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sateliite tv help


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Assuming you *can* actually receive the Sky signal that far down (think you can) you just got to point it in the right direction, south and a bit to the left... But the main thing is going to be the different elevation compared to the UK. in the UK the surface of the dish just about sits vertical, so if I have this correct the father south you go the more it has to point up into the sky.
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horse444 - 2007-10-09 1:42 PM


we are currently in alicante spain and trying to get our sateliite tv to work but having no joy. We havea dish and card, could someone help if they know how to get it to work


Thanks :-D

what size dish do you have,any thing less than 85cm and you will probably not get a signal, you may need an even bigger dish, i,ve only used mine as far south as barcelona, try searching the threads as this has been discussed before
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your sky box is automatically going to look for the astra 2 system which transmits on the north beam. because you are too far south, it will after a short time just give up searching. (north beam can be picked up throughout norther europe as far south as north east spain. so.. you need to change the digibox transponder setting to one of the south beam frequencies. i.e on thew remote press services, then 4, then in succession press 01 without pausing. and then select. this will take you into a hidden (installer) menu.dont be tempted to change any other settings in here as you can make quite a mess if you do. then press 2 to get the defaults.


now using the remote, change the frequency from 11.778 to 12.129,( you dont have to type in the decimal point)


press the down arrow key 4 times to save new settings and press select.


then press back up 3 times to return to the main screen

on the south beam, your signal indicator will show as not locked which is normal. now go through the dish alignment procedure, prosuming you dont have a satellite meter, the easiest way to do this is put a mark on your stand and point it directly south. then move your dish from far left (east) in small steps and leave for 1 min before moving it the next inch, (time consuming i know) but persivere. once you locate the satellite you will get the 2 grey bars on the signal indicator and strength indicators, then experiment very slightly left to right until you are happy its the strongest you will get. then very slightly try it vertically until you get a fine tuned strong signal. once you are happy you have your strongest signal, you can see if you have your channels. if not dont worry, it will say no satellite signal is being recieved on the screen, simply go to services, then press 4 and add new channels, this will search and start up!

then off you go. so long as you have a 65cm dish you should still pick some channels up, but an 85cm dish will be better!!


i hope this helps..

any other problems try www.satelliteforcaravans.co.uk they have loads of info.

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puerto - 2007-10-09 8:24 PM


your sky box is automatically going to look for the astra 2 system which transmits on the north beam. because you are too far south, it will after a short time just give up searching. (north beam can be picked up throughout norther europe as far south as north east spain. so.. you need to change the digibox transponder setting to one of the south beam frequencies. i.e on thew remote press services, then 4, then in succession press 01 without pausing. and then select. this will take you into a hidden (installer) menu.dont be tempted to change any other settings in here as you can make quite a mess if you do. then press 2 to get the defaults.


now using the remote, change the frequency from 11.778 to 12.129,( you dont have to type in the decimal point)


press the down arrow key 4 times to save new settings and press select.


then press back up 3 times to return to the main screen

on the south beam, your signal indicator will show as not locked which is normal. now go through the dish alignment procedure, prosuming you dont have a satellite meter, the easiest way to do this is put a mark on your stand and point it directly south. then move your dish from far left (east) in small steps and leave for 1 min before moving it the next inch, (time consuming i know) but persivere. once you locate the satellite you will get the 2 grey bars on the signal indicator and strength indicators, then experiment very slightly left to right until you are happy its the strongest you will get. then very slightly try it vertically until you get a fine tuned strong signal. once you are happy you have your strongest signal, you can see if you have your channels. if not dont worry, it will say no satellite signal is being recieved on the screen, simply go to services, then press 4 and add new channels, this will search and start up!

then off you go. so long as you have a 65cm dish you should still pick some channels up, but an 85cm dish will be better!!


i hope this helps..

any other problems try www.satelliteforcaravans.co.uk they have loads of info.

thanks i didn,t know there was a north & south beam, i,ve printed this off
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