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Hi there are a few on here with auto-clutch fitted. My own experience and this is from a user who has to use it full time, I don't even have a clutch pedal fitted (sort of).


They work ok not as good as a proper automatic but seeing as they are as rare as hens teeth the an auto clutch is the next alternative.


My present system is the Guido-simplex version and it basically works the same as the TB one but possibly a little bit more complex.


My new van which I should pick up on Friday is having the TB version fitted.


After talking with TB about the difference between the one I have and their version I am quite happy with the change.


Why do you want one? If you have a medical prob with your left leg then go for it. There will be no need to ever use the clutch again.


My present one on a Peugeot boxer has covered 13500 miles with no problems.


They do take a little while to get used to, but this will depend on your driving experience. I am ex PCV & HGV and was using it with no problems through heavy traffic within an hour.


Hope this helps, any further questions just ask.



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Hi PeteS,

Thanks for your comments. My reason for interest in the Autoclutch is mainly for my wife. She drives a small automatic saloon car and is very unfamiliar with clutch and gears, especially on a much larger vehicle. She feels that she could manage an Auto-box Motorhome, but as you say they are very rare. If she were able to confidently drive our M/H it would make long journeys less tiring for me.

Could you let me know how the two systems, old vehicle and new, compare when you have had time to make an assessment?



Cheers, Neil B

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Hi, i had auto clutch fitted on our marquis lancashire (aka auto sleeper nuavo) last november

it's been a god sent to me, as i suffer a lot with my left leg, particulary in start/stop traffic.

I had mine adjusted so that it creeps eaisly in slow traffic and also when i reverse.

personaly i wouldnt be without it, although it did take some getting used to and it is not as good as a propper automatic, but the mpg is as good as a manual gearbox, because you decide when to change gear.

I like the option to switch back to manual when the van goes in for servicing and the fact that you can have it swopped to another van when the time comes (they might all be automatic's by then though)

All in all, money well spent in my opinion.


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Hi Neil yes I'll let you know how the new one works as opposed to the system I have now.


As for your wife doing the driving she will still have to change gear at the appropiate time/revs.


There is also a button on some systems that needs to be pressed, this is on the gear stick. I am told by TB that it is a very easy action button i.e. no real resistance.


My present system has a sensor on the gear stick which when covered by your hand operates the clutch. Personally I think the sensor is the better option but I haven't used the button system as yet, it will be on the new one.


Let you know how I get on later.



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Neil, just a thought, has your wife got a licence to drive a manual vehicle? In the past I believe that if you passed your test driving an automatic, that was all you could drive, so if she only has a licence to drive an automatic she may not be able to drive the manual 'van, even with an auto-clutch. Best to double check to be safe before going to the expense of an auto-clutch system.


Mel B

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Yes, my wife does have a licence to dive manual as well as auto boxes. It is just that she hasn't bothered to drive the manual vehicles we have had for a number of years, either because we were towing a caravan or latterly the Motorhome. She has tried, but feels too unsettled by the size and need to do the things you do when managing a manual box. I know that practice would help her to overcome the apprehensions, but an auto box wopuld be preferable, especially as I like driving them myself! We therefore wondered if an Autoclutch would be the next best thing, and are very grateful for the replies received.



Neil B

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