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Air pressure

malc d

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I had heard that if you go into the mountains anywhere you should open your toilet cassete slightly because of the difference in air pressure as you go higher.

I found it to be true. At about 3000 feet in the Pyrenees I opened the valve and a jet of 'water' narrowly missed me. Anyone else noticed that.

We also had bottles of drinking water in the door pockets and when opened a certain amount of water shot out.

So from now on I will leave valves,taps etc slightly open as I have been advised ( somewhere or other - can't remember where).

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It's not only altitude pressure.

Normal atmospheric pressure changes whilst on the road can have a similar effect and I learnt long ago to open the loo valve with extreme caution whenever we stop.

Also extreme warmth can do the same except that what exudes is warmer!

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Wet with clean water as per bidet is one thing but wet as with a mixture of Blue and other smelly unmentionables is quite another thing!
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