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is this acceptable


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bigal55 - 2007-10-29 11:29 PM


blimey, considering this is about water it,s heated, is it ok to pee on your wheels to cool the brakes down >:-)


Thanks for the offer Al but there are plenty of dogs available to provide the free wheel flavouring service!


A squirt of dilute Jeyes fluid (on the wheel - not the dog) is great for discouraging them!

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As a late starter on this, the main problem for most posters' seems to have been that everyone has a slightly different image in mind.

So, what is in this grey waste? 

If you prepare food and wash up in the van, it will contain food waste.  Should that waste be dumped anywhere other than a dump station? I would say no.   

If all you do is wash your face and clean your teeth, and maybe drain off a bit of vegetable cooking water, it is probably reasonable to drain it to a normal roadside drain.

Should you drain any grey water onto a campsite pitch?  I'd say no.  Simple reason: the next occupant may be a tenter, and may unwittingly erect his tent on your soggy patch.

Drain it onto a hardstanding?  Well. if it is clean water, maybe if it is the only alternative.  However, the previous occupant of the hardstanding we occupied a few weeks back clearly hadn't drained clean water, and it stank.  So I don't favour that either.

However, despite all that, I just have this nagging little problem with nearly all those who have answered in favour of dumping their grey waste into the environment at large.  Motorhomes have waste holding tanks that mostly to have quite generous capacity.  If you take your grey waste with you when you leave, and drain it whenever you come upon a proper dump station, there is surely no need to "wild dump" on roads, or anywhere else.  My problem, therefore, is all the justifications for so doing sound to me very much like sheer laziness, rather than reasonable justifications.  What really is the problem with driving off with grey water in the waste tank, and then disposing of it properly and responsibly?

Final point.  Surely the perception of what is being dumped is as important as the reality?  To non-motorhomers, that trickle of "water" is as likely to be percieved as coming from the toilet, as from a tank of almost clear but slightly soapy water.  They will register the motorhome well enough though, even of they wrongly identify the nature of the waste.  Surely that is important?  If we don't like height barriers, and "No Motorhomes" parking restrictions, isn't it wiser to ensure we dump our waste where it belongs, rather than allow misunderstanding to feed the prejudice that calls for them?  Enlightened self interest in preference to selfishness?

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Well said Brian, especially the part about the perception. That is why we have installed an electric valve that is controlled by the driver. In this way we are able to drain our grey waste only when other folk can't see and therefore jump to the wrong conclusion.


Our grey waste is usually pretty clean and we often dump it right on our own driveway at home. After it's dried out there is no evidence that it was there at all. For this reason I am prepared to dump onto the road when we are "alone" - it's so easy and we eliminate the potential for wrong perception. If you do it the right way you don't even leave evidence of a big puddle (again the problem of perception).


A few months ago we were behind a national Express coach, which suddenly drained a huge amount of liquid into the road. I've often wondered what it was. There's that perception again!




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Ivys - 2007-11-02 8:09 AM


Our grey waste is usually pretty clean and we often dump it right on our own driveway at home. After it's dried out there is no evidence that it was there at all.



That's where most of ours ends up too with the same result.

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Well said Brian!

We carry a tank to empty ours into and take it to a dump. I also have a waste pipe that connects to the dump tap so that we can empty it at home down a drain before we take it to storage.

It is people who dump anywhere that get us all a bad name.

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and I suppose all those in favour will want the Toilet tank disposal system in April's MMM then ?

That would really give M/H'ers a bad name.


The residue from soap products are some of the worst pollutants to break down, therefore correct disposal of grey waste should be the only method used.

IMHO No excuses should be acceptable.

Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

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Miami - 2007-11-02 11:21 AM


It is people who have a dump anywhere that get us all a bad name.

Now that is really inconsiderate. Someone might inadvertantly tread in it and take it back to their van or home and make a stinking mess of the carpet. Appart from the unsightly spectacle of someone mooning in public. :D
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many moons ago I used to be a motorcyclist and i well remember a 'gentleman' driving a car in front of me tossing away his lighted cigarette straight into the open neck of my Barbour jacket.... Boy was i mad !!!

How do you think the occupants of that lovely cabriolet (with the top down) will feel when they draw up behind the M/home who has decided to 'leave his waste tank to drain on the way home' and get his last nights washing up water gently 'Baptising' them????? Mad !! I suspect.

Please,Please don't do it. I want this country to get MORE tolerant of M/Homes not LESS. :D

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