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Winter use


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How do members use their vans in winter? I'm talking about those which aren't winterised.

What do you do about the tanks, leave them empty?. If so what other arrangements do you make?

And the hot water heater? Is it safe to use in frosty weather?(obviously only with water in the freshwater tank).

I'd like to use my van the occasional weekend but I'm not sure if the possible hassle is worth it.

I would appreciate any advice.



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Hello David, our A/S Nuevo is not "winterised" in the water dept. Having said that we have only had a frozen fresh water tank twice in the 4.5 yrs of ownership. The tank is outboard as well as the waste. We camp all year round. For us it has defrosted about 3-4pm the following day. So what do you do? Well of course if you are on full facility sites it makes no difference, apart from getting cold going to the shower/washing up. If you are not, then you might be struggling a bit. There are plenty of ways round the frozen tank business, lagging, 12v heaters fitted in them etc. But for us we can't justify the cost. In terms of heating, well the van is winterised (in my view), we have never been cold once in it. Hope this helps.



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Hello J9, neither water has frozen, in the loo or in the flushing tank. The latter having the pink stuff in. And for all those who want to ask why we put it in, the answer is simple. Cos we can :D


The gas bottle froze once, but I brought it inside and 30m later it was usable. I hasten to add none of this camping has been in continual sub zero locations, just good old blighty.



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Due to work/Family it is not always practical to get away but we tend to use Mo'Ho when ever poosible, even in the winter. I always drain down the fresh water & heater systems when not in use in any case, but when we go away we have the advantage of a inboard fresh water tank.


Regards, Mike

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In the winter if the van is not in use I do the following :-

1) Drain the fresh and waste water tanks.

2) Drain the loo header tank

3 Empty the loo!

4) Run the loo pump a few seconds to purge it of any residual water.

5) Remove the drain bung of the Carver water heater.

6) Turn ON all hot and cold taps. This aids the water heater to completely drain without any need to open the top venting valve.

7) Turn ON the water pump a few seconds to purge it of any residual water.

After everything has stopped dripping then :-


8) Close all taps

9) Close all tank drains and re-fit the heater drain bung.

10) Squirt a good squeeze full of bleech down the kitchen sink plug hole following this with a kettle full of water.

This hopefully will Keep the bugs at bay that ferment in the grey water tank!

11) Fit the bridging fuse so that the solar panel will keep both starter and leisure batteries in a charged condition.

12) Apply all the security measures.

13) Clip a thick polythene sheet across the front screen overlapping the wings so that rain water, leaves, sycamore seeds, pine needles etc are directed directly to the ground and do not fall off the roof, down the screen and into the windscreen wiper well and (until they get bunged up) through the side drains into the wheel arches causing corrusion in places you cannot see until its too late!

14) Bungee a plastic box over my ham radio antenna tuner on the roof.


Bilmey, its summer again!







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