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Field Mice


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Tracker - 2007-10-11 9:48 PM No Steve - first examine your own way of life because if it is one against the rest maybe you are in the wrong place and might be seen as unwanted by the majority?...

In the same way that human interference might be seen as unwanted by the majority of mice that have simply headed to warmer and drier habitat given the seasonal changes? 

They will to live; no more, and no less. Whether they chewed my wires or not, I’d always respect the sanctity of life. 

Unless the life was that of a human, who had forfeited that right through conscious choice. Humans! Who’d be one?

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Phew. Nice to see people are advocating humane methods. We can sleep in our beds.

Actually we have one of those humane traps with a little trap door permanently in position in the house. We bought it online, it has saved several escapees from the cats. It works best next to a wall, mice tend to run round edges


This is it - multimouse trap


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We had this problem when we kept our first motorhome on a farm. They can do tremendous amounts of damage, particularly to wiring looms and soft furnishings. We spent ages with expanding foam filling all the holes they could get through. It was worth the effort. You don't want mice in the van under any circumstances



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Guest Tracker

So what is it with these mamby pamby politically correct types who can't bear to kill a rodent?

I wonder how many are vegetarian?

I wonder how many would not use a life saving drug for them or their families that had been tested on animals?

I wonder how many have never bought a leather suite or leather interior car?

Is this wimpish attitude the real reason that rats are in rampant population growth?

I don't kill anything for pleasure - not even the fish I catch - but disease spreading rodents have to be exterminated when their life's path crosses ours.


Come on get real - ditch the hypocrisy!

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Tracker - 2007-10-12 5:09 PM So what is it with these mamby pamby politically correct types who can't bear to kill a rodent? I wonder how many are vegetarian? I wonder how many would not use a life saving drug for them or their families that had been tested on animals? I wonder how many have never bought a leather suite or leather interior car? Is this wimpish attitude the real reason that rats are in rampant population growth? I don't kill anything for pleasure - not even the fish I catch - but disease spreading rodents have to be exterminated when their life's path crosses ours. Come on get real - ditch the hypocrisy!

You demonstrate your pitiful ignorance when you choose to label those who express a preference to deal with ‘pests’ humanely in such insulting, and risibly incorrect, terms. 

I presume the ill thought out stream-of-consciousness rant that follows the deliberately inflammatory opening is designed, once again, to stir response. 

The rant is barely worth consideration, but I do wonder why you consider the ethical nuances of others any of your business. If, hypothetically, I were to choose to shoot rats for fun, but refused to use cosmetics tested on animals, who are you to judge? To help you here, that is a rhetorical question. You are, given your manifestly low ethic, absolutely nobody. 

The actual reason rats are abundant (and incidentally I’d like to see the evidence to support your proclaimed “rampant population growth”), is that they are supported so well by the profligacy of, and filth created by, well, you guess which species. Incidentally, the members of the ‘host’ species that have questionable attitudes to hygiene, actually contribute the most to bolstering the rat population.

In response to your closing rant, why only rodents? What about all the domesticated animals that, through poor husbandry, have recently contacted harmful-to-humans diseases? What about the birds with bird flu? What about those annoying Chinese with their virulent strains of influenza, the Africans with their AIDS, and not forgetting all the scum in hospital with MRSA? Why not just “exterminate” the lot? 

In perceiving hypocrisy you show your ignorance. In your ill-conceived judgement of that perception, you simply demonstrate your penchant for conflict. Not your best post, Richard.

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Guest Tracker

Well thanks Steve for that nicely balanced and rational posting.


You misunderstand - I am not judging - just expressing a point of view to which I am just as entitled as you are to yours and whilst I expect a response I do not expect personal insults and vilification to be contained within it.


May I ask, out of curiosity, is your picture religiously or scientifically based please?


Neither am I ranting - reread you own posting and ask yourself who is ranting?


Do you never use a fly spray or squash a spider or kill ants or blackfly in the garden?


The ethical nuances of others as you put it are entirely my business when they lead to rodent growth and the potential disease risk to my family and others.


I don't want to misquote you but are you advocating that we do not kill diseased animals?


I really can't agree with your summarising of the poor people with the serious diseases you quote and it does not become you to use such non related issues and arguments to promote your own argument.


