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alarm system


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steeling this to say at the York show I saw the Van Blitz stall .

having had a sleepless night episode earlier in the year in France with what we thought was a Van Blitz . I approached the lady on the stall to ask her what does a Van Blitz sound like ?


The reply : Well is so and so decibles :D That really helps me to know what it sounds like..

So I think I stand corrected if wrong it sounds like an Air Siren from the war

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The loud siren from Van Bitz sounds just like any other siren only . . . louder. It has the maximum volume allowed by law: 120 dB. I guarantee that only the dead will sleep through 120 decibels. Decibels are a logarithmic scale so every 10 decibels represents a doubling of sound level.


The front rows of a rock concert are typically 110 dB (i.e., half as loud) and an ambulance siren 100 feet away is 100 dB (one quarter as loud). I can only find a military jet taking off with full afterburners as louder - that's 140 dB.


Mel E


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I didn't have to internal siren fitted because I would probably have a heart attack or be following the burglar out of the door to get away from the noise. I had it fitted on the rear underside of the van instead. Wherever it's fitted it's still bloody loud.
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Mel E - 2007-10-03 5:39 PM




The loud siren from Van Bitz sounds just like any other siren only . . . louder. It has the maximum volume allowed by law: 120 dB. I guarantee that only the dead will sleep through 120 decibels. Decibels are a logarithmic scale so every 10 decibels represents a doubling of sound level.


The front rows of a rock concert are typically 110 dB (i.e., half as loud) and an ambulance siren 100 feet away is 100 dB (one quarter as loud). I can only find a military jet taking off with full afterburners as louder - that's 140 dB.


Mel E


Mel E Thank you for the explanation But can you tell me if it sounds like the air raid shelters in the war .Like the sirens going off or is it a totaly different noise all together .
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i'll tell you what though, after careful consideration and the pros and cons of all the systems suggested, at 120dB its definately the one for me. even if its just to get revenge on the neighbours from hell after they have another all night party next summer!! ...lol... >:-)
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puerto - 2007-10-05 2:29 PM i'll tell you what though, after careful consideration and the pros and cons of all the systems suggested, at 120dB its definately the one for me. even if its just to get revenge on the neighbours from hell after they have another all night party next summer!! ...lol... >:-)


I set my Van Bitz alarm off on purpose down in the yard, and it does blow your ears off if you are too close. They don't call it the wailer siren for nothing!!!We have two fitted. One in the engine bay, and the external one at the rear.Trust me, don't stand close to the bonnet and then lift it to activate the system.!!! Get someone else to do it.I normally open one of the garage doors or the gas locker door or the toilet cassette door.

The reason I do this, is because we have the pager option fitted as well. This texts your mobile phone to say that the alarm has been activated.You can also have the option of tracking it if the van is on the move.By activating the alarm it keeps the SIM card activated / used.

Very good system indeed, designed for M/Homes.

Hope this info helps


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