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is this acceptable


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pity you couldn't've followed them home, and returned the compliment >:-) on their drive


any one ever read Bill Bryson, I love the way he mentally takes his revenge on such types - ray gun to zap 'em out of existence, drop a ton of concrete on them from a great height -

if only :->



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Guest Tracker

What a sad and offensive little Teddy Bear you seem to be Rupert?


To spend so much time seeking out previous threads on unrelated topics from just the one (or is it two?) contributor(s) and then to conveniently use the bits that you feel will elicit an offensive reply to your vindictive posting shows a total disregard for the principals of this forum and an attempt to degrade it to the days of insult and antagonism.


Are you really naive enough to believe all you read on here without taking it with a pinch of salt, a smile and a chuckle - or are you just looking to make mischief?


Life is too short for grudges so I bear you no malice for the unprovoked attack.


Now why not put the past behind you and let peace prevail?





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Tracker - 2007-10-25 12:08 PM



Are you really naive enough to believe all you read on here without taking it with a pinch of salt, a smile and a chuckle - or are you just looking to make mischief?





I am now confused - what is your position on this thread, Tracker?

Are you for dumping grey water straight on the environment, or agin it?


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Guest Tracker
robin - 2007-10-25 12:21

I am now confused - what is your position on this thread, Tracker?

Are you for dumping grey water straight on the environment, or agin it?


The thing is Robin that whatever I say now someone will jump on as either unacceptable or contradictory, not that it bothers me a lot, but I do wonder why you feel the need to enquire?


My policy is and always has been to dump waste water where it causes no one any nuisance or inconvenience.


If on site I use the facility when provided. If no dump station is available and we are not moving for a day or two I am not averse to letting clean grey water out of the tank onto the grass as a last resort if the tank is full.


Surely this is no different to using similar water at home to water the garden in times of drought?


As we tend to remove food waste and grease from plates and pans before washing up to help keep the tank smelling sweet there are not any lumps in our grey water.


On inspection the following morning I have never seen any residue or evidence on the grass.


When camping off site we find a roadside or supermarket drain to use, and under no circumstances will we ever dump water on a non absorbent surface or drive along with water trailing.


I pride myself on camping responsibly where ever we may be and on or off site does not change my policy.


Leave only tyre tracks and take only memories.

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Tracker - 2007-10-25 1:09 PM


Surely this is no different to using similar water at home to water the garden in times of drought?



That would be your garden would it? I don't think anyone would have an issue with you dumping water on your own garden, but of course this isn't your is it, it's someones living, someones property. Do you inform the site owners that you will be dumping on their property? I'd love to know their responses.



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Tracker - 2007-10-25 12:08 PM What a sad and offensive little Teddy Bear you seem to be Rupert? To spend so much time seeking out previous threads on unrelated topics from just the one (or is it two?) contributor(s) and then to conveniently use the bits that you feel will elicit an offensive reply to your vindictive posting shows a total disregard for the principals of this forum and an attempt to degrade it to the days of insult and antagonism. Are you really naive enough to believe all you read on here without taking it with a pinch of salt, a smile and a chuckle - or are you just looking to make mischief? Life is too short for grudges so I bear you no malice for the unprovoked attack. Now why not put the past behind you and let peace prevail?

What a masterly response! Turning the fault on to me without answering a single question or criticism of my points.

Reading then between the lines, you appear to be saying that you did lie and that you haven't actually seen hordes of motorhomes driving off CC and C &CC sites whilst discharging grey water and that you have only posted this to elicit a response, which you think is all just good fun?

If this forum and the principles that you talk about (I'm sure that you don't actually mean the 'principals') are happy with people who behave like this then it isn't for me I'm afraid. On other forums such attempts to stir up trouble would see you banned within minutes.

So it's goodbye. I hope that the half a dozen or so who dominate at least one section of this forum and who seem totally happy to let such behaviour pass without comment, may one day realise why its membership is so low.

Off to MHF!

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catinou - 2007-10-25 2:16 PM


Did I miss something? I don't find anything offensive in this thread at all - I've read it twice but ..... *-)



I guess you'll just have to accept that you're too old for such things :D :D

they normally only come out to play in Chatterbox, but perhaps the subject matter has appealed.