If you wish to carry this on in a civilised way please feel free to reply but if not this will be my last posting to you on the subject.

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Like Pete Lambert says, use the ultrasonic rodent scarer, works very well I also have them in the attic, garage, garden shed, greenhouse etc. They also scare off insects, so I keep a small one by the kitchen bin so not many flies. I have also been told they keep the dreaded woodworm out the attic beams. If anyone cares to go back about three years there were loads of posts on this subject, still there some place I expect.
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The modern methods seem to be effective. But I do prefer using Warfarin could be a problem in the van though, particularly when the corpse starts to decay. Rats are increasing in numbers mainly due to the slovenly behaviour of people buying from takeaways and eating in the streets.

Now any ideas for grey squirrels?

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Guest Tracker

I am unaware that Grey Squirrels spread disease although they can of course do a lot of damage.

However I enjoy watching their antics in the garden as they find ways to get at my ever increasingly difficult to access nuts (for the birds silly!) and I would no ore think of killing one than any other non vermin creature.

As I understand it Warfarin is a horrible way to die and there are for more humane poisons on the market - if humane poisoning is not a contradiction in terms?

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2007-10-11 7:21 PM


Little meeces don't pong for long though!


I can assure you the smell of dead mice rotting is awful. If you poison them and they die somewhere inaccessible your van is unlikely to be habitable. The smell is totally disproportionate to their size....


and yes like rats they widdle all the time spreading weils disease which is a potential killer

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Tracker - 2007-10-12 10:17 PM


I am unaware that Grey Squirrels spread disease although they can of course do a lot of damage.

However I enjoy watching their antics in the garden as they find ways to get at my ever increasingly difficult to access nuts (for the birds silly!) and I would no ore think of killing one than any other non vermin creature.

As I understand it Warfarin is a horrible way to die and there are for more humane poisons on the market - if humane poisoning is not a contradiction in terms?


Tell that to the red squirrels!!!

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Tracker - 2007-10-12 10:17 PM


I am unaware that Grey Squirrels spread disease although they can of course do a lot of damage.

However I enjoy watching their antics in the garden as they find ways to get at my ever increasingly difficult to access nuts (for the birds silly!) and I would no ore think of killing one than any other non vermin creature.

As I understand it Warfarin is a horrible way to die and there are for more humane poisons on the market - if humane poisoning is not a contradiction in terms?


I use a 4.10 shotgun (licenced) as about 5 years ago I had an infestation and the destruction was unbelievable and expensive. So no, I have no qualms, no love for the vermin, I just shoot the little pests. As regards the mouse resident why not put a cat in overnight, that should be enough.


Cheers Don 8-)

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Two points on the radio today (1) ref mice in cars etc and (2) last week.


(1) Mice love chocolate (already said) and honey.


(2) Squirrels grey and red. Grey's are a pest. Red's have a problem, they're loosing to the grey's.


BUT we recently had a week in the Isle of Wight where there are lots of red's


AND saw several flat red ones as we drove around. No grey's.


Unfortunately a squirrel is a squirrel whatever colour.



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The beauty of the forum is that what you say is recorded for all to see. 

Your modus operandi has previously been thoroughly exposed; it seemingly continues with your new persona. 

You originally said: 

So what is it with these mamby pamby politically correct types who can't bear to kill a rodent?
I wonder how many are vegetarian?
I wonder how many would not use a life saving drug for them or their families that had been tested on animals?
I wonder how many have never bought a leather suite or leather interior car?
Is this wimpish attitude the real reason that rats are in rampant population growth?... Come on get real - ditch the hypocrisy!

And then when you were taken to task for such a plainly judgmental rant, predictably respond with an attempt to divert attention from your original ‘grenade’. The diversion invariably presents you as the ‘victim’ and purports that someone else has attempted to personalise. Naturally this is done in an ostensibly reasonable way.  

However, it hasn’t worked for you with others, and you have absolutely no chance of it working with me. You might profitably reflect on your adversarial tactics for the future. 

At least you acknowledge my response was “nicely balanced and rational”. In that acknowledgement you will undoubtedly have realised my reference to diseases in other taxa, including humans, was a device used to illuminate the fact that you haven’t really thought through, or can’t grasp, why some people choose to humanely deal with ‘pests’. 

You go on to show your ignorance of rodents as vectors by happily tolerating / encouraging Grey squirrels.  

