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Field Mice


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Guest JudgeMental
Mel B - 2007-10-13 7:09 PM


Okay, that's enough, now please get back to the squeeky things.


Oh, by the way, we have pet rats and they don't pee everywhere, they are 'toilet' trained, they have a box with cat litter in it and they use that, haven't quite mastered the toilet roll though ...... :-D


Sorry but its a biological fact that rats have no bladder so they leak pee all the time spreading disease and pestilence.


So if you get flu like symptoms you may well be advised to inform your GP that you keep rodents as you may well have Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease) which is not a vety nice way to die.......



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JudgeMental - 2007-10-13 7:16 PM


Mel B - 2007-10-13 7:09 PM



Sorry but its a biological fact that rats have no bladder


Sorry, it's a biological fact that they do! JudgeMental must be taking the pee...

Mice have bladders too ......... back in a mo'

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Mice and rats may or may not have bladders it matters not.


The argument here is that they run through their pee and trail it about where ever they go, that is why the expression 'rat run' is used for they will always 'scent out' the same route.


Over the years I've removed many rats and mice and its noticeable that when other new ones enter the area many months later they will always scent out an original trail.


Therefore if they enter your M/Home which was the original thread you must remove all traces of them which may mean completely disinfecting the vehicle, and give it a thought that they could have damaged your wiring enough to cause a fire when you could be inside!

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Have been absent for a while but find this thread v. interesting and would like to point out that the great and good USA fully tested [check web] sonics and found them useless.When we spent 5 months at a time on camp in France running them for various outfits rodents were continually intrudind into our lives.In the awning I had 3 traps set all the time using mars bar bits and caught rats mice voles shrews all the time. Sometimes the traps went off before I had fully stood up. Most caught on one piece of mars was 5 and prised the bit from their teeth and reset the trap total time 30 mins. In my store tent and around the vicinity poison and the smell is truly disgusting - lasts 10 days before mummification [hotter than here] I also killed many by hand from pillows and clothes but use gloves if you can. Snakes were the worst but have a rounders bat [a present from Spain] that worked pretty well - worked on mixy rabbits as well as clients dont like seeing these around. Moles were the other big problem and used rifle when possible as the rising mound contains the creature [backwards] and had to give the final treatment with the bat later. Worst thing to kill were coypu one dutchman said the giant rats were giving him a problem but in the day with a lot of clients about I just told him they were harmless and kicked it back into the stream. There really is no easy alternative to eradication and some people forget that the problem in the swamp is different with an alligator up your arse. MOst simple way to get rid of moles is use a bottle of gas fed into the hole block up and apply fuse burning rolled paper and boom problem solved. Was told to curtail this in case set fire to tent but never did.
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What a wonderful perspective you have on life and vermin Alec!


I really fancy having a go at exploding some moles but 'er indoors says no so can I come and have a go in your garden please!



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yeti - 2007-10-15 12:31 AM


So this is where all the miserys from MHF went to!!


Yes, yeti, you could be right but to quote from the first posting....


"We would like to know if anyone has a humane method of removing them or encouraging them to remove themselves. We would use a trap if neccessary, but we think that they should at least have a chance to "escape" before we catch them.... "

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Guest JudgeMental
have an open house for forum members - the mice I am sure being probably quite discerning will surely bu**er oft once they get the measure of your guests......
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Can I just say "Thank you" to all those who responded to my request for advice regarding the field mice. We now have a range of strategies should the mice return.


We were fortunate enough to have chased two of them out of the van whilst away from our usual storage location! We hope they do not have homing devices....



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Guest Tracker
Stuar7 - 2007-10-18 9:33 AM


We were fortunate enough to have chased two of them out of the van whilst away from our usual storage location!





Just like Tom & Jerry?

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