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Fiamma F45i awning-adjustments,major problem!

David B

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Our Fiamma F45i awning was not closing at the end opposite the winding mechanism. Reading the rather sparse instructions in the Fiamma handbook I tried adjusting the 'Presto Fix' which should realign the roller laterally, but it seemed to make no difference.


Then unwisely, and without marking the original positions (a cardinal sin!), I started adjusting the positions of the support arms by moving them to and fro in the groove on the track that supports the leading edge of the awning.


Big mistake! Now the awning rolls back with a strong bias to one side, with one end being ~50mm closer to the housing than the other. Tried the intructions in the manual to adjust nuts on the 'dual shock-absorbers' to no effect.


Now I am unable to even wind the awning fully back into the housing.


I know I should not have started making adjustments to the arms. I know its all my own fault. [Confession over!]


I have tried searching the Forum but could not find any suitable help. Can anyone help with ideas to reset the arms and recover from doing such a silly thing?


I guess that the only other option is to try to find a dealer who has sufficient experience of Fiamma awning to get me out of my fix. Any recommendations for Suffolk/Norfolk area?


A thoroughly despondent David B.

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Before you start to correct the original problem make sure that the folding arms are secured to the front cover in the original position and all nuts and bolts are tight.


I am not sure if the fabric is supposed to roll off the top or bottom of the tube but if you fully unwind the awning and keep winding in the same direction to roll the awning up this might cure the problem.

If this cures the problem then make a note of where the fabric is running from i.e. top or bottom of tube.


Having looked at the link from a previous poster, the sticky tape cure mentioned is an old ruse used in the blind industry for roller blinds that run off to one side, try using masking tape 6" long stuck to the tube, gradually increase the thickness by sticking one peice at a time on top of the previous peice.


John D

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I had Exactly the same problem, albeit i did start to think it was more than just the plastic end stops and was just going to start an in depth investigation then i noticed that they had slipped slightly and as "brayn" has said a sharp tap and it works perfectly





brayn - 2007-10-08 10:32 AM


I had this same problem, it was due to the plastic end stop moving slightly. A sharp tap fixed it.

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Hi, David


Yes the end stop was/are the plastic caps on each end of the roll out part of the awning, they finish the ends of the roll out section.


The problem came to light with mine when i used it for the 5th or 6th time I had rolled it out with no problems and left it for a few hours and then when I came to roll it back it wouldn't close, so like I said above you naturally look for the worst, but when i studied it carefully I could see that the reason it would not close was because the plastic end caps on the roll out section slipped out thus making the roll out section slightly longer than the slot that it had to fit into, and all I needed to do was reach up and tap them back into place??


How or why they had slipped out I really don't know, but it does seem strange that the same or similar thing had happened to "Brayn"


Hope that helps




David B - 2007-10-09 6:54 PM


Could Brayn or Endreven please be a bit more descriptive as to what they meant by 'end stop'? Thanks, David

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Just to add my experience ...

I did have one awning which needed adjusting. A bit fiddly, but got there in the end.

I spent hours trying to adjust another awning which would not wind in square. Finally discovered some debris sticking to the canvas on one side was causing that side to wind in more rapidly (larger diameter). A thorough clean of the canvas cured the problem.

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Success! :-D


Thanks to all those who contributed advice. I ended up taping a thin (2mm, but gets squashed) piece of foam to the awning where it starts to go onto the roller. This corrected the bias so the awning started to roll in square. I then undid the bolts holding the folding arms to the leading edge and rolled the awning in, sliding the arms into position to allow the awning to nearly roll up. Then, I left just enough of a gap to slide the arms into their final position and tighted up the nuts. It then rolled right into the housing first time.


Moral of the story: never undo the bolts holding the folding arms to the leading edge :$

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