Richard, the next time you are sitting bored in front of your PC, and are tempted to ‘stir’, I suggest you:  

a)    ensure that you know the subject matter thoroughly, and

b)    know your adversaries even better. 

You are in over your head, but if you wish to continue with a proper debate focussing impartially on the ethical issues; the one that you seemed to want to take on when you started:

So what is it with these mamby pamby politically correct types who can't bear to kill a rodent?...

then I would welcome your return. But when you are better informed. I think a couple of years studying ecology, and then perhaps two or three more studying philosophy should do it. Until that point, trust me, you are in no position to continue. 

This said, I bear you no ill will, and hope that you have the capacity to reflect on why this went wrong for you.

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Guest Tracker

I don't really see how you can say that your first posting was anything other than a very nasty personal attack?


As I recall your line was not the humane disposal of pests more a refusal to kill them regardless of how much damage they cause. That was the conclusion that I drew from your wording.


Fair enough and I don't have a problem with this but please also allow those of us who choose to the right to kill vermin when they invade our life.


I did not recall saying I encourage grey squirrels so please do not put false words in my mouth but as long as they do not interfere with me I see no cause to interfere with them. That said they are impossible to discourage in a bird friendly garden.


I rather feel that your comments regarding my education are again rather rude and patronising as well as being away from the subject. What are you trying to say here? Do you consider yourself to be a superior being in some way?


As far as trusting you goes I regret that I would be unable to trust anyone who rants the way that you do.


It is so easy to misinterpret the written word and I have tried hard to reply without it becoming a personal attack.


All I ask please is that you do the same.


Thank you

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Predictable and diversionary.  

The exchange is documented chronologically, and everyone can clearly see your failed attempt to ridicule and undermine those people who would prefer to deal with ‘pests’ humanely. 

Just in case you haven’t quite yet grasped it, it started with your post at 5.09PM on 12th October. 

It is even easier to interpret the well-written word correctly. This is what I did when I took issue with your rant. If you choose to live by the sword, you must be prepared to be made to look silly by it.

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Guest Tracker

I really don't mind being made to look silly as I don't have that ego problem and I certainly have no intention of reading back to analyse every posting to find and quote the bits that I like.


My original thread was only ever intended to highlight the hypocrisy of those amongst us who would 'never ever harm a living thing' or kill any vermin or a rodent but are very happy to otherwise benefit from mankind's use and exploitation of animals as long as it is out of sight.


When I say controversial things I expect to be disagreed with but I do not expect to be subject to such an unpleasant personal attack.


I have no intention of either getting into an ethical debate or of continuing to respond on this thread so shall we just agree to disagree?

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Guest JudgeMental


This continual verbal bashing of one and other is becoming excruciatingly boring for most of us. you really need to use the PM facility. But I guess such a simple solution wlll be unacceptable to your ego's

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Guest Tracker
Such a shame Eddie that your points often lose so much of their validity due to your persistent ability to put them in an offensive way.
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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2007-10-13 3:50 PM


Such a shame Eddie that your points often lose so much of their validity due to your persistent ability to put them in an offensive way.


See the thing is I always thought of you and your friends as amongst the good guys on here. but your bickering is insidious and really is a private matter.


But instead of recognizing the fact you attempt to turn it around on any one that challenges it. Why is it that if I am so offensive that I have not been banned or indeed given a warning. Do you think if I was that I would be so desperate as to find it necessary to reinvent myself and come crawling back.

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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2007-10-13 5:18 PM


Tracker - 2007-10-13 3:50 PM


Such a shame Eddie that your points often lose so much of their validity due to your persistent ability to put them in an offensive way.


See the thing is I always thought of you and your friends as amongst the good guys on here. but your bickering is insidious and really is a private matter.


But instead of recognizing the fact you attempt to turn it around on any one that challenges it. Why is it that if I am so offensive that I have not been banned or indeed given a warning. Do you think if I was that I would be so desperate as to find it necessary to reinvent myself and come crawling back.



See what I mean?

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Okay, that's enough, now please get back to the squeeky things.


Oh, by the way, we have pet rats and they don't pee everywhere, they are 'toilet' trained, they have a box with cat litter in it and they use that, haven't quite mastered the toilet roll though ...... :-D

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