Back OT - too many people have little or no idea of what constitutes appropriate behaviour, in virtual time or real life. What is perhaps even sadder - they see nothing wrong when someone points out that their action is ill-considered - and quite often become abusive.




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twooks - 2007-10-25 2:51 PM


catinou - 2007-10-25 2:16 PM


Did I miss something? I don't find anything offensive in this thread at all - I've read it twice but ..... *-)



I guess you'll just have to accept that you're too old for such things :D :D

they normally only come out to play in Chatterbox, but perhaps the subject matter has appealed.

Back OT - too many people have little or no idea of what constitutes appropriate behaviour, in virtual time or real life. What is perhaps even sadder - they see nothing wrong when someone points out that their action is ill-considered - and quite often become abusive.





Well said Twooks!, and so the slide continues.....

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Guest Tracker

Thank you Rupert for your kind considered and irrational response rant.


I do not feel the need to justify myself to you and as long as you have left the site as you promised whatever I say will go unread by you.


Unless of course you were telling porkies?

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Guest Tracker

Take the dog for a late evening walk in the dark on many sites and one thing you may well see and hear is a furtive figure or two and the sound of gently running water as taps are turned and water spread.


Another stunt beloved by some is to have a long tube attached to the open waste tap leading and draining away from, or under the unit.


The other well favoured stunt is to have waste container with a small hole in or close to the bottom so that it never fills but always looks like it is in use.

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Rayjsj - 2007-10-24 9:59 PM


peter - 2007-10-24 9:51 PM


Always do it. What's the problem? It's no different to dumping your washing up water on your garden. But I usually wait until there is some pompous looking person looking before I open the valve. Prefererably at a picnic site.



Well Peter, you are either joking or the sort of person that height barriers are erected against. Washing up water usually contains bits of uneaten food (sweetcorn etc.,) plus washing up liquid. This may be alright on a dried out vegtable patch but very nasty on a picnic site.

Why? You are beng environmentally friendly. Watering the site and feeding the wildlife as well.
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RupertGS - 2007-10-25 10:23 AM
Tracker - 2007-10-24 3:26 PM No matter whether it is clean or grey water the onlooker knows no different and you only have to follow any number of vans off of a CC or CCC site to experience the same familiar water trail. Whatever must the local residents think of Motor homers - all they do is make us all look more akin to gypos than responsible campers. I let my waste water out on site after dark when no one is looking and it just soaks away quietly into the grass and no one is any the wiser!

I am extremely confused by some of the statements that you make. From what I can gather and with the help of the 'Search' facility I know that you continually boast that you never spend money on campsites, always finding somewhere to ferret yourself away where you don't have to pay. This obsession even seems to extend to you being so anti-camp sites that you are prepared to go for some weeks without having a single shower, a situation which for some time resulted in you being labled as 'Pongo'.

So, having established that, how do you know about all of these motorhomers dashing off CC and C & CC sites with their water tank valves undone? Do you hide outside these sites waiting and watching for the culprits? But this of course begs the question - why would they do this anyway on these sites when they have waste-water disposal facilities? It really does seem most odd!

Surely the people most likely to be discharging their waste unhygienically are the ones squirrelling their 'vans away in lay-bys so as to avoid site fees?

However, as a long term user of such sites I have never ever witnessed one such incident and I am genuinely puzzled as to how you claim to have witnessed many?

And just in case you now wish to qualify your statement by saying "Ah yes, but this was several years ago when I did use sites" I would like to ask other forum members to inform us how many such incidents they have also seen on these sites. It will be interesting if it turns out that you are the only one!

My only real contact with you was some weeks ago when you made a presposterous and untrue comment about how all modern manufacturing is cutting quality to make a little more profit. On that occasion you ended up with enough egg on your face to feed breakfast to the inhabitants of a large CC site.

Perhaps once again someone should be sending you a wet flannel to wipe the afore-mentioned mug?

Or could it be that none of this is even true and that your real intention is to stir up a little more dissent?

