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A cautionary tale


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GJH - 2007-10-25 12:02 PM


twooks - 2007-10-25 11:33 AM


It's amazing how many drivers suddenly find the accelerator pedal as you overtake, a particularly good manoeuvre - where the pedal is some how rigged to the steering wheel so that when they finally pull left after blocking the overtaking lane at 2 mph faster than the inside lane - they suddenly shoot off at an increase of anything up to 20mph.

The ones that always amaze me are the people frightened of lane 3. Last week (in the car as it happens) on the M1 I was in lane 2, driving at 70 mph and overtaking a slower vehicle in lane 1 whilst lane 3 was empty. A vehicle came right up behind me, tailgating, until I completed my overtaking and moved into lane 1 again - and then the driver put her foot down and sped off into the distance.




Yup, then there's the ones who come screaming up to your rear bumper and slam on the brakes then notice there's still another lane to play in so pull out and overtake you before pulling back in infront and slowing down to less than you're travelling at. What's that all about then?



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Yup, then there's the ones who come screaming up to your rear bumper and slam on the brakes then notice there's still another lane to play in so pull out and overtake you before pulling back in infront and slowing down to less than you're travelling at. What's that all about then?



It's the "because I can do it" brigade.

On sunday we travelled down to the NEC show and we had a people carrier overtake us quite slowly, looking at the van. It then slowed right down which invited me to overtake it.

As I did so, I saw everybody looking at the nearside of the van. It then flashed me in - nice of them as we have a solid rear wall . I watched them in my reversing camera & they were only a few feet away & followed me for at least a couple of miles.

Then they slowly overtook me, again looking at the van and pointing to things. Maybe trying to work out the garage doors, thetford door, habitat door, gas locker and awning.!!

Me confused!!(!)(!) What, never seen a van before, I know it's an unusual colour BUTTT!!!


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I actually think its the " I haven't got the brain power to drive any better than this" brigade Thai. I've been driving legally for 28 years now and I reckon I've clocked up around three quarters of a million miles in that time driving everything from a moped to a 7.5 Tonne truck and trailer outfit and I reckon I've seen just about all the stupid tricks people can do behind the wheel. for some people getting behind the wheel seems to be a case of "how stupid can I be today?".



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Quite agree with you on this.

Back to your original statement on this thread.

Many many moons ago at a roundabout I got carved up by a "person" who I almost shunted into the oncoming traffic coming round the roudabout.

Don't know who was more frightened. Me - for almost causing a nasty accident - or her for carving me up. When I hopped out, all she could say was that she had'nt seen me.

Fair enough I suppose, but what was it about me she couldn't see I wonder.??

Was it the Big white tractor unit,the 40ft trailer, or the bright yellow tarpaulene she was having difficulty in seeing. Or was it because my Buddhist aura had hidden me from her view???

By the way if you've been driving legally for 28 years, how have you been driving the rest of the time??:D:D


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I thought the middle lane thing was because they're actually driving in tram lines and are permanently stuck there - until just seconds before their junction comes up - when they execute a brilliant 90 degree turn >:-)


of course - like everyone else on here - I'm an absolutely brilliant and thoughtful and ever aware driver - :D :D :D :D :D :D




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"By the way if you've been driving legally for 28 years, how have you been driving the rest of the time??icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif"


Well illegally of course Thai (lol) (lol) . No actually what I meant (and I suspect you know this already) is that I passed my driving test 28 years ago, well it will be 29 years in January. I took my test in a snow storm. the hill start was fun on a steep hill covered in black ice and an inch of snow in a mini. Tried several times unsuccessfully, just no traction to be had going forwards so I asked if it stated anywhere that I couldn't do it in reverse. I then excecuted a perfect three point turn and did the hill start backwards. I passed first time ;-) .


Of course I'm the best driver I know :-D



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Dave Newell - 2007-10-25 1:42 PM


I actually think its the " I haven't got the brain power to drive any better than this" brigade Thai.

I think that's a bit of an overstatement Dave - assumes that these people have a brain in the first place (lol)


We've just been down the A19 to Northallerton and the police were mounting a regular speed check with vehicles positioned on one of the bridges, with patrol cars strategically placed to pull any offenders. The vast majority of people were doing no more than 70 mph so I was pretty amused the way that most slowed down to about 60 as soon as they saw the police vehicles. Makes you wonder if they actually know the limit for a dual carriageway :D



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twooks - 2007-10-26 12:10 PM


hope that's not a mistype Dave :D :D :D :D

I've never ever pulled in front of Bob and stopped,

honest - it wasn't me, no where near him - honest - cross my heart

>:-) >:-) >:-) >:-) >:-) >:-) >:-)





No Jacks ,there's no connection between Twooks and Twonks that I'm aware of ;-)



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