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Save £200 on LCD DVD TV


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Just bought and tested the PROLINE LVD1580WD link http://tinyurl.com/32866g price £199, against the Avtex W152D link http://tinyurl.com/2m35bu price £399 and found the Proline good in all respects. Both TV's have built in dual tuners for analog and digital terrestial reception, also built in DVD.


I would recommend runing the Proline from a stabilized power supply as in link http://tinyurl.com/2qf7j4 . The Proline does not have a card reader, but the built in DVD reads CD/R and CD/RW as well as playing MP3, VCD and PhotoDisks etc..


PS - Also has PAL/SECAM/NTSC video and B/G,D/K,I,L/L sound, so TV should work in Europe, France anyway as they use SECAM. Terrestial Radio is receivable using the Digital Tuner. If you are using a satellite receiver through the analogue TV RF input (like the pace javelin 1000 sat receiver), this will still work, and if you are using a scart socket - this is provided too.


Regards Terry

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Guest JudgeMental


Hi Terry,


I am in the market for something like this, was impressed with Micheles Avtex when i had a look last weekend in Brugge. had a look in Dixons in Croydon and liked the look of a "Polaroid" badged set at £200. it was a neat size and good picture compared to the rest in store - and they had a few on show but no DVD though.


is this one "region free" on the DVD? and picture quality is it good?


regards Eddie

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Hi Eddie,


Picture quality is v.good equal to the Avtex anyway, the setting up firmware is very similar too. I am not sure if the DVD is multi region though, will have to wait until my son comes back from shopping, he has some naughty video's which are other regions - I will soon report if they don't work...... otherwise I might be some time getting back to you!! 8-)


Regards Terry

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Guest JudgeMental

WHAT! in your condition! *-)


will order one now - or else they will be gone...


thanks Terry


PS yep you guessed it "out of stock in your area" *-)


update: have managed to reserve one for in store pick up.

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Hi Terry thanks for the tip.


I've also had a look at the Avtex W152D following the ad. in this month's CC mag. Thing is I'm looking to mount a flat screen TV under a locker that will take the Avtex model but I'm not sure the Proline would fit. According to your link its a hefty 16.5cm thick (the Avtex is only 8) and there's no details as to whether the stand can be be removed and the unit installed using a filp down ceiling bracket. In the interest of saving me £200 can you clarify please?



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Hi Eddie,


Comets also have a deal on the Proline 19" widescreen at £249, specs are much the same as te 15" TV and I can confirm that the power adaptor uses 3.5mm 12volt out to the TV.


I do stress though you ought to use a stabilised power supply or their own adaptor and a 12volt/240v inverter. The power adaptor supplied will run off 100-240vac at 1.5 amps to 12volts 4amp output, I fully expect the 12 volts input will use only 2.5 to 3.5 amps, well under the rated output of the supplied adaptor.


Regards Terry

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Hi Vernon,


I can verify the stand can be removed by unscrewing two screws and a standard four screw fixing can be mounted on the rear of the TV. The TV is not supplied with a hanging bracket but is implied that a universal bracket can be used.


Agreed it is deeper than the Avtex TV but that dosen't worry me. I do like to buy from the national retailers, as if there is a problem you can just take it to the shop and change it so easily in the first year anyway, also if Mr Nick pays a visit you only lose £200 rather than £400.

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I can confrim Terry's findings on this TV unit as a customer came in with one the other day. She'd just bought it from Comet and was unsure how to set it up. Quick run through the setup procedure with her and all is well. Really good picture with an excellent vieiwng angle range both horizontally and vertically. I bought a similar set recently (although a lot cheaper) and while the picture quality is excellent the viewing angle range is nowhere near as good, especially vertically. I only bought ours for the bedroom at home and it is only analogue but I use a freeview box with it. We still use the laptop for TV in the 'van.



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Hi Terry - was p'ing down this morning so off I went to Comet. The Proline is a very nice looking unit and the dimensions given are a bit misleading because I recon' the width stated is across the width of the base support. Take that off and its no thicker that the Avtex.


Anyway, and as something of a surprise, one of the sales assistants asked if a needed any help. I told him I was interested in mounting the unit under a locker and did they have such a bracket. His response - well yes but a LCD monitor shouldn't be stored face down because it can damage the colour system. I wasn't aware of this so any comments? I'll probably contact Proline directly for a comment unless you can help.



