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Bad weather Spain Valenica


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Hi there

To any one touring Spain at the moment and heading towards the Valencia/Alicante area.We are having very bad thunder storms and many roads are flooded with roads and a bridge washed away.I would suggest staying away from this area until around 20 Oct when the forecast is better...


This has just been posted on motorhometoday forum , from a member who living out in valenica.


thanks Dave



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We were in Benidorm at the time and was flooded in the awning to a depth of 5 inches. Was at Calpe two days earlier and that place really took a bashing, half the promanade has gone and nearly every street leading down to the beach (they are steep) had a pile of wrecked cars at the bottom of them.


Apart from that it was excellent

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dave - 2007-10-18 1:22 PM




This has just been posted on motorhometoday forum , from a member who living out in valenica.




Thank Dave I thought i had posted it on this forum.The weather here is back to sunny dry normal

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We are going to stay with son at the end of October. He says the Imax theatre in Valencia is flooded and the projecter is under water... Something less for us to see. I guess the river is trying to get back into the bed it started off in!

As for the lunch trip to Calpe, think that's been put on hold for a while, looks like the fish have taken themselves to the restaurants!

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The Valencia Imax is probably an Omnidome and if it was yet to open the projector would be at the projection room floor level as it has to be for threading of film. The projection room may well be below ground level.

When a film is being screened in a dome cinema the projector is run 40 feet vertically up a track so that it coinsides with the middle of the screen.

If anyone is interested in IMAX or any other form of film presentation I suggest a visit to Futuroscope near Poitiers in France. A good day out.

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