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The old firm has changed again - I think it changed ownership. Someone will answer that.


However, as to effectiveness - it depends entirely on the installation. To silence a noisy engine, you must do three things:


1. Line the underside of the engine compartment lid to stop the noise that comes straight through there and then the windscreen.


2. Line the engine compartment wings.


3. Line the bulkhead between engine compartment and the passenger cabin. With an already built vehicle, this is extremely difficult without taking the instrument panel out.


I would suggest a pm to Dave Newell might elicit some suggestions.


Mel E


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First port of cal for silencing engine noise should be to check that all grommets are in their correct place in the bulkhead. you might be surprised how many converters put wires through holes in the bulkhead and don't grommet the hole, this allows a lot of noise through to the cab. The "noisekiller" type mats do work and you can get them to fit over the engine itself as well as adhesive backed mats for the bulkhead, wings, cab floor etc but bear in mind that they can be quite heavy as they often use lead as a damping material. they can also be tricky to fit tidily.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK Guys

As promised a follow up to the Soundproofing.

The noise reduction is good we can now talk without shouting, and can hear the radio without it bieng on full volume.

I must admit I am disapointed with the fitting of the mat in the cab as I dont have carpet fitted in the front just the rubber mat it is just laid on top and not under.

So another question does anyone know where I can get a front fitted carpet for a 1993 Talbot Express.




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Guest Tracker

You could try taking the rubber mat out and fitting sound proofing felt direct to the floor then replacing the rubber mat. The rubber mat will be a bit tricky to refit on top but it will certainly quieten the van interior.


Or take the rubber mat out and use it as a pattern for either making your own fitted carpet or having a local carpet company do it for you with heavy felt backed carpet.


Anything soft and thick (no not me) that you put between the two hard surfaces of rubber and steel will help because hard surfaces reflect sound and soft surfaces absorb sound and the tighter the fit the better the sound proofing ability.

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When putting speakers in my 2003 Ducato doors, I noticed that there wa s no sound proofing at all (as far as I could see). Also there were a large number of 5mm dia holes venting from / to the cab.


A little job to do, me-thinks. Warm and quiet at the same time.


( Or just spray in builders foam *-)



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There are slots for air movement in the door, just below the locking mechanism.


These may be there to prevent condensation turning to rust but I have been blocking these vent for many years and have yet to see any rust form, so if you tape over these it blocks the wind from coming into the inside of the door and from there into the cab.


Similarly around the seat belt lower mountings is another source of cold air flow that can easily be subdued.

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Philip - 2007-10-18 10:05 AM

The noise reduction is good we can now talk without shouting, and can hear the radio without it bieng on full volume.

I must admit I am disapointed with the fitting of the mat in the cab as I dont have carpet fitted in the front just the rubber mat it is just laid on top and not under.

So another question does anyone know where I can get a front fitted carpet for a 1993 Talbot Express.



I would second your comments re the improvement. I have seen the mat that you require (ours already has one) for sale on a stall at the Peterboro show but I am sorry I can't remember the sellers name, but that appeared to be all they sold i.e. over mats for the cab and the habitation steps, embroidered with the vehicles type.

I wonder whether either Warners might be able to help as they would know who was at the show or perhaps someone can remember the company.



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Do ensure that any mat you put on the habitation doorstep is secured as the risk of a loose mat moving whilst being stepped on is very real, as is the risk of tripping up on it's loose edge on the way in.
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