I wondered about that as well Rupert, but ignored it. As this person is well known to start typing wihout first engaging his/her brain.
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I have been accused of being pompous but whether I am or not I would NEVER drain my waste water onto a pitch or picnic site. If you cannot use a M.S.P. then, like your litter, 'take it home'. Whenever we go out just for the day, on holiday or not the 'grey' is always brought back home. What ever would 'other people' think about M'homers if we all dumped water 'willy-nilly'!!!!


Regards Mike.

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twooks - 2007-10-25 2:51 PM


catinou - 2007-10-25 2:16 PM


Did I miss something? I don't find anything offensive in this thread at all - I've read it twice but ..... *-)



I guess you'll just have to accept that you're too old for such things :D :D

they normally only come out to play in Chatterbox, but perhaps the subject matter has appealed.

Back OT - too many people have little or no idea of what constitutes appropriate behaviour, in virtual time or real life. What is perhaps even sadder - they see nothing wrong when someone points out that their action is ill-considered - and quite often become abusive.




Please don't speak about Richard like that Twooks. You know how sensitive he is. :->
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we were on a site in normandy last summer for three nights and a french tugger on the next pitch just let his waste water run onto the grass next to his wheel he did this for three days on the last night it also rained heavily. when he came to leave the pitch to move on as soon as he raised the leveling corner jacks the wheel next to the waste outlet sank up to the axle. unfortunately for him he had to turn the van aruond 45 degrees to hitch it up so he could not tow it out what followed was the best 2 1/2 hours entertainment we had all week i suddenly developed a bad back so could not help and a dutch guy opposite just sat and video d the best bits
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We were sited at Cochem, Germany, this year and getting a few nasty smells from time to time. It didn't take long to work out that this was coming from waste water being dumped by a German van on the next pitch. Trying to be diplomatic I mentioned the smell, but not the source, to the owners and asked if they might have a leak. The reply was that the smell was coming from the Mosel!


The next day things were the same so I mentioned to next door that things had not changed, it must be the drains, and I was going to complain at the office when we returned from a day out. When we did get back we found that our smelly neighbours had moved pitch and were now situated just a few yards from the toilet. Obviously, they were just to lazy to take their van, or a bucket, to the disposal point before. Later in the week I did let them know that the smell had gone - I think (hope) that they got the point.


Why people want to live like this, let alone inflict their dirty habits on others, completely escapes me.

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You do get some pompous nonsense on this site.


As far as I am concerned, slowly releasing waste water on the road is acceptable and harmless. It can even be argued that it is more environmentally friendly than pouring it down a foul drain where energy is expended at the sewerage plant treating water that is not necessary.


Yes it would be problem if the entire population did it, but they don't.


As for reporting to wardens, suspending membership etc. Perleease! It just goes to show how little people have to worry about in their mundane lives.


I am always bemused by the fact that on a campsite it is acceptable for a tent camper to ditch the washing up bowl in the hedge.

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livewire - 2007-10-28 9:57 AM


You do get some pompous nonsense on this site.


As far as I am concerned, slowly releasing waste water on the road is acceptable and harmless. It can even be argued that it is more environmentally friendly than pouring it down a foul drain where energy is expended at the sewerage plant treating water that is not necessary.


Yes it would be problem if the entire population did it, but they don't.


As for reporting to wardens, suspending membership etc. Perleease! It just goes to show how little people have to worry about in their mundane lives.


I am always bemused by the fact that on a campsite it is acceptable for a tent camper to ditch the washing up bowl in the hedge.


My waste water is pretty horrible containing as it does bits of my morning porridge oats, vegetable matter and washing up liquid. I would not like to see this sort of stuff dumped outside my house I'm afraid.


I would have thought that the hedge example was pretty obvious. Pouring waste water onto the base of a hedge will do it good as the biological matter will quickly break down and feed the plants. This used to be encouraged in my early days of camping as it actually helped the hedges to thrive.


Are we also supposed to concede that something which is fairly obviously anti-social is acceptable because only a small percentage of the population does it?

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Babies and young children play on grass pitches don't they? Presumably after some people have just dumped their waste water before vacating the same pitch. Waste water contains rotting matter, grease, and god knows what else. With views on hygiene like this it's easy to see why the country is plaqued by MRSA. It's not on.
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