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Sat dish adjustment


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Ive got quite a large dish on my Laika M/H & when its up & in use tends to have a little bit of slack in it.Not having dismantled anything yet I wondered if there is some sort of rack & pinion in it which needs tweeking up like the steering on some cars to stop it moving back & forth with the wind so I momentery lose the picture ????Anyone know if theres some adjustment ?
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Ive checked the dish details & it appears to have been fitted from new in Italy on my Laika Ecovyp 1r in July 2000.Its a Type RMI 28fc, whatever that means.Satlight made in Italy.When the dish is up I have about 3-4 degrees slack so I tend to get occasional loss of picture on & off as the wind catches it.I wondered if anyone knows of an adjustment to take out the slack ???? *-)
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