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Regulators Again

Guest starspirit

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Guest starspirit

Well not actually regulators - more the regulator pigtail - but as it is related it can't hurt to link it.


We had a failure of gas supply on a new bottle last week and it turned out to be a blocked pigtail.


It seems one of the pigtails (we have two bottles linked via a 'T' piece to facilitate changeover at night and/or in the rain) has a built in one way non return valve and t'other don't.


The non valved one was perfectly clear but the non return valve on the naughty one was stuck. A quick shove up the inlet hole with a thin nail got it going again but it stuck again soon after.


Easily cured as the valve is retained by a threaded insert removable with an Allen Key - so I removed the ball and spring and all is now well again.


I can see the point of a non return valve in some set ups but as we turn each bottle off when empty and only on when needed I think we can manage without.


I wonder whether the lack of a non return valve would allow the Calor bottle to refill if I had it in tandem with a Gaslow or similar refillable bottle and left the tap open when refilling the refillable.


I also wonder why there are no different markings on either pigtail to denote the presence or otherwise of a non return valve.


Has anyone tried it and if so does the Calor bottle cut off at 80% I wonder?



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Standard exchangeable gas bottles do not have auto-fill shut-off at 80%. They don't need it because they are filled by a machine that measures the gas in.


Surely, refilling a gas bottle not purpose designed for the job is akin to looking for a leak in a Saturn V moon rocket using a lighted match?


Mel E


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trooper - 2007-10-08 7:07 PM


Hi Mel e I see you have no E mail listed so I could answer your stupid comment privately, anyway please make derogatory comments when you know the facts.



If you wish to reply privately why not use the PM facility? No real need for e-mail addresses to be disclosed is there? Anyway, I agree with Mel!



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Guest starspirit

Can I just point out that I have absolutely no intention of filling a Calor Gas bottle this way as I consider it both a dangerous and stupid way of seeking a catastrophe.


I had forgotten about the difference between gas and liquid gas and I thank you for the clarification


It was a semi rhetorical semi jokey question and I expected a response from those who know - but I don't understand why people have to be rude and insulting to each other without provocation?




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