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Rain and Black Marks


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The black marks come from the rubber window seals and can be reduced by wax polishing the van sides and the window seals as it gives both a waxy siliconey surface which repels water.

If the seals then stick to the windows talcum powder will help them unstick as well as reducing vibration squeak on the road and making them smell nice.

Does not always work but I would be wary of stick on anythings as they can be very hard to make look good and impossible to remove if they don't work.

I also doubt their ability to deflect running water from the side of the van by enough to make any real difference?

That said for a few quid it might be worth a try?

If so do please let us know how you get on.

Good luck!

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Contrary to what has been stated the black marks are not caused by the rubber seals if it were we would not get a black mark down the side of ours from the roof line to the floor on a portion of the wall where there are no windows or rubber of any kind. There was a report in one of the mags a couple of years back where this was investigated and found to be carbon pollution out of the atmosphere (hence why it is more prevailent under glide paths to airports), the reason it appears to be around the window seals is because the water is channeled off the top of the window down the sides to the bottom and therefore carries more pollutant into a given area. That is also the reason for the mark on the side of ours as that is the point where the water from the roof is directed off and down the side and also why we use a Protec cover now. It is also why an engine degreaser is the most effective liquid to remove the marks.



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Guest Tracker
Basil - 2007-10-14 6:33 PM


Sorry Tracker didn't mean to sound as if I was putting you in your place, I apologise if I offended you.




No problem Basil I don't get offended when someone disagrees with me!


Specially when the chances are he is right and I am wrong!


I even don't really mind being proven wrong as long as the right advice is made available to all!


But many thanks for the kind thought.

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The Fiamma guttering is vey good, BUT! I found it a good idea to secure the leading end with a stainless steel screw as hedgerow growth can catch it and pull it off. It happened on our last 'van but on my Legend I don't seem to need the guttering "so far"............
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That guttering really works and have it both sides and across the back but did find that hot melt glue gun applied to the end fixed it permanently and I leave the van propped up slightly so rain does not puddle and after 2 months no lines.
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Regards the black streaks down the side of vans, can anyone say with all honesty that when they wash their vans they clean the roof at the same time. Its the collection of dirt and pollution that collects on top of the roof and then rain will wash all this dirt down the sides causing the black dirt runs. With our Fiamma awning I fitted a seal between the van body and awning box which allows the dirt to run off in one place, rather than all along the side.
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chas - 2007-10-16 12:56 PM


Regards the black streaks down the side of vans, can anyone say with all honesty that when they wash their vans they clean the roof at the same time.


Yes I can, and I still get black marks if I leave the Protec off!



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Guest Tracker
chas - 2007-10-16 12:56 PM


Regards the black streaks down the side of vans, can anyone say with all honesty that when they wash their vans they clean the roof at the same time. Its the collection of dirt and pollution that collects on top of the roof and then rain will wash all this dirt down the sides causing the black dirt runs. With our Fiamma awning I fitted a seal between the van body and awning box which allows the dirt to run off in one place, rather than all along the side.


Good point now that you mention it Chas! It does seem better since I washed the roof soon after we got the van.

The roof had obviously never been washed before and is clearly not part of the dealer's pdi routine!

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I washed roof of our 06 for the first time last weekend quite hard I found the best way to do it was park the m/h as close to the garage as possible and clambered up on top of the flat roof .So may be this might help the streaks .To get rid of them I bought a spray from a local caravan accessories shop .This works well if the streaks have been left for a while.
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Know the problem of black marks all to well, and ordinary car polish just seems to make it worse. For a week or two it seems to help then the polish seems to go powdery and the stains really stay put. I have just finish giving the panels a good clean and now polishing with autoglym resin polish. Looks superb, but the roof is prooving hard work. So here is hoping this autoglym lasts a lot longer and slows down staining or at least make it easier to wash off.


However what I have always had a problem with are the corner seals, the soft plastic seals under the aluminium corner strips. They get coated with this sort of sticky mould like stuff. Not a black mould, just a dark yellowy stickyness and no idea what causes it and is a pig to remove but when removed the seals feel normal and look like new. Has anyone else come across this?


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Brambles - 2007-10-17 11:01 PM


However what I have always had a problem with are the corner seals, the soft plastic seals under the aluminium corner strips. They get coated with this sort of sticky mould like stuff. Not a black mould, just a dark yellowy stickyness and no idea what causes it and is a pig to remove but when removed the seals feel normal and look like new. Has anyone else come across this?



Used to get this on ours before we covered and really got it bad when on the Rhine for a long period. It once again seems to be carbon from pollution and is also the cause of the horrible yellow on external plastic bits. We found that Autoglym engine and machine cleaner sprayed directly on melts the yellow goo off, worrying the first time as we thought that the plastic was melting! It turns into a yellowy liguid that literally runs off and then can be washed down. If it has been on the plastic 'white' bits a long while it may need more than one application and some elbow grease but it does clean them up, it is particularly good if followed up with a GRP boat polish such as Starbrite.

Worked for us.



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Thanks Bas, Nice to know I am not alone. I have found Lidl bathroom mouse quite effective for removing, but has returned quicker than ever.

I wil try your suggestion. I am trying to give the Motorhome a really good clean while weather is still reasonable.


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Brambles - 2007-10-18 10:33 AM


Thanks Bas, Nice to know I am not alone. I have found Lidl bathroom mouse quite effective for removing, but has returned quicker than ever.

I wil try your suggestion. I am trying to give the Motorhome a really good clean while weather is still reasonable.


Tried the "Mouse" method of removing black marks. But the bloody thing bit my fingers.


On a more serious note, I washed my van today and as i'd used White Spirit on a rag before to remove the black streaks. I put a good dose in the bucket along with the wash/wax stuff. It goes a bit milky , but gets the blck off a treat. Deffo worth a try and water just runs straight off. Do one panel at a time and don't let it dry on your windows.

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