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Parking M/H outside the house


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Guest caraprof
colin - 2007-10-01 3:55 PM
caraprof - 2007-10-01 1:38 PM

Mmmm. No wonder that caravanners and motorhomers get a bad name!

Personally I think that it's ill-mannered storing a dirty great white monstrosity on your drive and blocking the road with it is even worse.

My neighbours never bother when my 'van is on the drive for two or three days whilst I clean it and load it etc. because they know that ultimately it will disappear.

Before making such sweeping genralisations prehaps you would like to look at the picture below of my house, this was taken by the local tourist information office and I have just scaned it from their leaflet, on the front drive is parked my van! you can't even see it from this angle I have no houses opposite and the nabours each side can't even see my house let alone van, the only complains I have heard is from people trying to take photo's from opposite end of my front garden that they have trouble framing the photo, well hard luck

I would have thought that anyone with half a brain would understand that such comments must always be generalisations! It's a pity that nowadays it seems that we must end every opinion with twenty different conditions explaining that whilst this is the general gist of the statement there will be obvious exceptions.

I remember one really stupid Welsh bloke on this site some months ago who had a right go at me because I said that young drivers cause more accidents than older ones.

He ranted on about how some young drivers are excellent and don't cause accidents. This is another example of someone who can't work out that my statement was a generalisation and that again, whilst it is generally correct, there will of course always be exceptions to the rule.

But I shouldn't have to keep spelling it out!

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Guest caraprof
peter - 2007-10-01 9:39 PM
caraprof - 2007-10-01 1:38 PM

Mmmm. No wonder that caravanners and motorhomers get a bad name!

Personally I think that it's ill-mannered storing a dirty great white monstrosity on your drive and blocking the road with it is even worse.

My neighbours never bother when my 'van is on the drive for two or three days whilst I clean it and load it etc. because they know that ultimately it will disappear.

Maybe Frank, but many of us are fortunate enough to live in a house with a large enough drive to park it. Unlike those of you who have to park outside your terraced house and block your neighbours view. If my neighbour moaned about my van, I would remind him about all his motorbikes lined up across my driveway on occasions and his constant revving up of them whilst he leans over and looks at the engine. Why do bikers always do that?.

Terraced house? You were lucky! I used to dream of having a terraced house. We lived in an 'ole in the road and every morning me dad would whip me and make me lick 't road clean wit' tongue!

Terraced house indeed! Luxury!

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As previously mentioned, common sense and good manners dictate you should always talk things over with your neighbours regardless of whether the law is on your side or not. In most cases the relevant authorities will only take action when complaints are received. As long as your neighbours feel you have taken their concerns into account and actually care how they feel about it then there should,nt be any problems. It does not matter if you are legally entitled to park your van outside your home either. Good relations between you and your neighbours are something that money cannot buy as anyone who has suffered from bad ones will testify, so let consideration for others always be your first approach.


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Søren - 2007-10-01 7:01 PMThe offence of unnecessary obstruction is unlikely to be considered unless it prevents the passage of vehicles or pedestrians or access to a drive.
"unlikely to be" but could be ????If you are you an expert in this field, I bow to your superior knowledge but a friendly bobby once explained to me that any stationery vehicle can be deemed to be causing an obstruction. I await Michele's hubby's input
Søren - Other legislation exists to prevent vehicles being lived in while on the road.
I was unaware of this. If you can give me chapter & verse, I'll write to Margaret Becket and see if we can't get the law changed
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I did ask and his reply is........................ No one has the right to park on the Road the road is for driving on basically.

I didn't push him any further as Soren had taken over .I did say it was silly and people park his reply yes but they have not the right ..

I don't know if this helps..What your after Mike.

Oh and something about as time has gone on and people own vehicles it is allowed over looked BUT it is not a RIGHT we have.



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