginebay on the battery shelf.....I reckon it's gonna be VERY tight, but we'll see!


It's now ordered, so I'll give an update when it's fitted.


Of course, the law of sod had come into play, and the damn thing has started 1st turn of the key ever since we got back from our tour around Galicia - but I'm still gonna upgrade the battery anyway, for a bit of future peace of mind.







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