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Hi Vernon, I've never heard such a comment and I can't for the life of me imagine why storing an LCD TV face down (but not supported on its screen of course) would have any ill effects what so ever. I suppose transporting one supported on its screen wouldn't do it any good but that's not what you're proposing. This is only my opinion but I'd say your Comet chap was talking out of his bumhole 8-) .



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Guest JudgeMental


got one this afternoon and it seems fine. i am sure there must be a keyboard hack to turn DVD region free, will get my teenage son on the case :-D


it does play white label disks perfectly though *-)


now, I need a bracket to place on side of cabinet, that allows TV to be stowed away flat and swung out to watch, But for obvious reasons it must be able to lock into either position......


any ideas *-)

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Eddie I have a lock on mine that stops it towing and frowing during transit .

Its called a tescos carrier bag works a treat ;-)

Actually thats one thing we never bought never even gave it a thought until it slammed into the microwave a few times the bag works well its over the arm stopping it swinging.

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Guest JudgeMental


OK, I can imagine securing it away with a bungy or whatever. but locking version would be better, as it would allow it to be locked in the out position for kids to watch DVD's on route...


Did you miss me when I left Brugge lol *-)

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My kids can watch it in transit I just swivel the screen and not the arm whilst keeping the arm secured with the bag .

Mind you we dont make a habit of it whilst on the move prefering to get them to look up now and again and take in the sights. This is in between playstations and gameboys it never works .


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Hi Vernon and Eddie,


I have sometimes left my old 15"LCD TV face down on the sofa whilst travelling with no problems, my LCD laptop also travels in the closed and open position on the dashboard, when we used Autoroute as sat nav, never a problem, so concur with Dave N's comments.


As Dave mentions the screen can be damaged by rough handling and hard knocks, normal sensible precautions will avoid damage. There are plenty of laptop cases around, one might accomodate the TV, otherwise http://www.bags4everything.co.uk/ will help.


Pleased you you are both happy with your purchases, it may be a good idea to use it as much as possible at home to give it a good soak test, before consigning it to the MH or spare room, perhaps unused for the winter time.


Regards Terry



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Having worked for the retail group which sells Proline as its 'own label', I strongly advise keeping your receipt!

On the whole, the Proline range represents good value for money, but whilst the price is low, the returns rate on faulty items is high.

Not everything will knacker out, but you can bet your life it'll happen if you don't retain some sort of proof of purchase!


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Sounds a good deal to me...  and for saving £200 on the default Avtex,  I think it's worth the risk of breaking down.  Bit concerned about the comments that it's 16.5cms thick compared to the 8cm Avtex.  Is that correct?





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Hi Steve and Baz,


Steve as mentioned before by Vernon the depth of the Proline is infact 8cm the same as the Avtex, its the removable stand which is 16 cm wide.


Regarding the reliability, I have found as time goes by the mortality rate of i/c's and build quality has improved so much, that the company I worked for over 45 years, managed to cut its field service repair workforce from 350 to 26 service engineers!


Baz's recommendation is one I support regarding retaining all documentation - as you really never know about longevity until you have been there!


Regards Terry

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Well Terry


you've certainly done a job for Comet, these TV's are flying off the shelves in the West Midlands.


Best offer I've had, and turned down, is a display model without "remote or the instruction manual". (Can you believe they chuck these things away when they take them out of the box). No stock available on line in this region either. Expect to be told it's obsolete tomorrow.


PS Couldn't find a website for Proline to check on storing the monitor face down. But Avtex say they are unaware of any such problems with LCDs - so that's sorted.



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Guest JudgeMental
Bazhornet - 2007-10-28 11:26 PM

Having worked for the retail group which sells Proline as its 'own label', I strongly advise keeping your receipt!

On the whole, the Proline range represents good value for money, but whilst the price is low, the returns rate on faulty items is high.

Not everything will knacker out, but you can bet your life it'll happen if you don't retain some sort of proof of purchase!


Mmm... well if they are problematic in a home environment. how will they stand up to life on the road.....
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Guest JudgeMental


No, not yet. why?


I will get one, but no rush as will not be using in van till next year - but may use an inverter instead...


any one recommend a locking swing out bracket - suitable for motorhome use?

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