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Field Mice


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We have had "uninvited guests" into our Hymer and they nibbled away at a scarf and some paper towels in the glove box. One of them even popped out of a heating duct to have a look at us!

We would like to know if anyone has a humane method of removing them or encouraging them to remove themselves. We would use a trap if neccessary, but we think that they should at least have a chance to "escape" before we catch them....



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Oh dear it would be nice to have them just go on there own and I must admit I dont really hold with killing them BUT having said that they will chew through the lot obviously they are coming in because the weather has now changed . i feel for you the worry of what will they eat next.


There must be something on the market how about just catching them and releasing them somewhere . Try a big trap door thing with food inside .

Sounds like I,m trying to teach you how to such eggs sorry 7 good luck.

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There is no humane way that I know of, and even if there were the little beggars would soon return as they have a good memory for an easy life - like me!.

Mice are vermin and need to be eradicated before they do expensive and dangerous damage to your wiring.

Poison from the garden centre works well!

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We don't like killing mice either and we bought a small plastic box type trap where you put some cheese inside, the mouse goes in and a little plastic door shuts behind him ( or her) so he can't get out.You can then carry the box outside, open the door and let them out.

Can't remember where we got it but I believe it was just a local pet shop.

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Never. Ever!!


be kind to mice, they piddle everywhere they go, (constantly !!)


They leave a trail that sends a message to all their friends that its ok to follow.


They will contaminate clothes, food, floors, and all spaces, they'll even get in your bed when you're out.


Worse still if you've left a mattress behind they'll eat their way into that too!


Its no use putting them outside cos they can smell where they've been and they'll get back in again regardless.


There's only one certain remidy.................DEATH....................

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if you are wanting to trap them, the best bait to use is chocolate!! they love the stuff, put a nice piece of choccy in your strategically placed traps and i guarentee they will go for it!!

cheese is just an old wives tale im afraid...

also just incase anyone needs to ever coax rats out of anywhere(god forbid they ever invade your motorhome whilst its stood), use cadburys flake as it falls to bits as they try to pick it up so the cant run away with it, enabling you those extra few seconds to aim and, FIRE!!!





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Yes cheese is no good.


Bread is not too bad but the best addition I've found to any bait is........add some peanut butter, that will really catch 'em.


For difficult places make a paste with your poison bait and peanut butter.


Its a good way of putting shop bought pellets through a small hole into a confined ceiling space, or making it stick onto an angled shape.


Use gloves if you're squeamish ! (Works for rats too)

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The only guaranteed way is to stay for a couple of nights on a motorway service area in France. Walk around the 'van flashing a fake Rolex and during the night you will most certainly be gassed.

This will only give you a slight headache but it should be crisis for the mices!

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tc102 - 2007-10-11 8:36 PM

The only guaranteed way is to stay for a couple of nights on a motorway service area in France. Walk around the 'van flashing a fake Rolex and during the night you will most certainly be gassed.

This will only give you a slight headache but it should be crisis for the mices!

Or Spain!
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Good on you Stuart for wanting to remove them humanely. The little box traps with trapdoor are available all over the place, including pet shops and some garden centres. 

They’re all I’ve ever used and providing you release the captives some way away, they’ll not return. I think there has probably been some confusion with Pigeons. 

The wholesale slaughter of anything that causes the slightest inconvenience makes me so incredibly proud to be Homo sapiens.

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Nice sentiments Steve but getting rid humanely only temporarily removes the issue.

I have moles in my garden and in spite of the fact their skins would make me a darned fine new wig I would not dream of catching or killing them.

I do humanely catch the field voles and return them to my neighbours garden (only joking - they go back in the field from whence they came)

But mice and rats are different and don't get my sympathy.

I doubt they would gets yours either if they chewed through your wiring loom?

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I like the replies but mice are not the nice pretty things that some replies suggest, they are pretty evil in their ways and will contaminate anything they take a liking to.


Unfortunately when mice become associated with humans there can be problems.


I write as a person with a lifetime in a rural village where mice problems are common.



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Been there, had mice, tried all sorts!!!

We found that leaving trays of poison around just invites more of the little blighters in for a snack.

We now have a battery powered ultrasonic rodent scarer and it seems to keep them away. (much touching of nearest wooden object!!)

Cost about £10, and needs a battery about every 4 months.


Buy more than 1 for a larger van.

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No Steve - first examine your own way of life because if it is one against the rest maybe you are in the wrong place and might be seen as unwanted by the majority?

But as long as you don't chew through their wiring and eat their furniture they should leave you alone!

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Theres an electronic device (i have 2) that goes in a 13 Amp socket that gives out an ultrasonic sound output every few seconds. It frightens all rodents away, as they can't stand the sound wave. It only uses a couple of Watts of power. Not recomended if you have your pet rats in the van at the same time though Mel, as it would drive them mad. They are reasonably cheap to buy also.
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crinklystarfish - 2007-10-11 9:40 PM

I live in a village where it’s mostly the people that are the problem. I don’t like most of them; they detract from my quality of life. Should I just go out and kill them?

Bloody hell, I know that they're only Yorkshiremen but that's a bit extreme!

But if they decided to invade your country and enslave you and then put all of the ethnic minorities in concentration camps prior to murder and mass cremation I would certainly recommend that you kill them.

Just pointing out I suppose that, whilst I'm generally not keen on killing people or things, sometimes we have to do it.

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