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House Security When Away


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Following on from the 'Leaving the House in Winter' post. How do others attempt to make the house look occupied whilst away - especially for extended periods in the winter? We:

*draw the curtains in the room that's usually occupied in the evening.

*fit a timed light in that room and one other (with the curtains half drawn in this second room).

*have a radio on a timer set to come on (loud) early evening till about 0100hrs.

We tell our immediate neigbours that we are away but as they are elderly would not want to burden them with entering the house every day.

We do not have a second vehicle to leave on the drive.

Regards Cattwg :-) ;-)

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I'm afraid even leaving a vehicle at home is a risk. We're lucky my sister and her hubby live just around the corner and come twice a day when we're away to feed our cat. Last weekend, brother-in-law happened to arrive in the early evening just in time to find 2 youths lurking around my car. As soon as they saw him they scarpered in their own car, so obviously up to no good.


We also have a light on timer and your idea of the radio is good, I must get another timing device.

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Do not like the idea of drawing the curtains as they remain drawn during the day and that point gets noticed. Yes, lights on timer in lounge until circa your normal bed time then same thing in bedroom for, say, 30 minutes. That gives impression you are behaving normally. Also radio coming on during your normal evening time in lounge is good thinking. Most important, cancel papers, milk if you still have home delivery and ask your postman to ensure mail pushed right through letterbox. Also, if you have a full or partial glazed front door make sure you restrict vision though it by means of curtain or similar so post on hall floor is out of vision.


Have a good holiday, regards, Mike

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You could, and I hope you still can, have your mail held at your local delivery office. This will then be delivered at a date of your choice. This is of use to those folk who are not lucky to have someone calling in regularly. Of course it wont stop the takeaway etc ads but it's better than nothing in my view. The charge was about £5 the last time I used it but surely it will have gone up by now :-(



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I use an automatic motorised curtain track which closes the front curtains in the evening. The interior light then comes on in that room and goes off later. Curtain automatically opens in the morning. This works 365 days a year even when I'm at home or out late shopping


Also use a neighbour to come in and feed my two cats.


These automatic curtain tracks have now become silly money but it is something to consider.

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We have an alarm which is left on and have very good neighbours who walk past our house at least 4 times a day with their dogs. One comes in and moves the post and checks everything is O.K. We leave two small lights on in the hall and landing. We never draw the curtains as they are shut during the day aswell. Our car is also on the drive.

You can't beat good neighbours! Trouble is if someone is determind they will have a go.

A missing caravan or MH is a dead giveaway which is one of the reasons we don't keep it at home.

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I worked on the knocker for a year and believe me I have seen all the attempts to make a house look lived in and they never fool anyone who goes round a lot. They all feel wrong when you approach and the obvious is never thought of and that is you ring the bell or knock on the door. Enough said? I used to always go off for 7 months and the only way to really be safe is metal gates outside the front and back entrances and sliding grilles fitted into the window reveals and over the doors as well.I also have one over the back door which we exit from and this has proved good even when 9 houses were burgled in the vicinity.
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At the end of the day no matter what you do if a villain wants to get it he will. Look at H.M.T.Q. several years back. Woke up to find Michael Fagin sitting on her bed!. Mind you, if the R.A.F. had been providing the guard at that time ..... well, who knows??!!


The important thing is for YOU to do what will give you 'peace of mind' whilst you are away, without the need to turn your home into a 'fortress'. When I first joined 'the Job'in 1976 we were given a list of all unoccupied private dwelling on out patch each week and were under instruction to ensure that we visited them at least once a week. The visits were recorded on the 'void house' form the occupier filled in to tell us they were away. Althought Gt. Yarmouth is not a small town we did not find the task impossible along with carrying out our other duties.


Regards Mike

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Yes Dave, that was our situation with our son but he's getting married soon so the house will be unoccupied.

(I have checked the insurance for the unoccupied number of days covered).


Thanks for the replies folks. I just wondered if there was anything I had overlooked or if someone had a really good idea that I had not thought of.

I am not really worried - we just take all reasonable precautions and then go and enjoy ourselves.

Regards Cattwg :-)

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