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Don't know whether I'm putting this in the right place but just to say hello to all members here.

We got our L reg Autoquest 400 (Dexter) today so just a tad excited- though mixed feelings as we say goodbye to our beloved T2 VW camper.

We are a family of 5 though so more space was definitely needed! And....more space we have definitely got! Can't believe how much room and storage we've got, though I doubt I'll still be saying that after a fortnight away in the rain! :-D

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Hi Sam and welcome to the forum. You've picked the same name for your 'van as our lovely dog Dexter (That's him in my avatar). I'd love to say welcome to the friendly forum but of late we seem to have had an influx of stroppy buggers. Never mind though there's still plenty of friendly and knowledgable people on here only too happy to help with any questions you might have.



Ooh I see I've become a permanent fixture now 8-)



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Thank you both for your replies. Dexter is a fine name for a dog!

As for the age, we think it's very young -our VW was 32, so Dexter's a mere babe! How old is yours then? (or is that a very personal question?!)

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Hi SJ,

Welcome to the asylum.

Look after Dexter and Dexter will take care of you. Change his cam belt and associated bits and the engine oil and filter regularly is the most important. I guess that having been at this game for quite a few years you know most of it anyway!

Hope to meet you at one of the Shows sometime.


C. (Sparky)


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Hi, yes wellcome to the forum, there is so much knowlege oh here that people give freely, whatever the question maybe about your motorhome or places and routes to take.


There are sometime a few rucks on the forum, but that is usually on chatterbox, which is there for people to air thier opinions about anything they want without incrouching on the Motorhome Facts part which is for the more serious questions you may have to ask.


So whatever you want a chat or information its here on the forum. Again wellcome. Carol. :-)



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Welcome Sam and enjoy.

Any questions just ask.

We are all in the same boat and will all (well nearly all!) willingly try to help each other resolve problems.





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