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Saying hi! A newbie to motorhoming


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Hello all from sunny Spain. We have just bought our first motorhome, Rollerteam Maxi 7 and really love it. We drove it back from the UK last week to our home here the South of Spain (its LHD) only to find the law changed 3 days after we bought it, and we are no longer able to re-register it here and will therefore be driving it illegally in three months time. To say we are gutted is an understatement.


I guess we will have to sell it here, or drive it back to the UK to sell it and buy a new one (this one is only four months old) registered for Spain.


Apologies if I am posting this in the wrong place, but only just worked out how to send a message - I will get it together in the end.


Hope you are all having a good Sunday.




Tara B-)

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Hi! Welcome to the world of motorhoming and to this forum. We're old hands at camper-vanning but very new to this forum. Sorry to hear that you may have to sell your new van. this forum has so many experts who contribute that possibly one of them may be able to suggest a solution to your problem. Hope so. Lucky you to be living in Spain. It's something we have thought about for the future, maybe buying a residential van in Spain and keeping something in UK, ( just in case!). Anyway next week we're off to El Campello near Alicante (flying) hope the weather has improved since last week.

cheers ike

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tar23 - 2007-10-21 1:16 PM


Hello all from sunny Spain. We have just bought our first motorhome, Rollerteam Maxi 7 and really love it. We drove it back from the UK last week to our home here the South of Spain (its LHD) only to find the law changed 3 days after we bought it, and we are no longer able to re-register it here




Tara B-)


Not sure where you got this info from I have just imported mine (at a cost )Pm me with more details ie who told you that you cant import it,I know a man who can.

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Hi Ike, and thanks for your welcome.


Don't know what the weather is doing in Alicante, but its gorgeous here!


There is certainly a wealth of info to be found here, and have spent a very lazy day stuck in front of the computer screen reading most of it!


Have a good time in Spain


Tara :-D

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We are officially Spanish residents (we have been here for over four years) and live here all year round. We filled in the permanent export part of the log book when we took possession of it last week and sent it immediately to the DVLA in Swansea (I will call them tomorrow to tell them to hold off for now).


As a Spanish resident, you can only drive a UK reg vehicle for a very limited time here in Spain before re-matriculating. Now the law has changed (only a few days ago) re-matriculating is no longer an option. The problem is insurance, we don't live in the UK so cant have UK insurance, and can't register it in Spain and as residents can't drive a UK vehicle, therefore not able to insure it here! A bit of a minefield!

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You can register a Motorhome in Spain but it must be LHD you have to pay 12% import tax based on purchase invoice plus approx 1700e for matriculation.I am in the process of registering my second one and I used the agent shown below they know all the angles.

A temporary plate can be issued very quickly that enables you to insure the vehicle but it will take 4/6 months for your full plate to come through.

Colin Frier




Car Registration


AV. Las Medranas, s/n 29670 – San Pedro - Marbella


Tel.: 34 952.799.204


Fax.: 34 952.799.170


Mobil: 34 670 878 838


Mobil: 34 609 032 701


Web: www.carregistrationspain.com


E-Mail: elias@marbeauto.com



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This is what we have been told too! It was fine until recently (so long as LHD), but the law has changed in the last few weeks.


Ours is only 4 months old, and we have a COC from the manufacturer so our agent thinks we should be okay.


In the meantime, hoping to get a few days temp insurance until we can get it tested and green plated, as Fully Comp on English plates is a ridiculous price (Abbeygate are the best and thats over a thousand euros), and hopefully if we receive the V5C from the DVLA in the next few days, we should be able to get the process underway.......


I appreciate you going to the effort to find out this info Colin, thanks very much indeed.



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